
  • 网络Henry Luce;Henry Rose;Henry Lucy;HenryRLuce
  1. 亨利·卢斯之中美相似论

    An Analysis on Henry Luce 's Idea of Sino-U.S. Similarity

  2. 亨利·卢斯、《时代》周刊与四十年代中美关系

    Henry Luce , time , and sino-u.s , relations in the 1940 's

  3. 而其中最重要的人物是蒲立特,此人曾任驻莫斯科和巴黎的大使,是共和党对外政策重要发言人,也是亨利·卢斯的至交。

    William C.Bullitt , former US ambassador to Moscow and Paris and an important foreign policy spokesman for the Republican party with whom Henry Luce was intimately associated .