
  • 网络Henry VI;King Henry VI;Henry VI of England
  1. 自英国国王亨利六世(HenryVI)在1449年授出史上第一份专利特许证以来,这个制度一直就是这样的。

    It has been that way since Henry VI awarded the first English letters patent in 1449 .

  2. 兰开斯特的爱德华(EdwardofLancaster)是英国国王亨利六世(HenryVI)和安茹的玛格丽特(MargaretofAnjou)的儿子。

    Edward of Lancaster was the son of King Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou .

  3. 十五世纪,当债务缠身的英国国王亨利六世(HenryVI)奋力拯救英格兰时,他的谋士们认为,炼金术(把铅变成黄金)可能是一个解决办法。

    When the indebted King Henry VI was struggling to hold England together in the 15th century , his advisers thought alchemy – turning lead into gold – might be a solution .

  4. “亨利六世”也是他打的基础。

    And my Henry VI was a house built on his foundations .

  5. 《亨利六世》对圣经意象的反讽

    Irony of Henry VI to the Images in the Bible

  6. 虔诚的英格兰及法兰西国王,亨利六世。

    Our serene and Christian king , Henry vi , king of England and france .

  7. 国王学院由亨利六世于1441年创立,是剑桥大学最古老的学院之一。

    King 's College was founded in 1441 by Henry VI. It is one of the oldest colleges in Cambridge .

  8. 英国国王亨利六世甚至对贵族和学者们说,炼金术是他们都应该掌握的宝贵知识。

    King Henry VI of England told his noblemen and scholars that alchemy was a valuable study that they should all learn .

  9. 它也是1430年英王亨利六世和其后苏格兰玛丽皇后加冕典礼举行的地方。

    It was the scene of the coronation of Henry VI of England in 1430 , and later , that of Mary , Queen of Scots .

  10. 在博斯特去世的那个时代,两便士几乎可以买到半头羊。在伊顿公学有一个传统可以追溯到亨利六世朝代,那就是住校生除了羊肉不供给其他的肉食。

    At the time of Bost 's death , tuppence bought nearly half a sheep , and it was an Eton tradition , dating back to the reign of Henry VI , that collegers were to be fed no meat except mutton .

  11. 1440年亨利国王六世在英格兰伯克郡依顿创建该男子中学。

    Eton College , founded by King Henry VI in1440 , is a private secondary school for boys in Eton , Berkshire , England .

  12. 结束(1485)罗斯战争的战役;理查德三世被杀亨利杜德被冠为亨利六世。

    The battle that ended the Wars of the Roses ( 1485 ); Richard III was killed and Henry Tudor was crowned as Henry VII .