
  • 网络HENDERSON;jordan henderson;Fritz Henderson;Gerald Henderson
  1. 亨德森记起他第一次见到波拉德是在一次去华盛顿出差的时候。

    Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington

  2. 亨德森听到这个消息一时目瞪口呆。

    Henderson was momentarily jolted by the news .

  3. 起初,这是一个谜:谁是夜晚闯入亨德森家中的不速之客?

    It began as a mystery – who was the nighttime intruder breaking into the Henderson family home ?

  4. 好在视频监控系统把它逮了个正着。亨德森一家也很快得到了答案,而且还是以面对面的形式。

    Fortunately , CCTV caught him in the act and they soon got the answer – nose to nose .

  5. 整合两家公司并非易事,但福米加驳斥了有关newstar与亨德森之间存在文化差异的说法。

    Integrating two companies is not an easy task but Mr Formica rebuts claims of cultural differences between new star and Henderson .

  6. 2005:控股公司更名为亨德森集团(hendersongroup)

    2005 : holding company renamed Henderson group .

  7. 下一阶段,将确立newstar和亨德森的基金品牌,决定哪些基金互相重叠并将其合并,哪些基金将继续作为独立的投资工具存在。

    The next stages will be branding the new star and Henderson funds and deciding which funds overlap , and will therefore be merged , and those that will remain separate vehicles .

  8. 亨德森将获得NewStar的企业家精神、活力和营销技巧,我们则能提供企业稳定、安全和审慎,他表示。

    Henderson can pick up some of New Star 's entrepreneurial drive , energy and marketing skills and in turn we offer elements of corporate stability , security and prudence , he adds .

  9. 最初NewStar的估值(对亨德森)并不合适,但一旦多家银行介入(通过债转股获得多数所有权)后,它的吸引力上升了,他表示。

    At first New Star 's valuation was not right [ for Henderson ] but once the banks stepped in [ taking majority ownership through a debt-for-equity swap ] it became more attractive , he says .

  10. 布朗大学的弗农•亨德森、亚当•斯德瑞亚德和大卫•威尔在一份新的工作报告中建议利用采自太空的数据来分析GDP的变化。

    In a new working paper , Vernon Henderson , Adam Storeygard and David Weil of Brown University suggest an alternative source of data : outer space .

  11. 我需要他护送亨德森和奥德莉回ctu。

    I want him to transfer Henderson and Audrey back to ctu .

  12. 亨德森全球投资公司(HendersonGlobalInvestors)的理查德•汤姆森(RichardThomson)表示:我们非常严肃地看待这一问题,并对德意志银行感到极其失望。

    We are treating this issue very seriously and are extremely disappointed with Deutsche Bank , Richard Thomson , of Henderson Global Investors , said .

  13. 亨德森原本计划通过有机增长的方式拓展英国零售业务,但“收购newstar能使我们加快计划进程,这是个不容错过的良机,”福米加补充道。

    Henderson had planned to develop its UK retail business through organic growth but " the new star opportunity enabled us to accelerate our plan and it was too good an opportunity to miss , " adds Mr Formica .

  14. 亨德森表示,已经有许多大公司有意收购ArxPax,不过他们还是决定自己保留公司控制权。

    Henderson says that Arx Pax has already entertained buyouts from larger companies , but chooses to remain in control .

  15. 我喜欢索尔·贝娄(SaulBellow)的《奥吉·马奇历险记》(TheAdventuresofAugieMarch),有人刚刚给了我一本《雨王亨德森》(HendersontheRainKing),所以接下来我可能读这本。

    I loved The Adventures of Augie March , by Saul Bellow , and someone just gave me Henderson the Rain King , so that may be up next .

  16. 希拉・巴杰(ShiraBadger)和查克・巴杰(ChuckBadger)来自内华达州亨德森(Henderson),两人都是35岁,都是按摩师,他们说,他们几乎没有两人同时出现的假日照。

    Shira and Chuck Badger , 35-year-old chiropractors from Henderson , Nev. , say they have few vacation pictures that show both of them .

  17. 亨德森成为新成立的英国控股公司HHG的一部分。HHG在伦敦和悉尼上市。

    Henderson became part of HHG , a new UK holding company listed on the London and Sydney Stock Exchanges .

  18. 未来几年,我们将越来越关注水资源这个企业风险问题,亨德森全球投资者公司(HendersonGlobalInvestors)社会责任投资基金主管尼克•罗宾斯(NickRobins)表示。

    Water as a business risk issue is something that we will be looking at more and more over the next few years , says Nick Robins , head of socially responsible investment funds at Henderson Global Investors .

  19. 受伤一年多后,离我18岁生日还有1个月的时候,我成了英国花式足球冠军(右图为本文口述者安德鲁•亨德森在展示他的花式足球技巧)。当时我还在学习高中A-level课程。

    Just over a year later , a month before my 18th birthday and in the middle of my A-levels , I became the UK freestyle football champion .

  20. 该公司首席执行官格雷格o亨德森介绍称,实现悬浮滑板的技术是一种全新的磁悬浮手段,ArxPax将其称作“磁场架构”,它将给许多领域带来革新。

    According to CEO Greg Henderson , the technology that makes the hoverboard possible - a new kind of magnetic levitation that Arx Pax labels Magnetic Field Architecture - has wide-ranging , transformative implications .

  21. 人们一般认为学者们总是表达对职业规划侵占学术教育的保留意见,但他们的疑问其实与布拉德·亨德森(BradHenderson)的意见并没有什么不同。34岁的亨德森是波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)的合伙人,他负责公司在中西部的招聘工作。

    Academics are expected to express reservations about the encroachment of career planning on intellectual development , but their doubts are not that different from those voiced by Brad Henderson , a 34-year-old partner at Boston Consulting Group , who is in charge of the firm 's Midwestern recruiting .

  22. 亨德森夫人在路过的时候总是向我招招手。

    Mrs. Henderson always waves to me when she passes by .

  23. 我带你把亨德森弄到个安全的地方。

    I 'll let you know where you can move henderson .

  24. 亨德森你干吗不把嘴闭上,韦斯?

    HENDERSON Why don 't you shut your mouth , Weiss ?

  25. 来到亨德森语言学校,就会改变你的一生。

    Come to the Henderson Language School and change your life .

  26. 亨德森语言学校实实在在帮助我学会了英语。

    The Henderson Language school has really helped me learn English .

  27. 亨德森如果发现警察来了。

    As soon as Henderson finds out the LAPD have arrived .

  28. 亨德森今天将与很强的对手同场竞技。

    Henderson will be competing against a very strong field today .

  29. 亨德森一家很少去教堂做礼拜,但他们笃信宗教。

    The Hendersons seldom go to church , but they believe .

  30. 喜欢跟佛罗伦斯·亨德森玩这些

    And he likes to do the stuff with Florence Henderson .