
  • 网络Henry II;Henry II of England;Henry II of France
  1. 1154年,亨利二世成为英格兰国王。

    In 1154 , Henry II became King of England .

  2. 亨利二世是第一位被承认为爱尔兰领主的国王。

    Henry II was the first king to be recognized as overlord of Ireland .

  3. 该章详细论述了亨利二世法律改革与令状的司法化。

    This chapter fully explains the legal reforms of Henry II .

  4. 自从亨利二世以来我们已经是考利爵士。

    We 've been at queen 's Crawley since Henry ii .

  5. 亨利二世对法院及法律进行改革的方式。

    The ways Henry II reform the courts and the law .

  6. 亨利二世采取了一些措施巩固君主制。

    Henry II took some measures to consolidate the monarchy .

  7. 亨利二世是金雀花王朝的第一位国王。

    Henry II was the first king of the House of Plantagenet .

  8. 亨利二世大大加强了王家法院,扩展了其司法工作的职权范围。

    King Henry II greatly strengthened the Court and extended its judicial work .

  9. 这座大教堂是亨利二世于1170年建造的。

    The abbey was founded by Henry II in1170 .

  10. 亨利二世巩固君主制的途径。

    The ways King Henry II consolidate the monarchy .

  11. 英国普通法的历史基础&亨利二世前英国法对普通法形成的影响

    The historical foundation of British Common Law

  12. 亨利二世国王和他的改革

    King Henry II and his reforms

  13. 我们是堂姐弟他的祖父曾是苏格兰国王,他的曾祖父是英格兰的亨利二世。

    We were cousinshis grandfather was King of Scots , and his great-grandfather was Henry VII of England .

  14. 亨利二世统治时期逐步建立起来了一部普通法,代替了原来庄园的一些惯例。

    In Henry II 's reign a common law was gradually established in place of the customs of the manor .

  15. 1120年,白色号船在英格兰海峡失事,溺死了英格兰亨利二世国王的儿子,威廉·阿德林。

    1120-Wreck of the White Ship in the English Channel , drowning William Adelin , son of Henry I of England .

  16. 这在某种程度上也并非诚心诚意,在亨利二世披上麻衣去忏悔之后,麻烦再度出现。

    This , too , was in some degree insincere , and trouble broke out afresh soon after Henry had donned sackcloth .

  17. 他还是个很重要的人物。我们是堂姐弟——他的祖父曾是苏格兰国王,他的曾祖父是英格兰的亨利二世。

    He was an important man , too.We were cousins - his grandfather was King of Scots , and his great-grandfather was Henry VII of England .

  18. 在爱德华一世统治时期,他首次以王室的名义挑起对威尔士和苏格兰的战争,并继承和拓展了自亨利二世以来英格兰在爱尔兰的统治。

    During the rule of Edward I , he launched several wars upon Wales and Scotland , carried out and developed the achievements in Ireland since Henry II .

  19. 他是亨利二世最小的儿子,曾密谋反对其父及其兄理查一世。

    The youngest son of Henry II , he schemed against his father and his brother Richard I.During his reign , the English lost most of their possessions in France .

  20. 虽然牛津大学并没有官方建校日期,但是从1167年亨利二世禁止英国学生在巴黎大学就读开始,这个学校就开始迅速发展。

    Although there is no known official date of foundation for the University , it grew rapidly from 1167 when King Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris .

  21. 英国金雀花王朝的军事变革肇始于亨利二世以盾牌钱代替军事服役的改革,到爱德华三世时形成了一整套独具特色的军役制度和军事技战术。

    The military changes during the Plantagenet dynasty period in England begin in Henry ⅱ with scutage instead of military service reform . Till Edward ⅲ, it forms a set of the army officers and military tactics .

  22. 这样一来,默克尔就不太可能说出亨利二世据说曾经说过的这种话:“没有人给我除掉这个不安分的神父吗?”

    Which makes it rather unlikely that Ms Merkel will ever be tempted to utter the words King Henry is supposed to have said about Becket : " will no one rid me of this turbulent priest ? "

  23. 这些年来,有过很多振兴底特律的想法和计划,比如亨利•福特二世1977年决定在底特律河岸边建造复兴中心(RenaissanceCenter)。

    Various ideas and schemes have been floated to revive the city , such as when Henry Ford II built the Renaissance Center on the banks of the Detroit River in 1977 .