
  • 网络Heinz;H. J. Heinz Company
  1. 那一代人中一个往往被忽视的重要成员是亨利•J.•亨氏。

    One key and often overlooked member of that generation was Henry J. Heinz .

  2. 第二季度,伯克希尔与巴西私募股权公司3G资本(3GCapital)完成了对亨氏食品公司(Heinz)的收购。

    In the second quarter , Berkshire completed its acquisition of Heinz with a Brazilian private equity firm 3G capital .

  3. 食品安全是一种责任&与亨氏公司全球CEO孙博廉谈食品安全和亨氏的中国战略

    Food Safety is a Responsibility

  4. 结果显示亨氏基因CAG重复次数为48

    And it came back with a C.A.G. score of 48 .

  5. 上周,美国食品生产商亨氏(H.J.Heinz)则召回了几批含铅量超标的婴儿米粉。

    Last week , the American food producer H.   J. Heinz recalled several batches of baby cereal products after they were discovered to contain high levels of lead .

  6. 在12名最高层负责人中,有11人丢了工作,取而代之的是亨氏内部的年轻才俊以及来自3G资本旗下其他公司的高层。

    Eleven of the top 12 execs did not & they were swiftly replaced by younger talent from within Heinz or by outside executives who had worked at other 3G-owned companies .

  7. 安全监管部门瞄准了麦当劳(McDonald’s)、肯德基(KFC)以及现在的亨氏,原因是这些公司向中国消费者出售受污染的、有毒及虚假食品。

    The safety regulators have targeted McDonald 's , KFC , and now Heinz for selling tainted , mislabeled and toxic products to Chinese consumers .

  8. (举个例子,请看我最近的一篇文章,写的是亨氏(Heinz)如何遭受其私募股权所有人的压榨。)

    ( as an example , see my recent story on how Heinz is getting squeezed by its PE owners . )

  9. 过去7年里,3G策划的收购活动包括亨氏、快餐连锁店汉堡王(BurgerKing)和提姆霍顿(TimHortons),以及啤酒巨头安海斯-布希(Anheuser-Busch)。

    Over the past seven years , the group has masterminded takeovers of Heinz , fast-food chains Burger King and Tim Hortons as well as beer giant Anheuser-Busch .

  10. 最近,伯纳尔多•希斯从汉堡快餐业转到了调味料行业:宣布辞去汉堡王(BurgerKing)CEO职位,转任亨氏(Heinz)CEO。

    Last week , Bernardo hees moved from burgers to condiments , announcing that he would leave his job as CEO of Burger King ( BKW ) to CEO of Heinz ( HNZ ) .

  11. 亨氏(Heinz)将收购卡夫食品(KraftFoods),缔造北美最大食品公司之一。这一最新出炉的巨额交易是在沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)和巴西3G资本(3GCapital)的强大合作下促成的。

    Heinz is to take over Kraft Foods to create one of North America 's biggest food companies in the latest blockbuster deal engineered by the formidable tandem of Warren Buffett and Brazil 's 3G Capital .

  12. 但达成2015年迄今最大交易的美国番茄酱制造商亨氏(Heinz)才是第一季度的亮点。

    But it was US ketchup-maker Heinz that provided the highlight of the first quarter , with the biggest deal of 2015 so far .

  13. 这些投资者还创办了巴西私募股权集团3G资本(3GCapital),该集团一直在收购亨氏(Heinz)、卡夫(Kraft)和汉堡王(BurgerKing)等美国食品企业——其中部分收购是在投资者沃伦?巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)的支持下发起的。

    They are also the founders of 3G Capital , the Brazilian private equity group which has been buying up US food companies such as Heinz , Kraft and Burger King sometimes with the support of investor Warren Buffett .

  14. 奥运会是一个备受敬重的世界性现象&在这种场合,或许不适合播放一则放响屁的亨氏(Heinz)番茄酱瓶广告。

    The Olympics are a worldwide phenomenon treated with somber respect & perhaps not the place for , say , a Heinz ketchup bottle making a fart noise .

  15. 奥运会是一个备受敬重的世界性现象——在这种场合,或许不适合播放一则放响屁的亨氏(Heinz)番茄酱瓶广告。

    The Olympics are a worldwide phenomenon treated with somber respect -- perhaps not the place for , say , a Heinz ketchup bottle making a fart noise .

  16. 分析师表示,经过几十年的增长期后,包装食品企业已变得效率低下且安于现状,这令它们成为外部投资者的收购目标。比如卡夫(Kraft)和亨氏(Heinz)就双双被3G资本(3GCapital)收购。

    After decades of growth , packaged food companies became inefficient and complacent , analysts say , making them an attractive target for outside investors - as in the case of Kraft and Heinz which were both acquired by 3G Capital ,

  17. 今年1月底,亨氏董事长亚历克斯•贝林(AlexBehring)就一笔交易接洽了他在卡夫的对手约翰•卡希尔(JohnCahill),不到两个月时间就达成了创建卡夫亨氏(HeinzCompany)的协议。

    The agreement to create the Kraft Heinz Company came together in less than two months , with Heinz chairman Alex Behring approaching his counterpart at Kraft , John Cahill , about a deal in late January .

  18. 亚历山德罗Acquisti在卡内基-梅隆大学的亨氏学院在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,领导了这项研究。

    Alessandro Acquisti at Carnegie Mellon University 's Heinz College in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , led the study .

  19. 最近一周中国有关部门又发现亨氏(H.J.HeinzCo)婴儿米粉“含铅量严重超标”,将这个食品巨头推向了风口浪尖。

    This week , food giant H.J. Heinz Co. found itself in a storm as Chinese regulators said they found " severely high levels of lead " in the company 's infant cereals .

  20. 这笔交易将创造一个含债务在内价值1000亿美元的公司,汇集美国最大的几个家喻户晓的品牌,其中包括亨氏番茄酱、Jell-O甜点以及Kool-Aid饮料。

    The deal will create a company valued at $ 100bn including debt which brings together some of the biggest household brands in the US , ranging from Heinz ketchup to Jell-O desserts and Kool-Aid drinks .

  21. 去年一年亨氏公司生产了100万彩虹神秘瓶番茄酱。

    Heinz produced 1 million rainbow-colored , mystery bottles last year .

  22. 而再往前追溯一年,是他们一起收购了番茄酱制造商亨氏。

    One year before that , they bought ketchup-maker Heinz .

  23. 美国亨氏公司收购广州3家国营食品企业

    US Heinz Acquires 3 State-owned Food Companies in Guangzhou

  24. 他的亨氏食品公司将努力追赶的竞争对手远远抛在了后面。

    His food products left his competitors far behind trying to catch up .

  25. 亨氏和卡夫都没有依赖大型全球银行的服务。

    Neither Heinz nor Kraft relied on the services of a big global bank .

  26. 盐湖城车站的热狗摊用的是亨氏番茄酱。

    At the hot dog stand in the Salt Lake City train station Heinz ketchup .

  27. 美国亨氏集团在全球200多个国家销售产品。

    US Heinz Group markets its products in more than 200 countries in the world .

  28. 最终该公司找到了他们想要的番茄,这种番茄被称为亨氏1706。

    Finally the company came up with the tomato it wanted , called the Heinz 1706 .

  29. 最新的问题,亨氏食品婴儿谷物和四郎众议院蒸土豆芥末饼干。

    The latest problematic foods were Heinz baby cereal and Silang House steamed potato wasabi crackers .

  30. 亨氏自两年前被并购以来,已砍掉近7000个工作岗位。

    Some 7,000 jobs have been slashed at Heinz since the merger took place two years ago .