
  • 网络high church;High Churchmen
  1. 以高教会派英国国教徒的虔诚奉行宗教。

    Practising his religion as a devout high church anglican .

  2. 我们家一直信奉高教会派。

    Our family has always been high church .

  3. 一个激进的社会批评家变成了高教会派的反动分子。

    A radical critic of society has turned into a High-Church reactionary .

  4. 我们看到,马克思指责高教会派贵族,卫理公会派或教友会派资本家都有莎士比亚笔下那个威尼斯商人的邪恶品质。

    As we see , Marx reprimands capitalists of High Churchmen , the Methodist Church or Quakers have the similar villainous characters to that merchant of Venice .