
  1. 李金元当时本打算也去游览下伦敦和罗马,法国官员却极力劝说他还是在当地完成完整的旅行计划。

    Though the CEO has originally been considering visiting London and Rome as well , French officials managed to convince him to stay local by putting together this fun itinerary .

  2. 如果世上存在最佳老板奖,颁给天狮集团总裁李金元实在是实至名归。

    If there were a prize for the best boss in the world , it would be awarded to Li Jinyuan , the Chairman of China 's Tiens Group Company .

  3. 记者周一联系到了李金元的一位身在国内的发言人。对方称老板在法国度假,要周二晚上才回来,因此无法立即置评。

    A spokesman for Mr. Li , contacted on Monday in China , said his boss would be on holiday in France until late Tuesday and could not immediately comment .

  4. 天狮集团是个大企业,老板李金元是一位中国亿万富豪,他们的此次旅游成为法国史上规模最大的团体游。

    The employees of Tiens Group , a conglomerate chaired by one of China 's business billionaires , Li Jinyuan , is the biggest tour group to ever visit France .

  5. 这次旅行是去年12月开始计划的,那时法国旅游发展署刚刚听说李金元想要在公司成立20周年之际请公司过半员工免费游法国。

    Planning for this epic trip began in December when the folks at Atout France heard about Li Jinyuan 's desire to celebrate the company 's 20th birthday by treating more than half of his employees to a free vacation .

  6. 像这种善心的上司以前也有过,比如今年早些时候我们就报道过一位中国的亿万富翁——天狮集团董事长李金元。他曾带着6400名员工去法国度假,旅途花费高达3300万欧元。

    We 've seen benevolent employers in the past - earlier this year , we wrote about Li Jinyuan , Chinese billionaire and chairman of Tiens Group , who took 6400 of his workers on vacation to France , spending a whopping 33million euro on the trip .