
  • 网络joseph needham;Needham;J.Needham;joseph
  1. 如何正视李约瑟博士的中国科技史研究

    How to Face the SCC of Dr. Joseph Needham Squarely

  2. 试论李约瑟的数学价值观及其影响

    The concept of mathematical value of Joseph Needham with influence

  3. 李约瑟之谜的思考和探讨&系统动力学的解释

    Exploration on the Needham Puzzle : An Explanation of Dynamic system

  4. 李约瑟难题的经典解答及理论启示

    Classical explanation and theoretical enlightenment of " Needham difficult problem "

  5. 从李约瑟难题谈科学精神

    Talk about the Scientific Spirit from " J.Needham ' Problem "

  6. 至今中国仍然被李约瑟问题所困扰。

    Yet the Chinese continue to fret about the Needham question .

  7. 这是未来的李约瑟们将会提出的问题。

    It is the question that future Needhams will be asking .

  8. 在儒家思想中求解李约瑟难题

    Trying to solve the Needham Problem in the Thought of Confucian School

  9. 理学创新与地方特色社会主义现代化&初解李约瑟命题及从中得到的启示

    A Confucian School Innovation and Socialist Modernization with Local Characteristics

  10. 李约瑟难题研究述评

    Review of the Studies on the Joseph Needham Puzzle

  11. 试解读数学史上的李约瑟之谜

    Trying to Interpret the Mystery of Johnsy Lee in the History of Mathematics

  12. 高水平陷阱&李约瑟之谜再考察

    The High Equilibrium Trap & The Needham Paradox Revisited

  13. 从李约瑟的错误引出的对学术批评的思考

    Consideration from Joseph Need 's Mistakes to Academic Criticism

  14. 道性哲学观与李约瑟之谜

    The Philosophy of Taoist and Joseph Li 's Puzzle

  15. 李约瑟之谜:经济学家应接受旧解还是新解?

    The Needham Puzzle : Should Economists Accept Old Hypotheses or New Ones ?

  16. 李约瑟致力于研究中国科技的伟大成就,自然地赢得了中国人们的尊敬。

    Needham 's focus on China 's achievements naturally won him praise there .

  17. 这就是学术界所说的“李约瑟难题”。

    This is the question " Needham Question " noted by academic circles .

  18. 李约瑟的解释是,这主要是一个社会和文化问题。

    His explanation was essentially a social and cultural one ( 1 ) .

  19. 所以被李约瑟称为达芬奇式的人物。

    So Joseph Needham was known as the " Da Vinci figure " .

  20. 本文旨在对中西医的比较研究中,尝试对“李约瑟问题”做另一种回应。

    A Selected Analysis on the Study of Josephus Problem in the Orient ;

  21. 生存型实用文化与李约瑟问题

    Pragmatic Culture for Substance and Needham 's Questions

  22. “李约瑟之谜”的寻租理论剖析

    An analysis of seeking rent theory in the " enigma of Joseph needham "

  23. 关于李约瑟难题的制度经济学解析&基于比较研究视角

    Analysis of Needham 's Grand Question on Institutional Economics & Based on Comparative Study

  24. 规模报酬递增的增长模型&李约瑟之谜解释

    The Growth Model with Increasing Return to Scale

  25. 李约瑟与近代中英文化教育交流

    Joseph Needham and Cultural and Educational Exchanges between China and Britain in Modern History

  26. 这是著名的李约瑟难题。

    This is the famous Needham difficult problem .

  27. 从科学精神看上层建筑&兼论李约瑟难题

    Viewing on Superstructure from the Spirit of Science

  28. 李约瑟难题与社会文化语境

    Needham Puzzle and Socio - cultural Context

  29. 李约瑟所著《中国科学技术史》在引译中国科技古籍时,有些失误。

    There are some compilation mistakes in Joseph Need 's Science and Civilisation in China .

  30. 用系统方法求李约瑟难题之解

    Resolving J.Needham 's Problem with System Method