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  • Country code;county code
  1. 浏览Web的人易于标识他们所讲的语言,但确定其国家代码有时会很困难。

    People browsing the web tend to identify the language they speak , but determining their country code can sometimes be very difficult .

  2. 右键点击Edit,您会发现查找表只含有一个国家代码US的映射。

    Right-click on Edit and you will find out that the lookup table only contains a mapping for the country code US .

  3. 为了将其他国家代码,例如DE和德国映射起来,可以使用您的国家映射来扩展查找表。

    To map other country codes such as DE for Germany , enhance the lookup table with your country mapping .

  4. 地区由两个字母的语言代码和两个字母的国家代码来指定,这些代码是由ISO标准定义的。

    Locales are based on the two-letter language codes and two-letter country codes defined by ISO standards .

  5. 它包含locale文件夹,使用小写格式,并用连字符分隔语言代码和可选的国家代码。

    It contains the locale folders , which are lower cased , and a hyphen separates the language code from the optional country code .

  6. zzz是国家代码。

    Zzz is the country code .

  7. 消息字段&这些元素由ISO8583标准定义,包含一些交易信息,如数量、日期、时间和国家代码。

    Message fields & These elements are defined by the ISO8583 standard , and contain information about the transaction , such as amounts , dates , times , and country codes .

  8. 第一个代码是两个字母小写语言代码,称为ISO639码,第二个代码是两个字母大写国家代码,称为ISO3166码(参见参考资料)。

    The first is a2-letter lowercase language code , termed the ISO639 code and the second is a2-letter uppercase country code , termed the ISO3166 code ( see Resources ) .

  9. 国家代码域名支持组织(ccNSO)成员达到100个国家。

    The Country Code Names Supporting Organization ( ccNSO ) also welcomed notable additions such as Russia ( . ru ) and the European Union ( . eu ), boosting its membership to100 country code operators .

  10. 日本的国家代码是多少?

    What is the country code for japan ?

  11. 仅有的改变是使用{country}来嵌入国家代码参数。

    The only change was to use { country } to embed the countrycode parameter .

  12. 澳大利亚的国家代码是61,然后拨城市代码和电话号码。

    The code for Australia is61 , then dial the city code and the number .

  13. 您可以想象到通过类似的算法根据国家代码识别国际电话号码。

    You can imagine a similar algorithm for an international number with a country code .

  14. 你们公司所在地的国家代码和城市代码是多少号?

    What is the country code and city code of the place where you are located ?

  15. 您的国家代码,您的电话号码

    Your country code your telephone number

  16. 该流在运行时根据收到消息中的国家代码重写虚拟映射。

    The flow overrides the dummy map at runtime based on the country code in the incoming message .

  17. 该数据库包括邮政编码,城市名称,国家代码和电话区号在美国。

    The database includes ZIP code , city name , state code and phone area code in United States .

  18. 您能告诉我电话的国家代码,地区代码和电话号码吗?

    Could you please tell me country code , the area code and telephone number , sir / madam ?

  19. 请在国家代码、区号和电话号码前加00。

    Please dial double zero before you dial the country code , the area code , and the telephone number .

  20. 安全防伪纸(100%纯木浆,不含破布浆),带有3毫米宽人字型国家代码防伪全息线

    Security Paper ( 100 % wood pulp , no rag content ) with 3 mm wide Country Code Security thread with Chevron bridges

  21. 尽管这款应用是在美国设计的,但是只要在前面输入国家代码,全世界的手机号码都可以使用。

    Although the app was designed in the US , it works with international numbers when they are prefixed with their country 's code .

  22. 也有可能看见在语言和国家代码之间使用连字元,或者把国家代码写成小写形式的变体。

    You might also see variations that use a hyphen between the language and country code , or that put the country code is in lowercase .

  23. 因此,本地语言环境参数除了语言代码之外还要包含国家代码,以此指定应该使用的这种特定的语言。

    Therefore , the locale parameter may contain a country code in addition to the language code , to specify the specific language flavor that should be used .

  24. 语言环境名称是这样组成的:小写的两字母ISO语言代码,可选地,后面可以跟下划线或连字符以及大写的两字母ISO国家或地区代码。

    A locale name is constructed from a two-letter lowercase ISO country code , optionally followed by an underscore or hyphen and a two-letter uppercase ISO language code .

  25. 在国家或地区代码方面,它采用ISO3166;在语言代码方面,它采用ISO639。

    It follows ISO3166 for country code and ISO639 for language code .

  26. 语言环境的名称通常由ISO639-1语言、ISO3166-1国家或地区代码以及可选的编码名称和其它限定符组成。

    The names of locales usually consist of ISO639-1 language , ISO3166-1 country codes and optional encoding names and other qualifiers .

  27. 请从下拉列表中选择国家/地区代码。

    Select a country code from the drop-down list .

  28. 请选择国家/地区代码。系统需要该信息查找注册电话。

    Please select a country . This information is required to find a sign-up phone number .

  29. 国家或地区代码常需要将目录文件与存储在一个单独文件中的代码列表相匹配。

    Country codes often require matching a catalogue file against a list of codes stored in a separate file .

  30. 但我的大脑告诉我:你没有钱付电话费,你也不知道这个国家的国际代码是多少。

    But my brain was telling me , You don 't have the money to pay for the call nor do you know the country code .