
guó jì jī chǎng
  • Airport;international airport;KLIA;NAIA
  1. 撤离人员一抵达迪拜就径直被送往迪拜国际机场。

    On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport .

  2. 长春龙嘉国际机场关闭,截至11月19日下午3点,126个航班取消,17个航班延误。

    The Changchun Longjia International Airport has been closed , with a total of 126 flights canceled and 17 flights delayed as of 3 pm .

  3. 这座城市有两个国际机场,许多主要道路在此交汇。

    There are two international airports in the city , and many main roads meet here .

  4. 7月17日,上述3例无症状感染者经江苏南京飞抵张家界,他们曾在南京禄口国际机场转机时停留2小时。

    The three asymptomatic carriers flew to Zhangjiajie via Nanjing , Jiangsu province , on July 17 . They stayed at Lukou International Airport for around two hours for flight transfer .

  5. 据北京首都国际机场(beijinginternationalairport)称,至周一晚间,有近500个离京航班由于天气原因而取消或延迟。

    By Monday evening , nearly 500 flights out of Beijing had been cancelled or delayed due to weather , according to the Beijing International Airport .

  6. 大韩航空称,飞机在肯尼迪国际机场(KennedyInternationalAirport)返回时,离登机口只有大约35英尺(约合10米)。

    Korean Air said the jet was only about 35 feet away from the gate at Kennedy International Airport when it returned .

  7. 蒸汽管道直埋敷设技术在浦东国际机场A1地块的应用

    Application of the Directly - buried Steam Pipeline Technology

  8. 加德满都特里布万国际机场(TribhuvanInternationalAirport)是个很小的机场,很难应对如此巨大的空中交通量,许多飞机在着陆前不得不盘旋数个小时。

    Kathmandu 's tiny Tribhuvan International Airport has struggled to keep pace with the volume of air traffic , with many aircraft forced to circle for hours before landing .

  9. 航空业组织国际机场协会(AirportsCouncilInternational)的数据显示,上海浦东和虹桥机场的客运量在全球分列第21位和第36位。

    Globally , Shanghai Pudong ranks 21st and Hongqiao ranks 36th in terms of passenger traffic , according to Airports Council International , an aviation industry association .

  10. 东航不仅在其主要枢纽机场面临直接竞争国航(airchina)与南航(chinasouthern)分别占了北京和广州机场,还要向两家国际机场提供服务,造成双倍成本。

    Not only does China Eastern face direct competition in its primary hub Air China and China Southern have Beijing and Guangzhou to themselves , respectively it has two international airports to service , doubling its costs .

  11. 喀布尔国际机场简称KIA,“在行动中被杀“

    Kabul International Airport . K.I.A. ! " Killed In Action . "

  12. 北京首都国际机场T3航站楼旅客区域使用后评价

    A POE Study on the Passenger 's Region in the Terminal 3 Building of Beijing Capital International Airport

  13. 浦东国际机场候机楼80m跨预应力钢屋架端节点的理论和试验分析

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Endpoint of 80-meter Prestressed Roof Girder

  14. 据《北京青年报》报道,在对一对老夫妻的行李进行常规X光检查时,广州白云国际机场的安检人员注意到里面有可移动的物体。

    According to the Beijing Youth Daily , security at southern Guangdong 's Baiyun International Airport noticed movement in an elderly couple 's luggage when they placed their bags through an x-ray machine .

  15. 南部的大兴拟建一座新机场,北京首都国际机场(BeijingCapitalInternationalAirport)已在最近的年报中表示,即将达到饱和点。按乘客数量计,该机场是全球第二繁忙的机场。

    A new airport is planned for Daxing , south of the city - Beijing Capital International Airport , the world 's second-busiest by passenger numbers , said in its latest annual report it was reaching saturation point .

  16. 上海浦东国际机场T2航站楼的乘客还被要求脱鞋接受安检。

    Passengers at Terminal 2 of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport are required to take off their shoes for checks as well .

  17. 正如我们现在看到的甲型H1N1流感,每一个有国际机场的城市,都有可能有输入性病例。

    As we are seeing right now with H1N1 , any city with an international airport is at risk of an imported case .

  18. 介绍了上海浦东国际机场T2航站楼的建筑概况、地理位置、气候特点及自然通风的研究目的;

    This article introduced building outline , geographical location , weather features of SPIA T2 , and described objects of natural ventilation study .

  19. 上海浦东国际机场R2钢屋盖模型模拟三向地震振动台试验研究

    Shaking Table Experimental Study on R2 Steel Roof Model of Shanghai Pudong International Airport Terminal Subjected to Three Dimensional Earthquakes

  20. 武汉火车站雨棚结构施工模拟计算分析浦东国际机场T2航站楼张弦梁弦-杆连接节点试验研究

    Simulation calculation for penthouse of Wuhan railway station construction Experimental study on cast steel joints of beam-string structures in Pudong International Airport Terminal 2

  21. 在坦帕(tampa)站、迪士尼购物区和奥兰多国际机场站终点站停车时间内,进行列车清洁活动。

    Train cleaning activities will occur during the layover times at the tampa , the Disney area and oia .

  22. 去年7月,摩根士丹利(morganstanley)前投资银行家杜军飞抵香港国际机场,试图通过供本地居民使用的自动化入境系统进入香港。

    In July last year a former Morgan Stanley Investment Banker flew to Hong Kong International Airport and attempted to enter the territory through an automated immigration system for local residents .

  23. 今晚晚些时候,科尔斯将驱车前往虹桥国际机场,参加盛大的时装秀“富豪体验”(JetSetExperience),包括全息摄影、人工降雪以及他为这次活动创作的一次性服装——从下摆裁成圆角的泳衣到垂至地面的皮毛大衣。

    Later tonight , Kors will be driven to the Hongqiao International Airport for the Jet Set Experience , a runway spectacle with holograms , a fake snowfall and the one-off pieces - from cutaway swimsuits to floor-length fur coats - he 's created for the event .

  24. 这是美国政府提供的最后几项优惠待遇之一,TSA的行政主管约翰·皮斯托尔(JohnPistole)上周在达拉斯-沃思堡国际机场(Dallas-FortWorthInternationalAirport)的注册中心开放时开玩笑说。

    ' It 's one of the last great bargains the U.S. government is offering , ' TSA Administrator John Pistole joked at an enrollment-center opening last week at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport .

  25. 桀骜不驯的阿根廷足球传奇人物马拉多纳(DiegoMaradona)周一抵达北京首都国际机场,并在随后的新闻发布会上重申,他愿意到中国执教。

    Arriving in the Beijing Capital Airport on Monday , madcap Argentinean soccer legend Diego Maradona reiterated in a press conference he would like to coach in China .

  26. 机场委员董事会一致投票通过建造洛杉矶国际机场(LAX)的计划——专门为这些名流富豪在美国头等舱终端再建立一个行李货物的承接点。

    The airport 's Board of Airport Commissioners unanimously approved LAX 's plan to redevelop a cargo hangar into the US 's first terminal dedicated to the rich and famous .

  27. NPR的约尔·罗丝报道,这是纽约自由国际机场长达一年的安检操作不合规调查的结果。

    NPR 's Joel Rose reports it 's part of a year long investigation into improper screening of check luggage at New York Liberty International Airport .

  28. 据NPR新闻的纳山·罗特报道,去年11月洛杉矶国际机场发生致命枪击案以后,运输安全管理局对全美的机场安检点进行了审查。

    NPR 's Nathan Rott reports the TSA conducted a nationwide review of airport checkpoints after the deadly shooting at Los Angeles International Airport last November .

  29. 各位贵宾:我们现在已经降落在XX国际机场了,在安全带的指示灯没有熄灭、班机没有停妥前,请您不要离开座位。

    Ladies and Gentleme : We have landed at XX Airport , please remain seated until the " FASTEN SEAT BELT " sign is turned off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop .

  30. 马雷(Maré)是遭受警察暴力尤为严重的社区之一,这个杂乱无章的贫民窟坐落在里约国际机场与依帕内玛和科帕卡巴纳的富人区之间。

    One of the communities hit hard by police violence is Mar é , a sprawling favela that sits between Rio 's international airport and the affluent neighborhoods of Ipanema and Copacabana .