
  • 网络Ladakh;ladak
  1. KongkaLA是一处喜马拉雅山脉的低矮山脊,位于中印有争议的拉达克(Ladakh)边境地区。

    Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh .

  2. 切拉尼表示,即便在当前围绕筑路工程的争吵爆发之前,中国军人在拉达克地区那个角落的动作就越来越大。

    Even before the current ruckus over the road , Prof Chellaney said , Chinese soldiers had been increasingly aggressive in that corner of Ladakh .

  3. 大部分位于拉达克地区的喀喇昆仑山脉。

    Mostly in the eastern Karakoram Range in the Ladak region .

  4. 拉达克,像之前一样欢迎啊?要不然给史东一个小试验好吧?

    Welcoming as ever , eh , radtke ? Then how about setting stone a little test ?

  5. 印度与中国在两国有争议的喜马拉雅山边境地区的紧张局势再次升级,起因是中国军人命令印度村民停止在偏远的拉达克地区建设一条道路。

    Tensions between New Delhi and Beijing have flared again along their disputed Himalayan border , after Chinese soldiers ordered Indian villagers to stop constructing a road in the remote Ladakh region .

  6. 后来,耶稣经由山路到达了拉达克邦国首府列城,他立刻受到僧侣与下阶层人民盛大欢迎,耶稣就在寺院及市场讲道,凡是有单纯的人群聚会之处,他都去讲道。

    Finally , Jesus reached a mountain-pass , and in the chief city of ladak , leh , he was joyously accepted by monks and people of the lower class , Jesus taught in the monasteries and in the bazzars , wherever the simple people gathered-there he preached .