
  • 网络LAGOS;APAPA;AGOS;los;logos
  1. 他们驶入拉各斯港进行维修。

    They put in at Lagos for repairs .

  2. 今天凌晨在拉各斯的政府大楼周围发生了枪战。

    Gunfire broke out early this morning around the seat of government in Lagos .

  3. 没有人真的知道拉各斯到底有多大。

    Nobody really knows how big Lagos is .

  4. 在拉各斯,外国石油工人每年为了在该城市治安较好的位置租住一套普通的公寓,就要支付高达65,000美元。

    In Lagos , foreign oil workers can pay as much as $ 65,000 per year in rent for a modest apartment in a safe part of town .

  5. 本周这里又出现了一例死亡病例,这次是在拉各斯大学(UniversityofLagos)的教学医院。

    Another death was reported here this week , this one at the Lagos University teaching hospital .

  6. 站在拉各斯岛(lagosisland)的海边,你能清楚地看见巨型货轮正驶入码头。

    From the edge of Lagos Island you have a clear view of the giant cargo ships coming in to dock .

  7. NPR新闻的奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿将从拉各斯带来报道。

    NPR 's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton joins us from Lagos .

  8. 在尝试为各公司估值时,研究拉各斯computerwarehouse公司案例小组负责人瑞安彼得森(ryanpetersen)也报告了类似的问题。

    Ryan Petersen , who headed the team studying computer warehouse in Lagos , reported similar issues when trying to place a valuation on companies .

  9. 我们将连线目前在尼日利亚主要城市拉各斯的NPR新闻记者奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿。

    NPRs Ofeibea Quist-Arcton is on the line from Nigeria 's main city Lagos .

  10. 在今年11月举行的拉各斯贸易博览会(lagostradefair)上,中国是唯一拥有自己展厅的国家逾50家公司在展厅展示了自己的商品。

    At the Lagos trade fair in November , China was the only country to have its own hall , where more than 50 companies displayed their wares .

  11. 现年43岁的企业家奥克尔,1992年在拉各斯创建了ComputerWarehouse公司,销售戴尔(Dell)电脑。目前,他经营着一家价值1亿美元的系统整合公司,在加纳和尼日利亚开展业务。

    The 43-year-old entrepreneur , who set up Computer Warehouse in Lagos in 1992 selling Dell computers , now runs a $ 100m systems integration company that operates in Ghana as well as Nigeria .

  12. 拉各斯安全分析家PatrickKeku称,尽管尼日利亚发生了众多危机,政府却没有对安全事件引起足够重视。

    A security analyst in Lagos , Patrick Keku , says the government has not paid enough attention to security issues , despite the country 's

  13. 这架客机从尼日利亚首都阿布贾起飞,由尼日利亚国内的Dana航空有限公司(DanaAirlinesLtd.)运营。据尼日利亚官员说,这架客机撞到了拉各斯机场附近的一座公寓楼。

    The flight from Abuja , Nigeria 's capital , operated by domestic carrier Dana Airlines Ltd. , crashed into an apartment in the suburbs near the Lagos airport , according to Nigerian officials .

  14. 但就在这座码头外,在破旧的拉各斯区(lagos)阿帕帕(apapa),一辆辆卡车在门口排成了长龙。

    But just outside the terminal , housed in the rundown Lagos District of APAPA , a long queue of trucks stretches out from the gate .

  15. 尼日利亚Apapa太阳日报报道:AP穆勒码头公司为获得长期收益,在尼日利亚拉各斯码头引进集装箱堆存费,试图以此加快集装箱周转速度降低整体运营成本。

    AP MOLLER is billing for storage at Lagos , Nigeria , container terminal in an attempt to keep turnover high and overall cost low , according to the local Apapa Daily Sun newspaper .

  16. Ajegunle街区的贫穷和拥挤在拉各斯都是出了名的,几乎不值一提。

    THE streets of Ajegunle , a notoriously poor and crowded district of Lagos , barely deserve the description .

  17. 当时埃博拉病毒抵达尼日利亚还没有多久:利比里亚裔美国公民帕特里克·索耶(PatrickSawyer)感染后,逃离了利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚,希望在尼日利亚获得更好的治疗,他于7月20日抵达拉各斯机场。

    It was not long after the Ebola virus had landed at the Lagos airport on July 20 in the person of Patrick Sawyer , a Liberian national and naturalized American citizen who had fled the Liberian capital Monrovia in hope of better treatment in Nigeria .

  18. “在世界的这一部分的损失差不多等于我们这部分的增长。”尼日利亚拉各斯的发展传播网络的项目主任AkinJimoh说。

    " The loss in this part of the world is more or less a gain in our own part of the world ," said Akin Jimoh , programme director of the Development Communications Network in Lagos , Nigeria .

  19. 中国大型国有企业在尼日利亚随处可见,尤其是中国土木工程集团有限公司(CCECC)。中土正在拉各斯和阿布贾建设轻轨网络,还在其它地区修建公路和铁路。

    Large state corporations are visible , in particular China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation , which is building light rail networks in Lagos and Abuja , as well as road and rail links elsewhere .

  20. 他对尼日利亚首都拉各斯有类似的批评。

    He offered similar criticism of Lagos , the Nigerian capital .

  21. 她在拉各斯逗留了一个多月。

    She stayed in Lagos ( for ) over a month .

  22. 他径直前往拉各斯,未在内罗毕停留。

    He went straight to Lagos , without stopping in Nairobi .

  23. 拉各斯是尼日利亚的旧都和最大的港口城市。

    Lagos is the former capital and largest port of Nigeria .

  24. 有数百人在拉各斯市举行抗议。

    Hundreds have been protesting in the city of Lagos .

  25. 现在的首都及最大城市是拉各斯。

    Lagos is the present capital and the largest city .

  26. 位于尼日利亚首都拉各斯的泛非大学也是合作伙伴之一。

    The Pan-African University in Lagos , Nigeria is also a partner .

  27. 尼日利亚拉各斯&这里的人现在都会避免握手。

    LAGOS , NIGERIA & People avoid shaking hands here these days .

  28. 在拉各斯,当地人持续游行要求释放这些女生。

    In Lagos demonstrieren Einheimische immer wieder f ü r die Freilassung .

  29. 在1996年,我搬到拉各斯州,尼日利亚。

    In1996 , I moved to Lagos State , Nigeria .

  30. 尼日利亚拉各斯——这里的人现在都会避免握手。

    LAGOS , NIGERIA - People avoid shaking hands here these days .