
  • 网络rawalpindi;Rawalpind
  1. 美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿(HillaryClinton)表示,针对拉瓦尔品第军事基地(临近该国首都伊斯兰堡)的袭击“再次提醒人们,极端分子……正日益威胁这个国家的权威”。

    Hillary Clinton , the US secretary of state , said the attack on the base in Rawalpindi - close to the capital Islamabad - offered " another reminder that extremists ... are increasingly threatening the authority of the state . "

  2. 上周六,一群身着军队制服的袭击者攻击了位于拉瓦尔品第的巴基斯坦陆军总部。

    Attackers in army uniforms struck at the headquarters in Rawalpindi on Saturday .

  3. 这起枪击事件发生在连接伊斯兰堡和拉瓦尔品第的交通繁忙的高速公路上。巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼的发言人贝希尔说,这起枪击事件是暗杀阴谋。

    The spokesman for Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani called the shooting an assassination attempt .

  4. 因此,拉瓦尔品第较大的几座清真寺里的教长,纷纷在周五祈祷会上谴责这位省督。

    Then some imams at Friday prayers in the largest mosque in Rawalpindi condemned the governor .

  5. 我们开车前往伊斯兰堡的姊妹城市拉瓦尔品第,在他的办公室与他会面。

    We drove to Islamabad 's twin city of Rawalpindi to see him in his office .

  6. 大约下午三点左右,两位英国医生搭乘直升机从拉瓦尔品第赶来,

    Then around 3 p.m. in the afternoon two British doctors arrived by helicopter from Rawalpindi .

  7. 这座位于拉瓦尔品第的公园是我们的第一位总理利亚格特?阿里被暗杀的地方。

    the park in Rawalpindi where our first prime minister , Liaquat Ali , was assassinated .

  8. 凶手后来说,他是在听了拉瓦尔品第周五祈祷会的讲道后,决定要替神完成这件事。

    He later said that he had done it for God after hearing the Friday prayers in Rawalpindi .

  9. 我最后一次看见一筐筐水果被装运去拉瓦尔品第是我12岁那年。

    I was12 years old when I last saw baskets of fruits being packed to be sent to Rawalpindi .

  10. 随着结果慢慢透露出来,一批批反对党的支持者在拉合尔、拉瓦尔品第和卡拉奇的街道上举行庆祝。

    As results trickled out , groups of opposition supporters celebrated in the streets of Lahore , Rawalpindi and Karachi .

  11. 布托过去一直在拉瓦尔品第进行游说活动,这个地方是明年1月8日竞选巴基斯坦军队高官的总部。

    Miss Bhutto had been campaigning in Rawalpindi , the headquarters of Pakistan 's military elite , for an election set for January8th .

  12. 星期六在拉瓦尔品第的武装人员袭击陆军总部后,巴基斯坦士兵进入陆军总部大门外,摆开阵势。

    Soldiers took positions outside the main gate of the Pakistan army headquarters after an attack by armed men in Rawalpindi on Saturday .

  13. 她告诉父亲,我会搭飞机转到拉瓦尔品第的军事医院,那里有最好的急症救治系统。

    She told my father that I was to be airlifted to an army hospital in Rawalpindi which had the best intensive care .

  14. 对拉瓦尔品第军事总部进行袭击之后,巴基斯坦塔利班好战分子嫌疑犯劫持了15名军官作为人质。

    Suspected Taliban militants in Pakistan are holding up to15 army officers hostage after an attack on the military 's main headquarters in Rawalpindi .

  15. 阿卜杜勒•拉希德甚至遭受指控,指称他是一起发生于2003年12月,企图在拉瓦尔品第炸毁穆沙拉夫卫队的阴谋事件的一名主谋。

    Abdul Rashid was even accused of being part of a plot to blow up Musharraf " s convoy in Rawalpindi in December 2003 .

  16. 结论解释:在拉瓦尔品第联邦结核病中心,妇女的涂片检测阳性率较男性低的主要原因为呈交标本质量欠佳。

    In the Federal Tuberculosis Centre in Rawalpindi , lower smear positivity in women than in men was mainly a function of poor-quality specimen submission .

  17. 他把我们选出来的总理佐.布托抓了起来,指控他叛国,并在拉瓦尔品第把他处以绞刑。

    He arrested our elected prime minister , Zulfikar Ali Bhutto , and had him tried for treason then hanged from a scaffold in Rawalpindi jail .

  18. 华盛顿和伊斯兰堡之间,或者说是华盛顿和拉瓦尔品第的军事中心之间,来回沟通了数周,才终于正式结案。

    It took weeks of back and forth between Washington and Islamabad , or rather army headquarters in Rawalpindi , before the case was finally resolved .

  19. 我们一降落在拉瓦尔品第,就在军方的保护下,搭救护车来到一个叫作军事心脏专科研究机构的地方。

    As soon as we landed in Rawalpindi we were taken by ambulance with another military escort to a hospital called the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology .

  20. 在布托死前,黄金和石油的价格就有利可图,但是拉瓦尔品第事件被报道后,使得他们的价格扶摇直上。

    Ahead of Ms Bhutto 's death , both gold and oil had fallen to profit-taking , but both made rapid swings higher as events in Rawalpindi became known .

  21. 那时候,他们已经被困在一家位于拉瓦尔品第的医院里的军旅宿舍中一个星期了,没有任何消息通知他们何时能启程前往伯明翰。

    By then they had been stuck in the army hostel at the hospital in Rawalpindi for a week with no news about when they might come to Birmingham .

  22. 一位热衷的地方,然而,穆罕默德哈米德,28岁的学生,谁的极大兴趣,在学校的性质,现在做了一定程度的野生动物管理在大学附近的拉瓦尔品第。

    One keen local , however , is Muhammad Hamid , a28-year-old student who became interested in nature at school and is now doing a degree in wildlife management at university in nearby Rawalpindi .

  23. 一名阿富汗难民的男孩在哭,就如何阅读可兰经经文每日课程中,没有看到一个伊玛目,在任教的拉瓦尔品第,巴基斯坦,星期二,2010年1月19日贫困社区的清真寺。

    An Afghan refugee boy cries during a daily lesson on how to read verses of the Quran , taught by an Imam , not seen , at a mosque in a poor neighborhood of Rawalpindi , Pakistan , Tuesday , Jan.19,2010 .