
  • 网络rajasthan;state of Rajasthan
  1. 瓦德拉的SkyLightHospitality在新德里及附近的哈里亚纳邦和拉贾斯坦邦还进行过其他一些交易。

    Mr. Vadra 's Sky Light Hospitality did other deals in New Delhi and the nearby states of Haryana and Rajasthan .

  2. 在印度的拉贾斯坦邦(Rajasthan),学校雇佣了兼职人员护送受排斥人口群体的女童上下学。

    Schools in Rajasthan , India , have hired part-time workers to escort girls from excluded groups to and from school .

  3. 《印度教徒报》(TheHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都“无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告”。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all " ignored strong warnings from the   .   .   . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal . "

  4. 2009年,一名坐在黑色运动型多用途车(简称SUV)内的沉默男子开始在印度西部拉贾斯坦邦的小镇戈拉耶德(Kolayat)周边购买大片干旱贫瘠的农用土地。

    A taciturn man in a black SUV started buying up tracts of arid agricultural land around this small town in the western Indian state of Rajasthan in 2009 .

  5. 《印度教徒报》(theHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all ignored strong warnings from the # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal .

  6. Singhal医生与一个基地在拉贾斯坦邦斋浦尔的志愿机构共事,这个机构帮助指导人们照顾骆驼。

    Doctor Singhal works with a volunteer organization based in Jaipur , Rajasthan , that helps people take care of their camels .

  7. 在由于官僚政治的因素迟延一年之后,比尔爵士于本月开始建造一条输油管道,把凯恩集团在拉贾斯坦邦(Rajasthan)的主力油田与海岸边的精炼厂连接起来。

    Sir Bill this month opened work on an oil pipeline connecting Cairn 's main field in Rajasthan with refineries on the coast after a year of bureaucratic delays .

  8. 2013年12月,投资经理鲁奇尔•夏尔马(RuchirSharma)在印度中央邦(MadhyaPradesh)和拉贾斯坦邦(Rajasthan)街头,就即将开始的选举采访当地人。

    In December 2013 the investment manager Ruchir Sharma was on the road in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan , interviewing locals in connection with upcoming elections .

  9. 但是在拉贾斯坦邦Pushkar的骆驼交易会上,交易的骆驼数量越来越少。

    But fewer camels than in the past were traded at a recent camel fair in Pushkar , in Rajasthan .

  10. 瓦德拉是从2009年国大党掌控拉贾斯坦邦政府时开始在该邦置地的。经纪人称,其中有一部分土地是通过坐在黑色SUV里的那名男子购买的。

    Mr. Vadra 's land purchases in Rajasthan state -- some of which brokers say were done through the man in the black SUV -- began in 2009 , at a time when Congress controlled the state 's government .

  11. 迪弗洛和她的同事雷马阿纳(remahanna)抽取了拉贾斯坦邦的120所学校作为样本,随机选择60所学校,然后将相机送到被选中学校教师的手中。

    Duflo and her colleague rema Hanna took a sample of 120 schools in Rajasthan , chose 60 at random , and sent cameras to teachers in the chosen schools .

  12. Singhal医生在拉贾斯坦邦Jaipur一个志愿者组织工作,该组织叫做“HelpinSuffering”,帮助人们照管他们的骆驼,这个慈善机构为了印度动物的利益而工作,为动物提供居住场所。

    Doctor Singhal works with a volunteer organization based in Jaipur , Rajasthan , that helps people take care of their camels . The group is called Help in Suffering . This charitable trust works for the benefit of the animals of India . The group operates animal shelters .

  13. 印度重工向拉贾斯坦邦政府位于Jhalawar的120万千瓦Kalisindh热电厂项目的报价也高于另一个新涉足的企业-BRG能源公司。

    BHEL has also been outbid by another new player BGR Energy for equipment supply to the Rajasthan government's1,200 MW Kalisindh thermal power project at Jhalawar near Kota .

  14. 拉贾斯坦邦官员表示,他们正在调查瓦德拉的投资有没有违反法律,比如是否超出了土地购买上限。瓦德拉是印度国大党主席索尼娅・甘地(SoniaGandhi)的女婿,也是目前正在国大党竞选活动中担任领袖的拉胡尔・甘地(RahulGandhi)的妹夫。

    State officials say they are investigating whether there were any legal violations , such as exceeding land-purchase limits , in the investments by Mr. Vadra , who is the son-in-law of Congress party President Sonia Gandhi and brother-in-law of Rahul Gandhi , the leader of Congress 's campaign in elections now under way .

  15. 印度拉贾斯坦邦的农民正在重新发现卑微的骆驼的价值。

    Farmers in the Indian state of Rajasthan are rediscovering the humble camel .

  16. 我拿着照片当等候火车的时候在拉贾斯坦邦,印度。

    I took this photograph while waiting for a train in Rajasthan , India .

  17. 在拉贾斯坦邦政府宣布日为哀悼日,公共交通交汇处机构说。

    The Rajasthan government announced a day of mourning , the PTI agency said .

  18. 拉贾斯坦邦一直是印度骆驼数量最多的地区。

    Rajasthan has traditionally been the area of the country with the most camels .

  19. 他们的主要中心是西印度的拉贾斯坦邦和加雅附近的比哈尔邦。

    Their major centers are in Rajasthan in Western India and near Gaya in Bihar .

  20. 位于拉贾斯坦邦西部帕里地区的贾瓦伊,是一个令人难忘的地方。

    Jawai , in the Pali district of Western Rajasthan , is a remarkable place .

  21. 瓦德拉随后继续购买土地,到了2011年,拉贾斯坦邦政府也宣布了太阳能产业刺激计划。

    He continued buying land , and in 2011 the state , too , announced solar incentives .

  22. 拉贾斯坦邦一个组织称,截止到2005年,印度骆驼数量仅剩60万。

    A group in Rajasthan state says India had only six hundred thousand camels by two thousand five .

  23. 同时,流行赭色陶器的文化从拉贾斯坦邦延伸到恒河平原。

    At the same time , the Ochre Coloured Pottery culture expands from Rajasthan into the Gangetic Plain .

  24. 印度政府日前表示,为了保护数目急剧减少的老虎,已将位于该国北部拉贾斯坦邦的一座村庄整体迁移。

    An entire village has been relocated in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan to protect tigers , officials say .

  25. 被拯救儿童运动的活动分子解救以后,阿曼在他的家乡拉贾斯坦邦为免费教育斗争。

    After he was rescued by activists of Bachpan Bachao Andolan , Om campaigned for free education in his native Rajasthan .

  26. 眼下,印度政府正考虑采取公-私-社区合作模式,将本项目向拉贾斯坦邦的几千个村庄推广。

    The government of India is now considering scaling up Aakash Ganga to several thousand villages in Rajasthan in public-private-community partnership .

  27. 这项技术的发源地是印度拉贾斯坦邦的一个名叫提洛尼亚的小村庄。

    The front lines of that effort are seen in a tiny village in the Indian state of Rajasthan called Tiloniya .

  28. 送上来自拉贾斯坦邦的汗湿拥抱给我莫克夏的兄弟姐妹们,在哥斯大黎加踏上了第二阶段的训练!

    Sending sweaty hugs from Rajasthan to my Moksha Brothers and Sisters who are embarking on level two training in Costa Ricaaaa !

  29. 杰明•格瑞恩曾到过有沙漠之洲之称的印度拉贾斯坦邦,在那里参与过一个教育项目旨在减少此类死亡人数。

    Gemming Grain has been in the desert state of Rajasthan , where an education project is aiming to reduce the death toll .

  30. 当然,北京没有印度拉贾斯坦邦的沙漠那么热,今年5月那里的温度高达51度。

    Sure , it is not the heat of the deserts of Rajasthan in India , where temperatures in May crackled to 123.8 degrees .