
  • 网络Punjab;punjabi;panjab
  1. 他说政府会致力于恢复正常秩序,并在旁遮普省进行选举。

    He said that the government was committed to restore normalcy and hold elections in the Punjab

  2. 我估计IPM会被旁遮普全省接受。

    I predict IPM will be accepted in the whole Punjab .

  3. 她会说英语和旁遮普语。

    She is bilingual in English and Punjabi .

  4. 他来自旁遮普的一个中产阶级家庭。

    He comes from a middle-class Punjabi family .

  5. Fischer先生不久后与两位同事和朋友&弗利尔艺术馆的前经理MiloBeach和昌迪加尔旁遮普大学的艺术史学家B。

    Mr Fischer soon had the co-operation of two colleagues and friends , Milo Beach , former director of the Freer Gallery , and B.

  6. 一家新兴企业healthpointservices正在印度的旁遮普乡下建立营利中心,提供医疗服务及干净水。

    Healthpoint services , a start-up , is establishing for-profit centres in rural Punjab , in India , that provide health services , as well as clean water .

  7. 旁遮普(Punjab)的大部分地区,还有信德(Sindh)的一部分地区是肥沃的土地,因此农业显得尤为重要。

    Most areas of the Punjab , and parts of Sindh , are fertile plains where agriculture is of great importance .

  8. 目前,雷法已经拥有两万名固定读者,并且告诉我印度最有名的威士忌之乡旁遮普省(punjab)也已经开始将目光投向葡萄酒。

    Today she has about 20000 regular readers , and reports that even the whisky state of Punjab is being converted to the grape .

  9. Kaur出生于印度旁遮普省,4岁时移民加拿大。

    Jeffrey Brown : Kaur was born in Punjab , India , and emigrated to Canada at the age of 4 .

  10. 英语、华话和各方言,泰米尔语、泰卢固语,Malayalam,旁遮普语和泰语也被广泛使用。

    English , Mandarin and Chinese dialects , Tamil , Telugu , Malayalam , Punjabi and Thai are widely used in the country .

  11. 横斑腹小鸮(Athenebrama)是巴基斯坦旁遮普中部农业生态系统中最常见但研究匮乏的猛禽。

    The spotted owlet Athene brama is the most common but the least studied bird of prey inhabiting the agroecosystems of central Punjab , Pakistan .

  12. 但是加入NSG之初,中国便表示,在此(加入)之前已承诺在巴基斯坦的旁遮普省恰希玛镇建立两座核反应堆中的第二个,因而会按计划进行。

    But on joining the NSG , it argued that it had already promised to build the second of two nuclear reactors for Pakistan at Chasma in Punjab and would therefore go ahead .

  13. 俾路支原名福齐娅·阿齐姆(FauziaAzeem),出生在旁遮普省某小镇的一个贫穷家庭。她说自己被迫在17岁时结婚。

    Born Fauzia Azeem into a poor family in a small town in Punjab Province , Ms. Baloch said she was forced into marriage at age 17 .

  14. 在空难的那一天,吉阿将军在旁遮普大沙漠的巴哈瓦普尔(音)附近参加一次美国造M1A1主战坦克的军事演习。

    On the day of the crash , General Zia had been attending a demonstration of American-made M1A1 main battle tanks near Bahawalpur in the Punjabi desert .

  15. 扎尔达里面临的反对主要来自两方面:寻求前最高法院首席大法官伊夫提哈尔穆罕默德乔杜里(iftikharmohammadchaudhry)复职的愤怒的律师们,以及旁遮普省的政敌们。

    Mr Zardari faces opposition from two main areas : angry lawyers seeking reinstatement of Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry , former chief justice of the Supreme Court , and political rivals in Punjab province .

  16. 朝圣委员会秘书长穆尔塔克.皮亚拉(MushtaqPyara)神父表示,关注朝圣者准备前往旁遮普省参与第六十二届默里亚巴德全国圣母朝圣地的朝圣之旅。

    Father Mushtaq Pyara , secretary of the pilgrimage committee , expressed concern as devotees prepare for the62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad , Punjab province .

  17. 旁遮普的属于或有关旁遮普或其语言的。

    Of or relating to the Punjab or the Punjabi language .

  18. 更让我开心的是你的旁遮普语说得那么好。

    Rather I am happy that you speak Punjabi so well .

  19. 旁遮普是印度最后一个拥有独立主权的邦。

    The Punjab was the last sovereign independent Indian state .

  20. 有报导说,洪水正在朝着南部的旁遮普省和信德省方向移动。

    Floodwaters were also reportedly moving southwards towards Punjab and Sindh provinces .

  21. 旁遮普省在巴政治斗争中的地位

    The position of Punjab province in the Pakistan political struggle

  22. 我们正在与旁遮普省共享信息,他说。

    We are sharing the information with the Punjab , he said .

  23. 西北印度一个人口占绝大多数的旁遮普民族。

    A member of the majority people of Punjab in NW India .

  24. 在这个家里,你要讲旁遮普语。

    This house is like where you 're going to speak Punjabi .

  25. 加齐将被葬在旁遮普省他的老家。

    Ghazi is to be buried in his ancestral village in Punjab province .

  26. 周一,旁遮普的抗议者点燃了轮胎,封锁了道路。

    On Monday , protesters in Punjab province burned tires and blocked roads .

  27. 巴中经济特区,位于旁遮普省拉合尔市。

    The Sino-Pakistan Economic Zone is located in Lahore City of Punjab Province .

  28. 不,他只说旁遮普语

    " No , he only speaks punjabi "

  29. 在家里,他们都只讲旁遮普家乡话。

    At home , they speak only Punjabi .

  30. 两个旁遮普土改模式的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Land Reform Models : A Case Study of the Two Punjabs