
  • 网络paralogy;Paralogs;paralog;Paralogous;paralogue
  1. 通路信息也由总结了不同生物间直系同源的和旁系同源的基因组群的直系同源组群表所描绘。

    The pathway information is also represented by the ortholog group tables summarizing orthologous and paralogous gene groups among different organisms .

  2. 通过对脊椎动物y-box基因的系统发育分析显示,Y-box基因是在进化过程中通过基因复制或选择性剪接来产生直系同源基因与旁系同源基因,进而使Y-box基因家族成为一个多功能的基因家族。

    During the process of vertebrate evolution , the orthologs and paralogs genes were generated by gene duplication or alterative splicing , which may lead to the Y-box gene for a multifunctional protein family .

  3. 这些结果应该在下任何结论前被认真检查,因为很多陷阱在等待相似性搜索者:旁系同源物、多结构域蛋白质、假基因等。

    These results should be carefully examined before coming to any conclusion , as many traps await the similarity seeker : paralogues , multidomain proteins , pseudogenes , etc.

  4. 我们假定功能特异的蛋白与所对应的旁系和直系同源的CNEs相关联,结果发现CNEs往往与转录因子一起起作用。

    We assume that functional specificity of proteins associated with CNEs is assumed to be conserved among orthologs and paralogs . The results indicate that most enriched genes flanking in CNEs are associated with the transcription factors .