
  • 网络Punjab;Punjab State
  1. 《印度教徒报》(TheHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都“无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告”。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all " ignored strong warnings from the   .   .   . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal . "

  2. 英国将印度的旁遮普邦(Punjab)吞并后,印度最后一位锡克大君达立普·辛格(DuleepSingh)将光之山钻石进献给了当时在位的英国女王。

    The jewel was given to the reigning Queen of the time by the last ruler of the Sikhs , Duleep Singh , after the British annexe of the Punjab .

  3. 《印度教徒报》(theHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all ignored strong warnings from the # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal .

  4. 来自东部旁遮普邦卢迪亚纳市的67岁街头牙医SurinderSingh是个辍学生,从父亲那里学来了治牙的本事。

    Street dentist Surinder Singh , 67 , from Ludhiana , in the eastern state ofPunjab , is a school dropout but learned the dentist trade from his father .

  5. 在印度旁遮普邦北部Gharuan村的初级卫生保健中心,一个家庭正为新成员的降生而欣喜。

    Inside the primary health centre at Gharuan village in the north Indian state of Punjab , a family is excited about its newest member .

  6. 他是旁遮普邦“中国之友协会”的会长。

    He is also the president of'Friends of China Association'of Punjab .

  7. 很多朝圣者来自临近的旁遮普邦。

    Many of the worshippers were from the neighboring state of Punjab .

  8. 旁遮普邦是印度实施《孕产妇死亡审查》的若干个邦中的一个。

    Punjab is one of several Indian states implementing the Maternal Death Review .

  9. 这一趋势在旁遮普邦较为明显。

    This trend is evident in Punjab .

  10. 普里特得勒•S•巴拉拉出生于印度旁遮普邦北部的菲罗兹布尔。

    Preetinder s. bharara was born in ferozepur , in the northern Punjab region of India .

  11. 在印度的旁遮普邦,1967-1972年之间打了成千上万口灌溉用井。

    In India 's Punjab , thousands of irrigation wells were dug between 1967 and 1972 .

  12. 农业资本主义的理论与现实:绿色革命期间印度旁遮普邦的农业发展

    The Theory and Reality of Agricultural Capitalism : The Agricultural Development of Punjab During India 's Green Revolution

  13. 早在六年前,甘地夫人就利用宗教,加强她所在的国会党在旁遮普邦中的地位。

    Six years earlier Mrs Gandhi had used the politics of religion to benefit her Congress party in Punjab .

  14. 设于印度北部旁遮普邦巴蒂纳附近的这座价值40亿美元的炼油厂每年能提炼900万吨原油。

    The $ 4 billion refinery near Bhatinda in India 's northern Punjab state can process nine million tons of crude oil a year .

  15. 印度肥沃的旁遮普邦工作的工人拉着特厚沙发垫似的一车稻草去一家农场,农场用稻草作动物饲料。

    Workers in India 's fertile Punjab pull an overstuffed load of rice stalks to a farm where they will be used as animal feed .

  16. 在印度旁遮普邦,农民植物水稻幼苗,赶在预计在六月底的夏季气旋雨之前。

    In the Indian state of Punjab , farmers plant rice seedlings ahead of the summer monsoon rains , which are expected at the end of June .

  17. 在印度北部旁遮普邦,当局下令学校开始推迟一小时,以防止儿童走出去,并望着太阳。

    In the northern Indian state of Punjab , authorities ordered schools to begin an hour late to prevent children from venturing out and gazing at the sun .

  18. 她坐落于旁遮普邦,是旁遮普的首府,当你来到这里,你的心灵会被这里优美的环境和和谐的气氛所感动。

    It locates in Punjab , it is the capital of Punjab , at the moment you come there , you will be touched by its nice and peaceful environment .

  19. 性别比例最扭曲的邦,比如旁遮普邦、哈里亚纳邦和古吉拉特邦,都是印度最富有的地区。这表明扭曲的性别选择将不会由于财富和政府的政策得以纠正。

    The states with the worst sex ratios Punjab , Haryana , Gujarat are among the richest , which suggests distorted sex selection will not be corrected just by wealth or government policy .

  20. 近日,67岁的贾斯比尔·卡尔西和62岁的老伴布萍德从印度旁遮普邦飞到美国希尔斯波罗县,帮助“劝告和管教”儿子德夫比尔的妻子。

    Jasbir Kalsi , 67 , and his wife Bhupinder , 62 , are said to have travelled from the Punjab region to Hillsborough County to help " counsel and discipline " son Devbir 's wife .

  21. 印度旁遮普邦品质最好的农田的种植成本约为阿根廷部分地区的两倍。印度驻布宜诺斯艾利斯大使正鼓励本国投资者考虑前往阿根廷种植大豆、豆类以及其他作物。

    Prime Indian farmland in the Punjab costs about twice as much as in parts of Argentina , and the Indian ambassador in Buenos Aires is encouraging investors to consider Argentine land for producing soya , pulses and other crops .

  22. 就像咨询机构&卡内基国际和平基金会的伊斯坎德尔-拉赫曼在最近报道中观察到的,印巴核竞争已经从尘土飞扬的旁遮普邦及拉贾斯坦邦草原上转移到了世界最拥挤的海上航道上。

    As Iskander Rehman of the Carnegie Endowment , a think-tank , observes in a recent paper , Indo-Pakistani nuclear rivalry is drifting from the dusty plains of the Punjab and Rajasthan into the world 's most congested shipping lanes .