
wèi jìn
  • Wei-Jin period
  1. 玄学思潮下的魏晋山水文学之一瞥

    Landscape Literature in Wei and Jin Dynasties : Influence of Metaphysics

  2. 魏晋南北朝建筑木构架装饰研究

    The Study of Structural Frame Decoration during the Wei-jin South-north Dynasty

  3. 论魏晋风度与士文化的审美开拓

    The Esthetic Development of " Wei-Jin Demeanor " and Scholar Culture

  4. 魏晋南北朝时期的中国地理学研究

    A study on Chinese Geography from wel-jin to northern and Southern Dynasties

  5. 魏晋南北朝突破性发展的书法碑志

    Epoch-breaking Calligraphy Inscription During Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties

  6. 魏晋南北朝选举用人制度述论

    On the Election System of the Wei and Jin Dynasties

  7. 魏晋南北朝时期北方农业的进与退

    The Advancing and Declining of Northern Agriculture During Wei Jin Nan-Bei Dynasties

  8. 受社会动荡、政局分裂的影响,魏晋南北朝时期的教育也长期处于时兴时废的状态。

    Influenced by social unrest , education of that times was instable .

  9. 具体而言,魏晋士风一是思想,二是行为。

    Particularly , first , the thought , second , the behavior .

  10. 汉魏晋的礼仪立法与礼仪故事

    Ceremony Legislation and " Past Practices " of Ceremony in Han-Wei-Jin Time

  11. 《庄子》人格理想与魏晋文学的人格起点

    Personality Ideal in Chuang Tzu and Personality Origin of Wei Jin Literature

  12. 魏晋隐逸文化与嵇康之死

    Seclusion Culture of Wei Jin and Ji Kang 's Death

  13. 魏晋隐逸文学与中国古典园林

    Escapist Literature in Wei-Jin Dynasty and Chinese Classical Gardens

  14. 后现代主义精神与魏晋玄学

    The Essence of Post Modernism and the Metaphysics During Wei and Jin Dynasties

  15. 玄学是魏晋时期兴起的一种影响深远的社会思潮,两晋之际玄学在理论上发展到极至,其影响开始渗入社会生活的各个方面。

    Metaphysics was a far-reaching ethos which appeared in Wei and Jin period .

  16. 魏晋南北朝的温度存在“冷-暖-冷”世纪波动;

    There was a centennial scale variation of cold-warm-cold trend during the period .

  17. 魏晋时期出现音乐赋的数量是最多的。

    In wei-jin period the number of music fu appear is the most .

  18. 魏晋文学领域的接受更是鲜有提及。

    The field of literary acceptance is rarely mentioned .

  19. 试论魏晋时期的古琴音乐思想

    An Exploration on Musical Thoughts of Qin during the Wei and Jin Period

  20. 略述魏晋扬州的政治态度

    About the Political Attitude of Yangzhou People in the Wei and Jin Dynasty

  21. 魏晋南北朝时期的河南家族文学

    Family Literature of Henan During Wei , Jin , South and North Dynasties

  22. 14、佛教与魏晋南北朝时期的史学。

    14 ~ Buddhism and historiography of Wei , Jin , North-South Dynasties .

  23. 第五章主要讨论相和歌辞在魏晋时期的转型问题。

    The fifth chapter mainly discusses its transfer during Wei and Jin dynasties .

  24. 由文本到生活&论道家人生哲学在魏晋时期的实践和发展

    On the Practice and Development of Daoism on Life Philosophy in Wei-Jin Period

  25. 别传在魏晋时期创作非常繁盛,本文是对魏晋别传创作的一个综合研究。

    This thesis makes an comprehensive study on the Bie-Zhuan of this period .

  26. 理性的超越与感性的生动&魏晋玄学与自然审美意识关系论

    On the Relationship Between Metaphysics and Natural Aesthetic Consciousness in Wei Jin Periods

  27. 魏晋南北朝碑刻同义并列复合词研究

    A Study on Synonymous Coordinate Compounds of Inscription in Southern and Northern Dynasties

  28. 魏晋时期,祸乱相承,灾害频仍,疫病暴发频繁。

    In the Wei-Jin period , the natural calamities and the epidemics occurred frequently .

  29. 魏晋南北朝文学对于商人的表现

    The Merchant Image in Literature of Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties

  30. 美的拯救&试论魏晋时期审美文化心理结构的确立蒋华

    The Information of Aesthetic Mentality in Wei-Jin Periods