
  • 网络Wei
  1. 魏国的百姓都不相信有这样的轻松事,过了很久才有一个人来扛,吴起立即兑现了奖赏。

    The people of the state of Wei did not believe that there would be such a good thing . Only after a long time did a person come to do this . Wu Qi gave him the rewards immediately .

  2. 魏国一个年龄很大却没有找到的老婆的光棍壮起胆子,娶了黄公的大女儿,一看是绝色美女,兴奋地对别人说:“我岳父不过是喜欢谦虚,她的小女儿肯定也很漂亮!”。

    An aged2 bachelor in the state of Wei , who had not gotten married mustered3 up his courage , and married Huang Gong 's elder daughter . Seeing she was a peerless beauty , he told others , " My father-in-law was just modest . His younger daughter must be beautiful , too ! "

  3. 吴起想拔掉秦国设置的对魏国百姓种田具有危害性的了望楼。

    Wu Qi wanted to remove the watchtower set up by the state of Qin that did harm to farming .

  4. 经南韩去攻打魏国都城。

    To attack the Wei capital by way of han .

  5. 现在又要去进攻魏国。

    Now they 're going to attack the state wei .

  6. 魏国一直以来是三个国家中最强盛的。

    Of the three , Wei was always the most powerful kingdom .

  7. 商鞅最令人不齿的行为应当是诈败魏国。

    Shang Yang 's most contemptible acts of fraud should be defeated Wei .

  8. 《三国演义》中真正的强者是曹操,三家中一直居战略优势地位的是魏国。

    Wei has always been in the strategic advantage in the three kingdoms .

  9. 楚国在魏国的南面。

    Chu is situated in the south of wei .

  10. 魏国有位射手名叫更赢。

    There was an archer named Geng Ying in the State of Wei .

  11. 战国时期属魏国;

    Wei is the Warring States period ;

  12. 吴蜀联军共同抗击魏国证明其是一个稳定的军事结构;

    The Wu-Shu alliance against the Wei proved itself to be a militarily stable configuration ;

  13. 战国初期,魏国势力最强。

    Wei held a dominant position during the early stage of the Warring States Period .

  14. 三国时代末期,司马家族的地位在魏国变得卓著。

    At the end of the Three Kingdoms Period , Sima family became prominent in the Wei .

  15. 战国时期,魏国有个叫乐羊子的人。

    During the Warring States Period , there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State Yue .

  16. 魏国的建立者魏文侯是著名的政治家,任用李悝进行改革。

    Marquis Wen of Wei , a famous statesman , appointed Li Kui to carry out reforms .

  17. 经过一系列改革,魏国成为战国初期最强大的国家。

    After a series reforms , Wei became the strongest state in the early Spring and Autumn Period .

  18. 这个时候,司马家族已经将掌控魏国的权力从曹家手中夺取了过来。

    By this time the Sima clan had effectively wrested control of Wei away from the Cao family ;

  19. 因此,魏国占有总人口的58%以上并拥有大约40%的领地。

    Thus , Wei had more than 58 % of the population and around 40 % of territory .

  20. 三国的军事实力以魏国最强,因此统一战争的主要任务最后落在魏晋方面。

    Wei held the most formidable military strength among the three kingdoms , therefore committed the duty of reunification .

  21. 魏国国王很欣赏他的射箭技术经常和他一起去打猎。

    The king of the State of Wei appreciates his archery very much and often goes hunting with him .

  22. 战国时期(公元前403―221年中国中原地区各诸侯国连年争战的时代)魏国有个名叫更羸的人。

    In the Warring States Period , there was a man in the State of Wei called Geng Lei .

  23. 这吴城原是魏国名将吴起苦心经营之地,地势险要,工事坚固,正面进攻恐难奏效。

    They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortress .

  24. 魏国王子牟,他的封地在中山,所以大家都称他中山公子牟。

    Mou , the prince of Wei , received his feudatory in Zhongshan . So , he was called Zhongshan Prince Mou .

  25. 汉人建立了四个国家——北燕、南凉、前凉和魏国。

    The Han Chinese founded the four states : Northern Yan , Western Liang , Former Liang and the state of Wei .

  26. 以时间为序,作者分析了孟子在宋国、滕国、魏国、齐国的言论。

    In the sequence of the time , the author analyzes Mencius ' words in Kingdom Song , Teng , Wei and Qi .

  27. 227年,诸葛亮将他的主要部队转移至汉中,与西北部的魏国展开战争。

    In 227 Zhuge Liang transferred his main Shu armies to Hanzhong , and opened up the battle for the northwest with Wei .

  28. 在魏国日益衰败的情况下,他在魏国却得不到重用,因此他来到秦国。

    He served in Qin Kingdom later for being not put into important position by his own monarch when Wei Kingdom was increasingly downfall .

  29. 就人力而言,魏国是最多的,在其领地内大约有超过660000户和4400000人。

    In terms of manpower , the Wei was by far the largest , retaining more than 660000 households and 4400000 people within its borders .

  30. 有一天,魏国士兵正用木牛流马运粮食的时候,突然冲出很多蜀国士兵。他们打跑魏军,抢走了粮食。

    One day , when the Wei soldiers were transporting food by Mu Niu Liu ma , many Shu soldiers suddenly appeared and seized the food .