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huá chuán
  • to boating;row;go boating;row a boat;paddle a boat;small rowboat
划船 [huá chuán]
  • (1) [paddle a boat;to boating;row a boat]∶划桨行船

  • (2) [small rowboat]∶以人力划桨作动力的小船

划船[huá chuán]
  1. 我们去湖上划船了。

    We went for a row on the lake .

  2. 我们所有人几乎在还不会走之前就已经会划船和游泳了。

    We could all row a boat and swim almost before we could walk

  3. 本中心有齐全的划船和登山设备。

    The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering .

  4. 他不得不停止划船,把船里的水舀出去。

    He had to stop rowing to bail water out of the boat .

  5. 当地的活动包括散步、划船以及打高尔夫球。

    Local activities include walking , boating and golf .

  6. 我们划船顺流而下约一英里。

    We paddled downstream for about a mile .

  7. 我们绕着岛划船。

    We rowed around the island .

  8. 上校倚仗权势让他的中士划船划了一路。

    The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way .

  9. 船夫拒绝划船把他送回去。

    The boatman refused to row him back .

  10. 他们死于一起划船事故。

    They were killed in a boating accident .

  11. 我们在外面划船的时候就发现风暴将至。

    We 'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat .

  12. 他们称划船是最佳运动,它可以锻炼每一处主要肌肉群。

    They call rowing the perfect sport . It exercises every major muscle group .

  13. 你可以去划船或者打网球。

    You can go boating or play tennis

  14. 我们划船到了岸边,之后余下的时间步行在岛上探险。

    We rowed ashore , then explored the island on foot for the rest of the day .

  15. 划船比赛已正式定于4月2日星期四举行。

    The boat-race has been officially fixed for Thursday , April 2 .

  16. 我们去划船吧。

    Let us go for a row .

  17. 我们划船到河的对岸。

    We rowed over to the other side of the river .

  18. 我准备星期天去划船。

    I am fixing to go boating on sunday .

  19. 和我一块去划船玩好吗?

    Will you go boating with me ?

  20. 我们划船玩得非常高兴。

    We enjoyed boating very much .

  21. 通常而言,写作内容和写作环境没有必然联系,比如在三天的越野火车旅行中创作的《白鲸》;在新英格兰海滨小屋里创作的《魔法山》,小屋的门上没有锁,房间里没有电话或电视,除了在盐池上划船,几乎没有什么可做的。

    Often the pairings of books and settings have been purely accidental : " Moby Dick " on a three-day cross-country train trip ; " The Magic Mountain " in a New England beachside cottage with no locks on the doors , no telephones or televisions in the rooms , and little to do beyond row on the salt pond .

  22. (十分钟后)N:看!湖上划船的人好多。为什么?

    ( Ten minutes later . ) N : Look ! There are so many people boating on the lake.Why ?

  23. 这次划船比赛是英国最著名也是最古老的两所大学——牛津大学(Oxford)和剑桥大学(Cambridge)之间的比赛。

    This boat race is an event between the two most famous and also the oldest universities in Britain – the Oxford and the Cambridge .

  24. 一天,他们划船去一个目的地。

    One day , they went boating to a destination .

  25. 他们决定在这两所大学之间举行划船比赛。

    They decided to set up a boat race between the two universities .

  26. 为了南下,划船的人扬帆乘风。

    To go south , boaters put up sails to catch the wind .

  27. 这次划船比赛被认为是"世界上最古老的体育挑战"。

    This boat race is considered to be " the world 's oldest sporting challenge " .

  28. 每年3月底或4月初,英国泰晤士河上都会举行划船比赛。

    Every year , in late March or early April , a boat race takes place on the Thames River , England .

  29. 第一场划船比赛在泰晤士河畔的一个小镇举行,当时各个大学派出了共8名学生参赛。

    When the first boat race took place in a small town by Thames , eight students from each university became the competitors .

  30. 到1845年时,由于小镇变得过于拥挤,划船比赛上移到了6英里外的普特尼村。

    By 1845 , with the small town becoming too crowded , the boat race had moved six miles up to the village – Putney .