
pái qiú
  • volleyball
排球 [pái qiú]
  • (1) [volleyball]

  • (2) 球类运动项目之一,球场长方形,中间隔一高网,比赛双方各六人,各占球场一方,用手把球打来打去

  • (3) 排球运动所用的球,用羊皮或人造革做壳,橡胶做胆,大小和足球相似

排球[pái qiú]
  1. 瓦莱丽在排球、篮球和曲棍球三个项目上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。

    Valerie earned letters in three sports : volleyball , basketball , and field hockey .

  2. 我们看到了那场排球赛的电视实况转播。

    We saw a live TV broadcast of the volleyball match .

  3. 排球队以不可阻挡的气势,直落三局击败对手。

    The volleyball team overwhelmed their opponents in three straight games .

  4. 她们都是女子排球队队员。

    All of them are members of the women 's volleyball team .

  5. 他应邀为这场排球赛担任裁判。

    He is asked to referee this volleyball match .

  6. 孩子们在草地上打排球。

    The children are playing volleyball on the lawn .

  7. 他们喜欢打排球。

    They are fond of playing volleyball .

  8. 鹰队和虎队之间将进行排球半决赛,这将是一场真正的棋逢对手的比赛。

    There will be a volleyball semi-final between " the eagle " and " the tiger " . that will really be diamond cut diamond .

  9. B:不。我告诉他们不要再那样做了。这次是我在练习排球时打破的。

    B : No. I told them not to do that again.This time I broke it . I was practising volleyball .

  10. 排球是我很喜欢的运动。

    Volleyball is a sport of which I am very fond .

  11. 我喜欢在乡间散步,但我丈夫更喜欢一整天在沙滩上打排球,他真是个海滩客!

    I prefer8 walking in the countryside9 , but my husband10 prefers11 to play volleyball on the beach all day – he ’ s such12 a beach bum !

  12. 全国排球联赛的SWOT分析

    A Probe into the SWOT of the Chinese League Volleyball Match

  13. CAI在排球战术教学中是可行的,能满足师生的共同参与,并能充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主观能动性。

    Third , CAI is feasible and can afford teachers and students to participate in teaching together .

  14. 他还说,愿意下班一起去酒吧,星期六也愿意去打排球,甚至表示要去参加部门经理的晚餐会。Brad听后很高兴,That'sthespirit!

    And yes , I 'd love to join you at the bar this evening and I 'd be happy to play volleyball for your team on Saturday .

  15. AⅠ型和AⅡ型对学生掌握足球和排球基本技术秀一定的促进作用,但在培养实战能力和战术意识方面的教学效果不如BⅠ型明显。

    Type AI and Type A_ ⅱ could help the students with the mastery of the basic technologies of football and volleyball , but the teaching effect was not as obvious as in cultivating the actual combat ability and tactics consciousness .

  16. 利用SPSS专用统计软件对2002年全国沙滩排球巡回赛第二阶段28场比赛的第三局比赛结果进行统计分析。

    The results of 28 matches in the third run out of 64 matches in the second phase of the National Beach Volleyball Touring Match 2002 have been analysed with the SPSS specific statistic software .

  17. 普通高校排球课教学引入触摸屏电脑TC-CAI技术的教学实验表明,可以大大提高排球课教学效果,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,激发学生自主学习与练习热情。

    Through the experiment of practical research of touch-screen computer assisted technology of TC-CAI in the volleyball class of general colleges and institutes , the teaching effects and the students ' studying interest can improve greatly and are benefit for improving the study interest of students .

  18. 我喜欢集体项目??像排球和篮球。

    I love the team sports ? like volleyball and basketball .

  19. 制定排球传球技术教学目标的理论研究

    Theoretical research of drawing up teaching objective in volleyball pass technique

  20. 全国排球联赛门票定价理论研究

    The Theoretical Study on Entrance Ticket in National Volleyball League Matches

  21. 现代竞技排球运动教练员应具备的素质与能力

    On the Essential Accomplishments and Abilities of Modern Athletic Volleyball Coach

  22. 对排球运动员膝关节损伤治疗的探讨

    An exploration of the method to cure of knee-joint in volley-ball

  23. 全国大学生排球联赛的可行性研究

    A Research on the Feasibility of China University Volleyball League Match

  24. 排球正面上手发球技术教法研究

    The Analysis on the Teaching of Volleyball Front Up hand Service

  25. 程序教学在排球发球中的初步探导

    A Preliminary Probe of the Programmed Teaching Method in Volleyball Coaching

  26. 少儿排球运动员的训练不同于成年运动员的训练,我们应根据少儿生长的发育特点,抓好基本技术的规范化、全面化;

    Training juvenile volleyball players is different form training adult players .

  27. 试论排球发球技战术的变化及对策

    The Change and Countermeasure of Vollyball Serves ' Technic and Tactics

  28. 程序教学在排球教学中的运用研究

    The Exertion and Research for the Program Teaching in Volleyball Education

  29. 高校软式排球教学效果调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Teaching Effect of Soft Volleyball in Universities

  30. 渐进式体验对排球运动接受的影响;

    How Gradual Experience influences the acceptance of the volleyball sport ;