
  • 网络Oktoberfest;Beer Festival;THERESIENWIESE;Octoberfest;beerfest
  1. 欧,孩子们,你们知道的,是慕尼黑啤酒节。

    Oh , boys , you know this festival as oktoberfest .

  2. 我在慕尼黑啤酒节钓的男人是个铁匠。

    A guy I picked up at Oktoberfest is a blacksmith .

  3. 这一带也有很多老旧工厂。这家名叫NewEmpireBrewery的酿酒坊将会在本月的Beertopia啤酒节上推出首批啤酒——两款淡色麦啤,一款烈性啤酒和一系列一次性的果啤。

    New Empire Brewery will unveil its first beers-two pale ales , a stout and a series of one-off fruit beers-at Beertopia this month .

  4. 首届Beertopia啤酒节由JonathanSo发起于2012年。目的是将手工啤酒引入香港,当时吸引了1000多人前往历史悠久的西港城(WesternMarket)商场。

    The first Beertopia event , created by Jonathan So to introduce craft beer to Hong Kong , drew more than 1000 people to the historic Western Market in 2012 .

  5. 本月的好去处是一年一度的慕尼黑啤酒节(Oktoberfest)和巴西啤酒节。

    This month features the annual Oktoberfests in Munich and Brazil .

  6. 从啤酒节中抽空游览附近的新天鹅堡(NeuschwansteinCastle),它是一座耸立于山顶、童话般的宫殿,由国王路德维希二世(KingLudwigII)于1892年建成(网址:neuschwanstein.de)。

    Take a break from all that lager with a visit to nearby Neuschwanstein Castle , the fairytale-like hilltop palace built by King Ludwig II in 1892 ( neuschwanstein . de ) .

  7. 啤酒节董事DieterReiter说今年游客数量比去年低是因为之前该场地被用于开展每四年一次的农业展览会。

    Festival director Dieter Reiter says that 's because the festival grounds were reduced to accommodate an agricultural fair which takes place every four years .

  8. 除了这个啤酒节,越来越多的酒吧也在提供手工啤酒,包括Roundhouse和Globe。Roundhouse拥有24个出酒龙头,Globe除了提供各种瓶装啤酒,还新安装了一套拥有18个龙头的啤酒系统。

    Beyond the festival , craft beer is available at more and more bars , including the Roundhouse , which boasts 24 taps , and the Globe , which has installed a new 18-tap system to complement its extensive selection of bottles .

  9. 在啤酒节上他们纵情狂欢。

    They had fast and furious fun at the beer festival .

  10. 一提起慕尼黑,大家都会想起著名的啤酒节。

    Whenever Munich , everyone will think of the famous Norfolk .

  11. 第179届慕尼黑啤酒节以传统方式-鸣枪响炮宣告结束。

    The 179th annual festival ended with a traditional gun salute .

  12. 以下哪些关于啤酒节的选项何者为非?

    Which of the following about Oktoberfest is NOT true ?

  13. 为啤酒节种出现的各种突发天气提供安全保障。

    For all of the sudden weather to provide security .

  14. 啤酒节上推出了各种风味的德国啤酒。

    The activity introduced a various flavors of German beers .

  15. 独特的装饰方案更为啤酒节大蓬增彩。

    The unique decoration plan more beer tent areas .

  16. 据估计,游客们在啤酒节上共吃光116头牛。

    It was also estimated that visitors ate a total of 116 oxen .

  17. 第17届青岛国际啤酒节开幕了!

    The17th international beer stanza in Qingdao opened !

  18. 在啤酒节时,许多人会因喝太多啤酒而昏睡不醒。

    At Oktoberfest , many people drink too much beer and then pass out .

  19. 各种与啤酒节相关的服装、装饰已经陆续准备好,吸引人们去关注。

    All kinds of costumes and decorations are ready to get everyone 's attention .

  20. 他们来庆祝啤酒节&可能是世界上最盛大的公众节日。

    They come to celebrate Oktoberfest , probably the largest public festival in the world .

  21. 啤酒节上,每个人都手拿大酒杯,开怀畅饮。

    At the beer festival , everyone was holding big cups and swigging down beers .

  22. 慕尼黑着名的啤酒节登场了。

    Munich 's famous Oktoberfest is underway .

  23. 青岛是个旅游胜地,有著名的啤酒节和快艇文化。

    Qingdao is a prime tourist destination , with a beer festival and a yacht culture .

  24. 在吉尔斯纳维斯,啤酒节开幕式上,客人们在一间帐篷里举啤干杯。

    Visitors cheer beer in a tent on the opening day of Oktoberfest at the Theresienwiese .

  25. 并在此基础上对于我国节事旅游中具有代表性的案例&青岛国际啤酒节中的文化性要素进行了分析。

    And on this foundation , the cultural factors in Qingdao International Beer Festival are analyzed .

  26. 这是啤酒节的一部分吗?

    Ls this part of oktoberfest ?

  27. 为期五天的2007首届德国啤酒节在长沙喜来登酒店开幕。

    The five-days of " 2007 Germany beer festival " was held in Sheraton Hotel in Changsha .

  28. 第二年,So将啤酒节安排在户外,搬到了西九龙海滨。

    The next year , Mr. So moved the festival outdoors , to the West Kowloon waterfront .

  29. 德国//在巴伐利亚州,秋色翩然而至,又正好赶上慕尼黑啤酒节(9月21日至10月6日)。

    GERMANY / / Fall colors arrive in Bavaria just in time for Oktoberfest ( Sept. 21-Oct. 6 ) .

  30. 在研究体验营销在国内业界的应用问题上,本文选择了青岛国际啤酒节作为例子。

    The paper chooses Qingdao International Beer Festival as a example of the application of experiential marketing in china .