
  • beer belly;beer guts;potbelly
  1. 他又矮又胖,挺着个大啤酒肚。

    He was short and fat , with a large beer belly .

  2. 我不想再让别人取笑我的啤酒肚了。

    I 'm tired of people laughing at my beer belly .

  3. 他不像以前那么瘦削,开始长啤酒肚了。

    His once lean figure was developing a paunch .

  4. 他将裤子向上提,盖住了自己的啤酒肚。

    He hitched his trousers up over his potbelly .

  5. “老爸身材”用来形容那种肌肉有点松弛、没型、啤酒肚明显的身材,也可指代拥有这种身材的男人。

    Dadbod ( dad + body ) is used to refer to a male physique characterized by a slight flabbiness , undefined musculature , and a noticeable beer belly . It can also refer to a man who has such a physique .

  6. doublechin双下巴beerbelly啤酒肚sparetire备胎,腰部的赘肉(口语)muffintop腰部的赘肉middle-agedspread大腹便便你有双下巴嘛?

    Do you have a double chin ?

  7. Snyder先生,你该注意下你的啤酒肚了。

    You really need to do something about that beer gut , Mr. Snyder .

  8. 研究者接下来需要研究身体脂肪释放出来的分子对大脑造成的影响.如果Whitmer的假说成立,这个结论会让人困扰–虽然还远未到老年,那些啤酒肚却已经悄声无息地在损伤着大脑了.

    Researchers next need to study the impact that the molecules released by body fat have on the brain . If Whitmer 's hypothesis proves right , the conclusions could be disturbing - those beer bellies may be silently damaging the brain , long before old age sets in .

  9. 我不想再让别人取笑我的啤酒肚了。

    I am tired of people laughing at my beer belly .

  10. 你看起来真的强壮了,而且没有啤酒肚。

    You look really buff and no more beer belly .

  11. 你可以透过他大毛仪,看到他的啤酒肚。

    Eg : You can see his beer belly through his sweater .

  12. 他在裤子上面悬着一个令人厌恶的啤酒肚。

    He 's got a disgusting beer gut hanging over his trousers .

  13. 请留心你所喝的饮品来避免啤酒肚。

    Avoid a beer-belly , by watching what you drink .

  14. 这啤酒肚,我得想想办法啦!

    I have to do something about this beer belly !

  15. 啤酒肚基因是由意大利专家发现的。

    The beer-gut gene was tracked down by Italian experts .

  16. “啤酒肚”爸爸跟儿子一起听摇滚;

    A pot-bellied daddy listens to rock and roll with his son ;

  17. 啤酒肚的形成并不只是因为啤酒本身。

    It isn 't just the beer that contributes to beer bellies .

  18. 当他们看到你的啤酒肚,立马就会打消这个念头的。

    They 'll soon change their minds when they see your potbellied little body .

  19. 科学家发现有一种基因会让小伙子们长出松松垮垮的啤酒肚。

    A Beer-gut gene that gives fellas flabby tummies has been discovered by scientists .

  20. 当你的顾客试穿裤子时,他那啤酒肚几乎要把裤子撑破了。

    Your customer 's beer belly is threatening the life of a pair of trousers .

  21. 我期待未来几周的日子里着看到你的啤酒肚消失了!

    I 'm expecting to see that pot belly of yours disappear in the coming weeks .

  22. 真的该做运动了,我都开始长啤酒肚了。

    I really ought to start doing something . I 'm starting to get a potbelly .

  23. 他顶着一个啤酒肚。

    He has a beer belly .

  24. 你的奋斗目标是什么呢?要在五年中长成一个啤酒肚?

    Helli : What is your goal , to develop a beer belly in the next five years ?

  25. 平均来说,那些缺少这种基因变体的中年男子就会有啤酒肚。

    In their study of middle-aged men , those without the variant had wider waistlines , on average .

  26. 食物和缺乏锻炼,使得人类最好的朋友不得不连啤酒肚也一起分享了。

    Overfeeding and lack of exercise mean man 's best friend is likely to share his pot belly .

  27. 医学上的这一突破表明,男人们的啤酒肚并不完全是因为狂饮啤酒而造成的。

    The medical breakthrough proves that guzzling ale is not the only reason why men develop saggy stomachs .

  28. 压力过大而导致的小肚腩向前凸起,却不如啤酒肚硬挺。

    This tummy sticks out at the front but it is softer and more saggy than a pot belly .

  29. 巴伐利亚传统规定,鹿皮吊带花饰皮裤是最好的,因为它们能够拉宽拉长,容纳下不断发福的啤酒肚。

    Bavarian tradition dictates that deerskin lederhosen are the best , because they stretch to accommodate an expanding beer belly .

  30. 我现在是在为学校进食,他拍着一个并不存在的啤酒肚说道。

    I am eating for the college at the moment , ' ' he says , patting a nonexistent pot belly .