
zhí jiē sǔn hài
  • direct damage;direct injury;proximate damage
  1. 酸雨对植物的直接损害阀值为PH3.0。

    The threshold of direct damage of acid rain on plants is PH 3.0.Vegeta - bles are more sensitive than the other plants .

  2. 乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)侵入机体,不仅感染宿主的肝细胞,同时参与激活细胞毒T淋巴细胞(CTL),通过直接损害或通过免疫反应引起肝细胞凋亡或坏死。

    Hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) invade the body , not only infect the host liver cells , at the same time involved in activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes ( CTL ) by direct damage or by the immune response induced hepatocyte apoptosis or necrosis .

  3. 大量的Web应用攻击不但给企业和用户造成巨大的经济损失,而且严重影响了企业的信誉,直接损害用户的切身利益。

    The massive attacks against Web applications , not only result in huge economic loss , but also severely affect the reputation of companies , which directly impair the vital interests of the users .

  4. 结论IL-1α可以直接损害体外培养的人眼小梁细胞吞噬功能,其吞噬程度与IL-1α作用时间和浓度相关。(中华眼科杂志,200642977-979)

    Conclusions IL-1 α affects the phagocytic function of HTM cells that is correlated to the concentration and the incubation time .

  5. 方法通过查阅国内外相关文献,综述对CHF的治疗应干预神经内分泌、减轻儿茶酚胺类对心肌的直接损害,从而明确β受体阻滞剂对CHF的治疗作用。

    METHODS We referred to domestic and international literatures to define the therapeutic function of beta - receptor blockade in CHF .

  6. SARS的发病是由SARS-COV直接损害肺以及人体对病毒的免疫病理应答所引起的。

    SARS coming on is caused by SARS-CoV damaging lungs directly and the immune pathological response to the viruses of the human body .

  7. 在这其中,直接损害银行稳健与安全、导致银行危机产生的主要问题之一就是不良资产(NON-PERFORMINGASSETS)的产生。

    Among them , one of the reasons that damage the sanity and safety of the bank and lead to the bank crisis is that a lot of non-performing assets ( NPA ) have been produced directly .

  8. 结论HFRSV能够直接损害体外培养的HFRTC,其对RTC的损害作用可能直接参予肾综出血热(HFRS)的发病。

    Conclusion HFRSV can directly damage renal tubular cells ( RTC ), which contributes to the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( HFRS ) .

  9. 临床研究表明,循环中FFAs水平升高能直接损害血管功能,与心肌梗死、脑卒中和猝死的发生密切相关。

    Clinical studies have shown that high FFA levels directly impair vascular functions are associated with myocardial infarction , stroke , and sudden death .

  10. 爆破后渔获量明显降低,对距爆心2000m以内水域的海洋经济种类造成直接损害和持续性影响。

    The fishing yield decreased sharply after the explosion , and the commercial marine species around the waters within a radius of 2000m of the explosion center were damaged directly and affected continuously .

  11. 结果在MIRI的过程中,伴随着细胞因子(CK)的大量释放,其中促炎因子IL-1和IL-8可通过介导炎症反应,促进心肌细胞凋亡以及促进NO合成,直接损害心肌等机制加重MIRI。

    Results During MIRI , lots of cytokine ( CK ) are highly released , and inflammatory , such as , CK IL-1 and IL-8 may injure myocardium and produce of NO by promoting inflammatory response and cardiomyocytes apoptosis .

  12. 显微图像分析仪检测上述神经元内5HT阳性反应颗粒明显减少。本研究揭示,高氟摄入对中枢5HT能神经元有直接损害,对5HT的产生有抑制作用。

    With cell image analysis , the 5-HT contents , in the 5-HT neurons , decreased significantly in fluorosis group , which suggests that the administration of larger does of fluoride damage the central serotonin neurons directly and may inhibit the producing of 5-HT .

  13. 再次,应建立直接损害主义的民事诉讼赔偿标准。

    Thirdly , direct lose compensation standard should be established .

  14. 一种是直接损害:比如,一场不可持续的、由信贷推动的繁荣。

    The first is direct damage : an unsustainable credit-fuelled boom , say .

  15. 代表人对第三人侵权损害赔偿责任的范围包括直接损害和间接损害。

    Representatives to the third party infringement damages include direct damages and consequential damages .

  16. 神经纤维有髓鞘松散及溶解现象。这些结果提示,高氟摄入对中缝背核神经元有直接损害作用。

    These results suggest that the administration of large dose of fluoride damage the central nervous system directly .

  17. 这种震动导致快速磨损——更不要提直接损害,尤其是对电子设备。

    The vibrations cause rapid wear and tear - not to mention outright damage , especially to electronics .

  18. 剥夺它用来抵御未来全球市场危机的资源,将直接损害美国国家利益。

    Depriving it of the resources to combat future global market crises would directly undercut the US national interest .

  19. 对第三人的惊吓损害,其在性质上应被看作直接损害,而不是间接损害。

    In essence , this sort of damage is deemed to be direct damage not to be indirect damage .

  20. 分析了导致储层出砂的潜在损害因素和开发生产过程中的直接损害因素。

    We also analyzed the potential facter of sanding and the direct destructive factor in the course of oil production .

  21. 重点针对后者,笔者从单边性、域外管辖权等方面对其合理性进行了理论分析,并考虑直接损害的环境所处的地理位置以及实施的目的等因素。

    For the latter , the writer analyzed theoretically the reasonableness of them in the field of unilateral and Extra-territorial nature .

  22. 代理投资的道德风险不仅直接损害委托人的利益,也会对市场效率产生深刻且复杂的影响,对于这一问题的研究具有理论和现实意义。

    Moral hazard in delegated investments badly hurts principals directly as well as brings profound and complex influence to market efficiency .

  23. 在超高钼摄入时,钼对心脏和骨骼等靶器官有直接损害作用。

    The target organs such as skeleton and heart may be damaged directly when the animals took superhigh dose of molybdenum .

  24. 多种细菌、寄生虫、病毒可直接损害红细胞而发生急性溶血性贫血。

    A variety of bacteria , helminth , virus can harm red blood cell directly and produce anaemia of acute hemolysis sex .

  25. 信用证软条款的危害不言而喻,直接损害了出口商的利益,也影响了国际贸易的秩序。

    Obviously , the damage of the " soft clause " both directly harm the interests of exporters and affect the international trade order .

  26. 其机制可能:(1)内毒素可直接损害血脑屏障,产生血管源性水肿;

    The possible mechanisms are : 1 . Endotoxin may cause the damage of blood brain barrier directly , and thus results in angio-edema .

  27. 由于排斥性滥用行为直接损害市场竞争环境,因而它是反垄断法的重点规制对象。

    Because exclusionary abuses course direct damage to the environment of market competition , they are the most important regulation target of the anti-monopoly law .

  28. 网络诽谤行为不仅直接损害他人的人格尊严,并且还间接地破坏了人与人之间信息的交流和共享。

    Internet defamation not only directly harm the human dignity of others , and also indirectly , the exchange of information between people and share .

  29. 医疗行为的高风险性导致了医疗纠纷的频繁发生,医疗事故以及医疗差错直接损害了患者的利益,也损害了正常的医疗秩序。

    High risks of medical behavior lead to the frequency of medical dispute . Medical dispute and medical mistakes directly harm the patients ' benefit and normal medical order .

  30. 建筑市场业主行为的不规范,不仅直接损害了承包商的合法权益,而且影响到工程质量和投资效益。

    The uncontrolled behavior of clients in construction market not only damages the rights and interests of contractors , but also has negative effect on project quality and investment effect .