
zhí yínɡ
  • be run directly by a manufacturer
  1. XF公司直营连锁模式下电子商务方案的探讨

    The Exploring of Electronic Commerce Approach for Regular Chain Mode about XF Company

  2. 这一意大利时尚品牌的基本增长策略,与近年来许多奢侈品公司所采取的模式类似:打造一个直营店(dos)网络,减少支付给批发商的营收分成。

    The basic growth strategy of the Italian fashion house is similar to that adopted by many luxury-goods companies in recent years : build out a network of directly operated stores ( DOS ) , to reduce the share of revenues given over to wholesalers .

  3. 这是IKOMA在中国的第一家直营销售店,为您提供一个了解、体验、购买易酷马产品的场所。

    As the first direct selling shop of IKOMA in China , the shop provides you a place to understand , experience and procure IKOMA products .

  4. 周四,苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(TimothyD.Cook)在接受中国媒体新浪采访时说,未来两年,苹果计划在目前15家直营零售店的基础上,在大中华区再开设25家新店。

    Timothy D. Cook , Apple 's chief executive , said in an interview with Sina , the Chinese media outlet , on Thursday that Apple planned to open 25 new retail stores in greater China over the next two years , adding to the 15 stores it currently operates in the region .

  5. •苹果直营店:客流量7110万人次,增长50%

    • Apple stores : 71.1 million visitors , up 50 %

  6. •直营店销售额:31.9亿美元,增长90%

    • store sales : $ 3.19 billion , up 90 %

  7. 监督、指导直营店、加盟店的销售情况。

    Supervision and guidance of wholly owned stores , franchise sales .

  8. 程:大部分餐厅都是我们直营的。

    Andrew : Most of our stores are company owned .

  9. 今天世界最大的直营平台是一家软件公司-谷歌。

    Today 's largest direct marketing platform is a software company & Google .

  10. 其所售商品与附近的化妆品牌直营店的原装货看起来所差无几。

    The products seem exactly like original ones sold at nearby direct-sale cosmetic stores .

  11. 特许经营市场拓展模式与直营模式比较研究

    Franchising and Chain Store Mode Comparison Research

  12. 工厂直营,款式繁多,手工精细,品质优良,价格公道。

    Factory retail , various design , fine handwork , good quality , fair prices .

  13. 更关键的是,贝塔斯曼最终选择了在中国照搬法国经营直营店的经验。

    More crucial is that Bertelsmann decided to copy the French business in China Guide experience .

  14. 服装企业常采用直营、加盟或双重渠道的营销战略。

    The apparel enterprises usually take the marketing strategies of direct marketing , joining in or both .

  15. 迪士尼公司在星期二宣布他将在2012年中在中国开设它的第一家直营店。

    Walt Disney Co said on Tuesday that it will open its first direct-sale store in China by mid-2012 .

  16. 然而直接照搬在法国取得成功的直营店经验的弊端很快显现出来。

    However , direct copying in France Guide to the success of the shortcomings of experience soon became apparent .

  17. 公司拥有:行政部,直营店,培训中心等多个部门。

    The company has : the Department of Administration , outlets , training centers , a number of departments .

  18. 分析人士相信安踏的竞争对手、历史更久的李宁在直营零售业务方面出现了亏损。

    Analysts believe that Li Ning , Anta 's more-established rival , loses money on its direct retail divisions .

  19. 特许人从事特许经营活动应当拥有至少2个直营店,并且经营时间超过1年。

    License to engage in franchising activities should have at least 2 stores , and operate more than 1 year .

  20. 新能源行业,厂家直营,销售,设计,安装,服务,物流国际化管理。

    New energy industry , manufacturer direct supplier , sell , design , install , service , logistics , international management .

  21. 目的为连锁药店选择连锁经营模式(直营连锁和加盟连锁)提供借鉴。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide the reference for drug stores to choose the chain mode : the direct sales or franchise .

  22. 在山东青岛,哈根达斯一共有3家直营店。记者从其中的一家店了解到,并不是所有的员工都有健康证。

    In one of the three Haagen-Dazs stores in Shandong 's Qingdao City , not every worker there has health certificates .

  23. 台州自由空间服饰有限公司是一家以直营连锁和特许加盟为经营模式的专业服饰公司。

    Taizhou free space costumes Limited is a retail chain and the concession to operate the former professional costumes for the company .

  24. 连锁经营大致分为三种形式:直营连锁式、特许经营连锁式和自由连锁式。

    Chain operation is roughly divided into three types : direct chain operation , franchise chain operation , and free chain operation .

  25. 来自全国的直营公司、经销商和材料供应商、配套加工厂的领导全部积极参加。

    The leaders from national direct operation companies , dealers , material suppliers and supporting factories were all present in the trade .

  26. 近期我们扩大了在中东的业务,并打算于明年春季在俄罗斯开设第一家直营专卖店。

    We 've only recently become a stronger presence in the Middle East and we 'll open our first-owned-and-operated store in Russia this spring .

  27. 一大区别是普拉达现在更为激进,计划最迟在2014年将直营店数量增加75%。

    The big difference is that Prada is currently more aggressive , looking to expand its Dos count by 75 per cent by 2014 .

  28. 通过对消费群体分析,归纳总结目标市场的定位是:品质生活,精致之选的直营可连锁专卖店。

    The positioning of the target market by consumer groups , analyze , summarize summarize : quality of life , exquisite choice of Direct chain of stores .

  29. 里昂证券分析师魏晓坡警告说,随着安踏在多个城市中开设了直营旗舰店,公司近期可能会面临利润压力。

    Xiaopo Wei , an analyst at CLSA , warns that Anta could face near-term margin pressures following the rollout of directly managed flagship stores in several cities .

  30. 国家直营不但违背了市场规律,还造成了经营、监管的混淆,使监管制度形同虚设;

    Hie national straight camp has not only violated the market law but also caused the obscurity managing , supervising , make the supervisory system perform practically no function ;