
  • 网络direct intervention;state intervention
  1. 通过货币互换,美联储已承诺向欧洲央行(ecb)提供可能高达数千亿美元的资金,而且我们还无法排除直接干预的可能性。

    Through currency swaps , it has committed to offering potentially hundreds of billions of US dollars to the European Central Bank and we cannot rule out the possibility of direct intervention .

  2. 世卫组织欢迎卫生部官员的直接干预。

    WHO welcomes the direct intervention of ministry officials .

  3. 与很多其它威胁不同的是,计算机病毒可以在没有人的直接干预下,从一个程序传播到另一个程序,从一个系统传播到另一个系统。

    Unlike many other threats , a computer virus can be spread from program to program and from system to system without direct human intervention .

  4. 加入WTO以后,中央及地方政府直接干预外贸市场的权利受到了极大的限制,但这并不意味着政府就完全失去了对外贸的影响力。

    After entering the WTO , the central and local government are restricted in the right of intervening foreign trade market directly , but this does not mean that governments have lost their effective powers completely .

  5. 决策支持系统(DSS)是支持半结构化和非结构化决策,允许决策者直接干预并能接受决策者的直观判断和经验的功态交互式计算机系统。

    Decision Support System ( DSS ) is a dynamic and interactive computer system , which supports semistructured and ill-structured decisions , allows decision-makers to directly interfere , and can accept the audio-visual judgement and the experience of the decision-makers .

  6. Endostatin可能通过直接干预作用使内皮细胞凋亡,抑制血管内皮细胞增殖及新生血管的形成,起到一定防治瘢痕的作用,为临床治疗病理性瘢痕提供一新的途径。

    Endostatin could prevent and treat the scar through the endothelial cells apoptosis , suppressing the hyperplasia of endothelial cells and the formation of the new born blood vessel , offer a new way for treating the pathology scar clinically .

  7. 本研究主要采用直接干预和间接干预相结合,改善初中二年级学业不良学生的消极自我评价,提高他们的自我概念水平,促进他们的学业进步。本研究是K-ABC在国内首次试用。

    This treatise is trying to apply direct and indirect intervention to enhance self-concept and improve achievement of Learning Disabilities students of junior two . K-ABC measures intelligence separately from achievement .

  8. 中国央行也可能对市场进行了直接干预。

    The PBoC has probably also intervened in the market directly .

  9. 接着,它还对政府债券市场进行了直接干预。

    It went on to intervene directly in government bond markets .

  10. 解决问题的另一种手段是政府直接干预。

    There is another the means is that the government intervention directly .

  11. 后来,疲惫不堪的邻居们失去了耐心,决心直接干预。

    Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference .

  12. 政府不直接干预企业内部的日常经营活动。

    The government does not intervene the normal business of the companies directly .

  13. 人们普遍认为,金融深化(即减少政府对银行信贷分配的直接干预)对经济增长有显著的积极影响。

    It is widely believed that financial depth is conducive to economic growth .

  14. 换料操作必须遥控进行,并且不需要人为的直接干预。

    Refuelling must be done remotely without direct intervention .

  15. 尤其在现代社会中,宗族势力已成为社会发展的一种不稳定因素,在一些地区它不仅为自己谋取经济上的利益,甚至直接干预农村基层政权的选举。

    Especially in modern society , rural patriarchal clan has become an unstable factor .

  16. 第四,政府尽可能减少对股票市场的直接干预。

    Fourth , the government should reduce the direct intervention to the stock market .

  17. 总统拒绝由联邦直接干预来帮助失业者,还找了一堆冠冕堂皇的理由。

    The president gave highfalutin reasons for denying direct federal assistance to the unemployed .

  18. 同时,国民政府对国际劳工局的直接干预也置若罔闻。

    The government even turned a deaf ear to the direct intervention by the ILO .

  19. 更妙的是,这种信息传输的触发不需要用户直接干预。

    Better yet , this information transfer can be triggered without any direct user intervention .

  20. 其中包括对外汇市场的直接干预以及资本控制。

    These include direct intervention in the foreign exchange markets as well as capital controls .

  21. 此刻希特对于战事曾亲自作了唯一一次有效的直接干预。

    At this moment Hitler made his only effective direct personal intervention in the battle .

  22. 直接干预是一个选择。

    Direct intervention is one option .

  23. 我们初步认为政府不宜直接干预私人纠纷。

    Our initial view is that direct government intervention in essentially private disputes is not warranted .

  24. 原先直接干预企业的微观管理与宏观管理高度重合的政府管理体制,转变为政府对企业微、宏观管理的基本分离,并将重心转移至宏观调控的间接管理上。

    The Micro and Macro of Government toward Enterprises which once highly overlapped now had been separated .

  25. 特别是较低级别的区域政府,应该避免对地区产业发展的直接干预。

    Especially , the lower levels of regional government should avoid direct intervention in regional industrial development .

  26. 调整供给结构,打通交通瓶颈,确保有效供给;建设经济适用房直接干预房价;

    And adjust supply structure , eliminate the traffic bottleneck , so as to insure available supply .

  27. 以间接调控为主,辅之以必要的直接干预的协调模式是现今条件下我国国情的要求。

    It fits China 's present condition with indirect control and with necessary and the least direct interference .

  28. 战后,在实行指导、建议教育行政的背景下,督学系统不再直接干预学校的运营,学校评价以自评为主。

    But after the war , the supervisor system no longer directly interfered with the management of the school .

  29. 日本是目前唯一直接干预货币市场使本国货币贬值的发达国家。

    The Japanese are so far the only rich country to intervene directly in the markets to weaken their currency .

  30. 另外,应充分尊重和发挥流通市场的调节作用,慎用国家直接干预方式治理通胀。

    The adjusting role of circulation market should be given full play and state intervention should be used with caution .