
  • 网络means of fiscal policy
  1. 国债作为财政政策手段和货币政策的辅助手段,在现代经济生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As an auxiliary means of financial policy and monetary policy , national debt plays an important role in modern economic life .

  2. 国债是我国一项重要的财政政策手段,极大的促进了经济的增长。

    The treasure bonds is an important financial policy means in our country and has promoted the economic growth to a great extent .

  3. 发行国债是政府为满足其职能需要以信用原则筹措资金和调节经济的一种财政政策手段。

    Issuing national debt is a kind of fiscal policy means raising funds and regulating economic to meet the demands of its function with credit principles .

  4. 为缓解区域经济增长差异,政府运用各种财政政策手段和工具,不断加大对西部地区的财政资金支持力度,其中大部分财政资金用于生产性领域。

    To alleviate regional economic disparities , government fiscal policy uses a variety of methods and tools and increases financial resources to the western region , most of which for productive fields .

  5. 长期建设国债的政策调整应当和税收政策的调整相互呼应,协同配合,合理发挥多种财政政策手段的有机组合,培养经济自主增长能力。

    The policy adjustment of long-term construction national debt should the adjustment of the policy tax revenue echoes mutually , develop various financial policy means reasonably have unit to suit , train economic autonomous increase ability .

  6. 有效运用财政政策手段和合理利用财政资金,发挥市场机制作用,充分挖掘建筑节能潜力,实现包括社会效益和环境效益在内的宏观经济效益,实现节能总体目标和能源可持续发展目标。

    Effectively utilize fiscal policy measures , fully utilize financial capital , take the role of market mechanism , and fully dig energy efficient potential in building field . Realize the general macro economic benefit including social benefit and environmental benefit , general energy efficient aims and energy sustainable development .

  7. 那么政府可以通过财政政策等手段来主导,并按照国家发展战略,来对影响经济增长的产业结构和产业链进行科学合理的配置。

    Then the Government can provide guidance by fiscal policy and other means and in accordance with national development strategies , to affect economic growth and let industrial structure and industrial chains scientific can be rational configuration .

  8. 随着税收优惠政策的日益规范及优惠政策逐渐由区域转向产业,地方政府利用税收优惠政策做大经济蛋糕的空间日益减小,从而迫使其逐渐转向财政支出政策手段。

    With the tax preferential policy increasingly standardize and the preferential policy is gradually from the region to industry , the local governments using the preferential tax policy to expand the economic cake space is reduced , thereby forcing them gradually shifted to the fiscal expenditure policy means .

  9. 本文指出集镇经济是农村经济发展的主攻方向,应借助财政政策为主体手段来启动集镇经济新发展;

    This paper points out that the market town is the main direction of rural economy development .

  10. 从1998年下半年开始,为了刺激经济增长,我国实行了以基础设施投资为重点的扩张性财政政策,主要手段是发行国债。

    From the latter half of 1998 , Chinese government carried out the Expanding Financial Policy taking infrastructure investment as its focus and with a main measure of issuing state bonds .

  11. 信中表示:发达世界面临前所未有的窘境,可能掉入一个流动性陷阱,而与此同时,其大部分财政和货币政策手段已用尽。

    The developed world faces the unprecedented prospect of failing into a liquidity trap at a time when the majority of its fiscal and monetary ammunition have been exhausted , the letter said .

  12. 政府应采取积极的财政政策,通过各种手段,合理调整收入分配差距。

    The government should adopt active fiscal policies to adjust income distribution gap .

  13. 在既定的行政管理体制下,这种分权导致地方政府之间围绕经济资源展开竞争,这一竞争在财政政策运用方面就有税收优惠政策手段和财政支出政策手段。

    Given the administrative management system , a competing for various economic resources is taken by local governments because of the fiscal decentralization , the competition includes the tax competition and the expenditure competition in the use of fiscal policy .

  14. 财政政策之所以存在传导机制是由于财政政策手段与政策目标往往处于不同的经济领域。不同的政策目标与政策手段存在不同的领域间隔,从而具有不同的传导机制。

    The reason why financial policies are provided with their transmission mechanisms is that the means and objectives of financial policies always exist in different economics domains , therefore various domain intervals have different means and objectives , and then the transmission mechanisms are not the same .

  15. 在西方财政学中,财政政策的定义先是强调财政政策手段,以后逐步向强调财政政策目标转移。

    In the west , the definition of fiscal policy emphasized its means at the beginning , then , it turned to emphasize its targets .

  16. 财政政策实施效果的核心在于消费倾向,其政策传导过程表现为财政政策手段→收入分配变化→社会总需求改变→财政政策目标实现。

    The core of the implementing effect of financial policy lies in the propensity to consume , the course of the policy conducts is shown as the financial policy means → Income distribution change → The total social demand changes → The financial policy goal is realized .

  17. 财政转移支付作为平衡地区间的贫富差距、实现地区间经济发展共进的财政宏观调控政策及手段,世界各国均不同程度地使用之。

    As financial macroeconomic control policy and means balancing difference between the rich and the poor regions and realizing common economic development , financial transfer payment has been applied to different extents in various countries throughout the world .

  18. 财政政策对经济发展的作用一直以来是很受学界关注的一个问题,不同的财政政策手段,对经济发展作用的方式和层面以及持续的时间是不同的。

    Fiscal policy on the role of economic development has long been a concern in popular fields , different fiscal policy , have different effect on economic development .

  19. 我国财政政策目标设定与和谐社会构建关系研究在西方财政学中,财政政策的定义先是强调财政政策手段,以后逐步向强调财政政策目标转移。

    Research into the Relationship Between Establishing the Goal of China ′ s Financial Policy and Constructing the Harmonious Society In the west , the definition of fiscal policy emphasized its means at the beginning , then , it turned to emphasize its targets .