
  1. 《纽约时报》报道,此次对特朗普总统大女儿伊万卡的披露,发生在她的丈夫杰瑞德·库什纳提交了一份更新的财务表格之际,文件显示,这对夫妇从一个价值7.61亿美元的商业帝国中获得大笔收入。

    The New York Times reported that the disclosure for President Trump 's elder daughter was released as her husband Jared Kushner submitted an updated financial form revealing they benefit from a business empire worth as much as $ 761 million .

  2. 上个月世界杯开赛之前,投行分析师曾猜测世界杯会造成澳门赌客人数减少。当时分析师们可能满脑子想的都是足球这个话题,而不是财务表格。

    Prior to the start of the tournament last month , analysts at investment banks perhaps with their minds turning towards the subject of football instead of their spreadsheets had speculated that the World Cup would sap numbers of gamblers in Macau .

  3. 作为招生流程的一部分,学生需要填写财务援助表格。

    We will evaluate your financial aid eligibility as part of your admissions process .

  4. 罗斯坦表示,想要成为银行业者的培训生们会收到一份“令人厌恶的”财务数据电子表格,他们需要对它进行格式化。

    Would-be bankers get a spreadsheet full of financial data " that is basically ugly , " rostan says , and needs to be formatted .

  5. 罗斯坦表示,想要成为银行业者的培训生们会收到一份“令人厌恶的”财务数据电子表格,他们需要对它进行格式化。讲师们会“系统讲解让表格变得更完美的具体步骤。”这个过程通常需要15分钟时间。

    Would-be bankers get a spreadsheet full of financial data " that is basically ugly , " Rostan says , and needs to be formatted . Instructors " explain how to do it , step by step , methodically , all the keystrokes to make it better . " This usually takes about 15 minutes .