
  • 网络financial news;finance;CNBC;FINANCE NEWS
  1. 中文报章中,有24份以报道本港和世界新闻为主,3份集中报道财经新闻,其余的则专门报道娱乐新闻,刊载影视圈消息。

    Of the Chinese-language dailies , 24 cover mainly local and overseas general news ; three focus on finance ; and the rest cover entertainment news , especially television and cinema news .

  2. 一名中央电视台工作人员对财信新闻说芮是在自己的办公室被逮捕的,业内人士指出检方还逮捕了另两名央视工作人员,包括中央二套财经新闻频道的副主任李勇。

    A CCTV employee told Caixin that Rui was detained in his office , while sources said that prosecutors also detained two other CCTV employees , including Li Yong , vice director of the network 's CCTV2 finance and economics channel .

  3. 稍后是1点45分的财经新闻和天气预报。

    Still to come , the financial news and the weather at a quarter to two .

  4. 财经新闻机构MarketNewsInternational今年7月的一项调查还发现,中国消费者情绪低落。尼尔森的调查也显示,第二季度中国消费者信心有所回落。

    A July survey by Market News International also found consumers in a despondent mood , and the reading on Nielsen 's second-quarter confidence survey fell .

  5. CNN财经新闻记者加德琳•海伊斯纽约报道

    Kathleen Hays , CNN Financial news , New York .

  6. 科技媒体很快指出,此事令数字货币比特币2015年开局不利,财经新闻网站QUARTZ曾称比特币为2014年最糟糕的投资。

    As the tech press were quick to point out , it was a worrisome start to the year for a digital currency that Quartz had already declared the worst investment of 2014 .

  7. 即便是卫星电视公司(DishNetworkCorp.),这家在财经新闻网站24/7WallSt.“最不适宜履职的公司”排行榜(依据员工的反馈排名)上高居榜首的企业也在努力走更友善、更温和的路线。

    Even Dish Network Corp. , which topped financial-news website 24 / 7 Wall St. 's list of ' the worst companies to work for ' based on employee feedback , is trying to take a kinder , gentler approach .

  8. 他在苹果发布令人失望业绩的次日对财经新闻频道CNBC表示,北京方面可能会做出各种动作,“使苹果很难在那里销售”。

    He told CNBC a day after the disappointing results that Beijing could " come in and make it very difficult for Apple to sell there . "

  9. 据财经新闻网站财新网周三晚报道,中国证监会(CSRC)稽查总队副总队长习龙生近日被从办公室带走。

    Financial website Caixin reported late on Wednesday that Xi Longsheng , chief inspection officer at the China Securities Regulatory Commission , had been escorted from his office by investigators in recent days .

  10. 备受尊敬的财经新闻杂志财新(Caixin)报道称,中国第七大银行招商银行(CMB)曾在1月2日短信通知客户,“受保监会新规影响”,将停止销售“安邦共赢3号”。

    Caixin , a respected financial news magazine , reported that China Merchants Bank , the country 's seventh-largest lender , notified clients by text message on January 2 that it would halt sales of Win-Win \# 3 " under the influence of new regulations from the CIRC . "

  11. 现在由帕特里夏?安德森播送财经新闻。

    Here is the financial news , read by Patricia anderson .

  12. 英语财经新闻报道中人际意义的功能研究

    A Functional Approach to Interpersonal Meaning in English Business News Reports

  13. 英语财经新闻报道中的语法隐喻分析

    An Analysis of Grammatical Metaphor in English News Reports of Economy

  14. 数据是财经新闻的重要表达元素之一。

    Data is an important financial news element of the expression .

  15. 比茨伯格在布隆伯格财经新闻服务的采访中讲话。

    Bitsberger spoke in an interview on the Bloomberg financial news service .

  16. 下次你看财经新闻可要注意,

    Pay careful attention the next time you read the financial news .

  17. 本文研究的对象是广义的财经新闻报道。

    This study is based on the broad sense of business news reporting .

  18. 我是财经新闻的菲奥娜·霍利迪。

    This is Fiona Holiday from the Financial News .

  19. 基于关联理论对英文财经新闻中隐喻的研究

    A Study on Conceptual Metaphors in English Commercial News from Perspective of Relevance Theory

  20. 当时我在财经新闻方面也完全是菜鸟。

    I was equally green about financial news .

  21. 所有的财经新闻都在报道

    It 's all over the financial news .

  22. 第三章,互联网财经新闻文本分类研究。

    The third part : the research about text classification of Internet-based financial news .

  23. 应用系统功能语法分析财经新闻文体特征

    A Research on the Stylistic Features of Business News Reporting Based on Systemic-Functional Grammar

  24. 随着竞争的日趋激烈,合格的财经新闻采编人员将成为紧缺人才。

    With the increasingly fierce competition , the eligible journalists of business newspapers will be in shortage .

  25. 它是由道琼斯公司发行的。道琼斯公司是一家有着广泛影响力的国际财经新闻出版社。

    It is published by the Dow Jones Company , an influential publisher of international financial news .

  26. 电视财经新闻传播是我国经济发展过程中重要的舆论工具。

    TV financial news communication is an important public opinion instrument inner the economic procedure of our country .

  27. 在一些令人厌烦的财经新闻报道之后,本周金融市场增加了短期利率下调的可能性。

    Financial markets increased the odds of more short-term interest-rate cuts this week after a barrage of grim economic news .

  28. 事项:《信报财经新闻》捐助二百万予岭南大学,成立「信报财经新闻财务学讲座教授」教席。

    Subject : HK $ 2 million was donated to Lingnan University to establish " HKEJ Chair Professorship of Finance " .

  29. 刘长乐表示,新的频道将聚焦于有关中国的财经新闻,以及中国文化和语言节目。

    Mr Liu said the channel would focus on providing economic and financial news about China and Chinese culture and language programmes .

  30. 英语财经新闻作为新闻英语的一个分支,其语言特点体现了语言的经济性原则。

    As a branch of news English , English business news has its own linguistic features which embody the economy of language .