
cái shuì
  • finance and taxation
财税 [cái shuì]
  • [finance and taxation] 即财政、税务

  • 财税部门

  1. 从农业综合开发所处国内国际环境(农业发展新阶段、农业国际化和WTO规则、农业市场经济发展和农业财税体制改革)阐述农业综合开发的所负担的历史使命和创新的必要性。

    Its historical mission and necessity of its innovation are expatiated , basing on the domestic and international background , including the new stage of agricultural development , agricultural internationalization and the rules of WTO , agricultural market economy development and the system reform in agricultural finance and taxation .

  2. 我国城市土地收益财税管理研究

    Study of Finance and Taxation Management System of City Land Profit

  3. 调整财税政策适应WTO运行规则

    Adjusting Fiscal Levy Policy to the WTO Operational Regulation

  4. 试论WTO背景下我国社会保障制度改革与财税对策

    On the Reform of China 's Social Security System and the Fiscal and Taxation Countermeasures after Entering WTO

  5. 改进我国的财税法制度,使其符合WTO规则,是我国步入经济全球化和经济发展良性循环的必然趋势。

    Improving our country Finance and Revenue Law institution on according with the rules of WTO , is the inevitable tendency of entering global economy and benign circle of economy development .

  6. 我国加入WTO后的财税政策,尚有许多不适应世贸组织条款要求的问题。

    Although China has joined the WTO , there are still a lot of problems existing in our financial taxation policies which don 't conform to the requirements of the WTO clauses .

  7. 从经济结构、金融市场、财税法规政策和人才环境4个方面,深入分析了加入WTO对企业财务管理带来的挑战。

    From the aspects of economical structure , financial market , regulations and policies of financial and tax and human resources , this paper analyzes the challenges to financial management that caused by it .

  8. 广州市利用FDI绩效有七大宏观效应,即资本效应、产业效应、技术溢出效应、就业效应、出口效应、财税效应和经济增长效应。

    FDI in Guangzhou has six big macroscopic effects , namely industrial effect , employment effect , export effect , finance and taxation effect , technical overflow effect , economy growth effect .

  9. 入世后,中国的财税制度、运行规则必须按照WTO原则进行调整,以融入国际贸易大环境中。

    After entering the WTO , the fiscal and taxation system of China , the rule of running must be adjusted according to WTO principle in order to incorporate it in the great environment of international trade .

  10. 最后,本文从推进行政管理体制改革深化财税体制改、推进国l有企业和国有资产管理体制改革、建立区域合作与协调机制和加强法律体系建设五个方面给出消除区域于政垄断的政策建议。

    Finally , the author gives policy recommendations to eliminate regional administrative monopoly by pushing forward the reform of the administrative system , deepening fiscal and tax reform , promoting state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets management system , establishing the regional cooperation and coordination mechanism and strengthening the legal system .

  11. 小议我国循环经济立法中的财税与金融制度

    The fiscal and financial systems in the legislation of circle economy

  12. 促进我国科技投入的财税政策研究

    Research on Fiscal Policies Conducive to Investment in Science and Technology

  13. 深化财税体制改革确保农民收入增长

    Increase Peasants ' Income through Reform in Fiscal & Taxation System

  14. 要继续推进财税体制改革。

    We will continue to reform the fiscal and taxation systems .

  15. 试论推动我国金融租赁业发展的财税激励措施

    On discussing tax incentive measures for the development of finance leasing

  16. 我国西部大开发的财税政策取向

    The Finance and Tax Policy Orientation of Western Region Development in China

  17. 从沉淀成本角度谈我国农业工业化的财税对策

    Talking on the countermeasures to the financial policy of the agricultural industrialization

  18. 第四部分是江西财税对旅游业的扶持。

    The fourth part is the Jiangxi Taxation on tourism industry support .

  19. 减轻国有企业财税负担实现公平竞争

    Reduce financial burdens on state-owned enterprises and achieve equal competition

  20. 第六部分,17世纪的财税政策和光荣革命。

    Part six was the financial and tax policies and Glorious Revolution .

  21. 促进节能服务产业发展的财税政策模式

    Fiscal and Taxation Policy Pattern for Promoting Energy Saving Service Industry Development

  22. 推动民营经济发展的财税政策

    On Financial and Taxation Policy to Prompt the Development of People-run Economy

  23. 关于西部开发财税政策问题的思考

    Fiscal Policies on the Development of the West of China

  24. 论稳健的财政政策与提升财税立法

    On Moderate Financial Policy and Advancing Legislative Level of Finance and Tax

  25. 我国农业产业化发展的财税政策

    The Fiscal and Tax Policies on Development of China 's Agricultural Industrialization

  26. 深化财税制度改革。

    We will deepen reform of fiscal and taxation systems .

  27. 构建和谐社会与我国财税改革

    Establishment of Harmonious Society And Reform of Finance and Taxation

  28. 促进就业的财税政策研究

    Study on Public Finance and Taxation Policy Accelerating the Employment

  29. 论促进我国循环经济发展的财税政策

    On Financial & Tax Policies Facilitating Recycled Economic Development of Our Country

  30. (七)深化财税、金融等体制改革,完善宏观调控体系。

    Deepen fiscal , taxation and financial restructuring and improve macroeconomic regulation .