
cái chǎn sǔn shī
  • property loss
  1. 基于RBF神经网络的财产损失评估模型

    RBF neutral network - based model of property loss evaluation

  2. 保险业财产损失分布的拟合及预测&基于RBF神经网络的应用分析

    Modeling and Predictions of Insurance Property Loss Distribution Based on RBF Neural Networks

  3. 地震造成大约600万元的财产损失。

    The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $ 6 million .

  4. 随意使用灭火器会给其他居民带来危险,并可能造成个人财产损失。

    Irresponsible use of a fire extinguisher can create a dangerous situation for other residents and could result in damage to personal property .

  5. 第七十三条明知校舍或者教育教学设施有危险,而不采取措施,造成人员伤亡或者重大财产损失的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追究刑事责任。

    Article 73 If anyone knowingly fails to take measures with regard to the school buildings or educational or teaching facilities that are dangerous , thus causing human casualties or heavy losses of property , the leading persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible for it shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law .

  6. 对地震所造成财产损失的初步估算是在100亿美元到200亿美元之间,穆迪分析师严溢敏(SallyYim)在一份报告中表示。

    Early estimates of total property losses from the quake range from $ 10bn to $ 20bn , said Sally Yim , a Moody 's analyst , in a report .

  7. 分析了聚合釜因过程失控产生超压的原因,并采用TNT当量法定量分析了氯乙烯泄漏爆炸事故的危害,计算出了死亡、财产损失的具体范围,提出了预防此类事故的一般性措施。

    Reasons of overpressures by uncontrolled of process were analysed . The hazardness of explosion accident by chlorethylene leakage was analysed by TNT equivalent method . The specific scope of death and property loss was calculated .

  8. 如果由于供应商的原因而使得Autoliv造成财产损失,Autoliv将及时通知供应商,并共同商议。

    Autoliv shall inform and consult with Supplier without delay and comprehensively if Autoliv asserts damages against supplier according to the before mentioned provisions .

  9. 频发的矿井火灾造成了重大的人员伤亡和财产损失。

    Frequently occurred mine fires result in enormous casualty and property loss .

  10. 对一个特殊的财产损失案的评估分析

    Evaluation and Analysis on a Special Case of Property Loss

  11. 煤矿水灾害会对煤矿造成巨大的财产损失。

    Coal-mine flooding brings a great loss of property to coal-mine corporation .

  12. 该公司之挽回财产损失

    The retrieval of the company 's fortunes Current asset losses in suspense

  13. 火灾保险的范围包括大火所造成的财产损失。

    Fire insurance covers property damage caused by fire .

  14. 气象学家利用计算机模型更为准确地预测会造成生命和财产损失的飓风的路线

    Meteorologists use computer models to more accurately predict the course of killer hurricanes

  15. 只有轻微的财产损失,但无一人丧生。

    There was only minor damage to property and no loss of life .

  16. 平曲线路段交通事故多发,带来了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。

    Flat curve road traffic accident happens , bring great casualties and property instantaneous .

  17. 所造成的财产损失正在统计中。

    The property losses are also being counted .

  18. 别管什么财产损失和袭击指控了

    Forget the property damage and assault charges .

  19. 海上事故常常造成巨大的财产损失、人员伤亡和严重的环境污染。

    Maritime accidents often cause enormous property damage , casualties and serious environmental pollution .

  20. 税务机关可对经批准税前扣除的财产损失的真实性进行检查。

    A taxation authority may check the authenticity of approved pre-income-tax deduction of property loss .

  21. 地震造成财产损失。

    The earthquake caused damage to property .

  22. 信用卡结帐可以避免偷盗和财产损失。

    Purchases made on your credit card are insured against theft , loss and damage .

  23. 每年因尾矿库事故造成大量人员伤亡和严重的经济财产损失。

    Each year the tailings accident cause heavy casualties and damage to severe economic property .

  24. 有些建筑结构甚至在运营当中,轰然倒塌,造成重大人员及财产损失。

    Some of them in service come crashing down , inducing significant personnel and property loss .

  25. 失效的发生,常常引起巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。

    When the failure happens , it often causes the heavy property loss and personal injury .

  26. 保险的意旨在于用一定得合理费用换取财产损失时的保护。

    The purpose of insurance is to provide protection against financial loss at a reasonable cost .

  27. 应把家中大量现金存入银行,贵重物品一定要锁好,一旦被盗,会减少财产损失。

    If the thieves enter your house , the loss of your property will be reduced .

  28. 海难事故不仅造成人身伤亡和财产损失,还会造成海洋环境的污染。

    Maritime accident not only caused casualty and property loss , but also caused environment pollution .

  29. 近年来,因结构破坏造成严重的人员伤亡及财产损失在国内屡屡出现。

    In recent years , some serious casualties and property losses for the structure destruction appear repeatedly .

  30. 但一旦责任成立,赔偿的范围即包括人身损害、财产损失和精神损害。

    Once the liability is tenable , damages cover bodily injury , property loss and spirit damage .