
  1. 投资父子兵分享投资秘诀

    Five Father-Son Teams Share Investing Secrets

  2. 然而在大多数国家,政府并未领导、指引甚至分享投资过程。

    Yet in most countries , governments are not leading , guiding , or even sharing in the investment process .

  3. 资产管理公司也将帮助扩大国际金融公司投资活动规模和范围,同时与其他投资者分担风险和分享投资收益。

    It will also help expand the scale and scope of IFC investment activities , while sharing risks and investment returns with other investors .

  4. 这种实物期权价值和金融期权不同,没有法律文书的确认,往往会受到其他竞争性企业进行类似研发投资活动的影响,从而被迫和竞争对手分享投资期权价值。

    Unlike financial options , this kind of Real Options is not guaranteed by Law , whose value is easily undermined by the similar R & D activities committed by the rival , hence being shared between the competing firms .

  5. 2007年:如何分享基金投资饕餮大餐

    2007 : How to Share the Feast from Fund Investment

  6. 与委托人约定分享证券投资收益或者分担证券投资损失;

    Arrange to share the profits or losses of their clients'securities investments ;

  7. 证券投资基金是一种由众多不确定的投资者将不同的出资份额汇集起来,交由专业机构进行操作,所得收益由投资者按出资比例分享的投资方式。

    The Security Investment Fund is a kind of investment way that invested by many uncertain investors and operated by professional institute . All the profit from the investment will be shared pro data .

  8. 企业特殊人力资本是企业和员工共同投资形成的,雇佣双方需要共同分享长期投资收益。

    With respect to the enterprise the investment of manpower capital is made from the enterprise itself and its personels . Thus the long-term investment return should be shared by the enterprise the employer and its personels the employees ;

  9. 他热情地通过媒体分享自己的投资心得,导致许多人怀疑他的品格。

    His enthusiasm for sharing his investing wisdom through the media has led many to question his integrity .

  10. 企业在进行投资决策时,必须从博弈论的角度考虑分享同一投资项目收益的各企业之间的策略影响,由此决定最佳的投资策略。

    In order to get optimal investment strategies , firms should apply game theory to consider the strategic influences by competitors .

  11. 个人、企业、国家因其人力资本投资分别拥有部分人力资本产权,都应是人力资本投资的收益主体,应共同分享人力资本投资的收益,构成一种收益分享共同体。

    The individuals , enterprises and the state owe respectively parts of human capital equity because of their investment into human capital .

  12. 企业既要协作又要竞争,分享理念,投资研究和开发,考虑内在的风险。

    Businesses need both to collaborate and to compete , to share ideas , to invest in research and development and to take informed risks .

  13. 与此同时,为激励经理如实报告其事前的私人信息,提高企业的决策效率,就要让经理分享项目的投资收益,并适当给予其期权激励。

    Meanwhile , to encourage the manager to report true information and promote decision-making efficiency , the owner should share investment profit with the manager and give appropriate option incentive .

  14. 运用Nash均衡和报童模型,在考虑信息分享成本、任意投资水平和三层供应链这三种不同情形下分析了影响供应链上下游同时积极参与协同预测(CPFR)的条件。

    Based on Nash equilibrium and newsvendor model , by considering information sharing costs , arbitary investment level and three-level supply chain , the thesis analyzes the conditions that favor the active participation of CPFR program by various partners .

  15. 这是关于分享和善意的投资

    This is about sharing and investing in kindness .

  16. 世界银行在与非洲合作伙伴、中国及其他发展合作伙伴密切合作,分享经验,促使投资项目实现最佳发展效应。

    The World Bank is working closely with African countries , China and other development partners in sharing experiences so that the investments have the best development impact .