
  • 网络up cross flow
  1. 油气上窜速度计算公式的修正

    The Modified Formula of Calculating Oil & Gas Upward Flow Velocity

  2. 突然,公路上窜出一辆疯狂的车。

    Abruptly , a crazy car exploded on the road .

  3. 油气上窜速度实用计算方法

    The Practical Method to Calculating Oil and Gas Upward Velocity

  4. 油气上窜速度的计算及应用

    The Calculation And Application Of The Ascending Velocity For Oil & Gas

  5. 有一天某位女士看到一只老鼠在自家的厨房地板上窜过。

    One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor .

  6. 他几乎从座位上窜出来。

    He almost rocketed out of his seat .

  7. 她的第一张专辑在排行榜中成绩娇人,其名气也迅速往上窜。

    Her first album burned up the charts and her fame began to escalate quickly .

  8. 正在这时候,两只大野猫从山上窜到海边来。

    Just then two big wild cats came down to the shore from the mountains .

  9. 因此控制地面沉降,防止套管的继续上窜已成当务之急。

    So controlling the ground subsidence and preventing the moving up of casing has become imperative .

  10. 捕鼠记一天,一位女士看到一只老鼠从自家厨房的地板上窜过。

    Catching a Mouse One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor .

  11. 路边发现松鼠,它从左边的加杨树上窜下,迅速穿过人行道;

    Found the squirrel running down from a Canadian-poplar tree , and run across the footpath fast ;

  12. 采用烧结的平面物理模型,实验模拟底水绕过上窜夹层的动态过程。

    The dynamic process of bottom-water bypassing interbed and fleeing upward is simulated by using sintered planner models .

  13. 小男孩开始在宫里的许多楼梯里爬上窜下,但眼睛则同时紧盯着汤勺。

    The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace , keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon .

  14. 是的,就在那个地方。(不,我咳嗽时,疼痛会往腿上窜。)

    P : Yes . Only there . ( No , I feel it go down my leg when I cough ) .

  15. 这组独特的创意照片迅速在互联网上窜红,瞬间也使她成为史上最红的“辞职女孩”。

    This unique originality has become quite a hit in the website and Portfield has become the most popular " abdicating girl " overnight .

  16. 分析判断与综合判断压裂缝高穿层造成底层水上窜的判断方法与原因分析

    Analytical and synthetical judgments Identification and Analysis of Channeling Upward of Bottom Water due to Connect the Testing Zone With the Lower Water Zone by Fracturing

  17. 减压平衡机构是由迷宫叠片组成,其作用在于防止深冷液体上窜;

    The decompression balance mechanism is composed of labyrinth laminations , and the function of the decompression balance mechanism is to prevent the cryogenic liquid blowing up .

  18. 研究与应用结果表明,套管外封隔器可有效地防止注水泥过程中及封固后油气上窜或层间窜扰;

    Study showed that the external casing packer can effectively prevent oil and gas channeling during and after cementing , while early strength cement slurry can effectively improve the early strength ;

  19. 压裂缝高穿层造成底层水上窜的判断方法与原因分析分层地应力方法在薄互层低渗油藏大型压裂设计中的应用

    Identification and Analysis of Channeling Upward of Bottom Water due to Connect the Testing Zone With the Lower Water Zone by Fracturing Application of stratified stress method in massive hydraulic fracturing design

  20. 经过几年的现场应用,证明该工具在地层测试和分层抽汲试油作业中可以有效地防止封隔器失封及封隔器上窜。

    Through field use of several years , it indicates that the tool is able to effectively prevent packer loss of seal and packer move-up during drill stem test and zonal swabbing through DST tools .

  21. 一位女士有天看见一只老鼠从厨房地板上窜过去,她挺害怕,就跑出家门,搭上公交车去了商店。

    One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor . She was very afraid of mouse , so she ran out of the house , got into a bus and went to the shops .

  22. 强森天生就是一个政治演说家,在政治舞台上的窜升速度很快。

    A gifted political speaker , Johnson climbed the political ladder quickly .

  23. 植物的本性是向上挺窜争取阳光。

    It 's the nature of plants to strain upwards to the light .

  24. 没有这个减振作用,活塞会上下窜动,引起化油器工作异常,导致发动性能变坏。

    Without this shock-absorber action the piston could bounce up and down , causing erratic carburetor action and poor engine performance .

  25. 回转窑的窑体与水平呈一定的倾斜,整个窑体由托输装置支承,并有控制窑体上、窜动的挡输装置。

    Kiln body of rotary kiln is parallel with level slope , whole kiln body is supported by supporting device , and it controls the blocking device of kiln .

  26. 研究表明:远距离下保护层开采后,远程卸压瓦斯基本上不会窜入保护层回采工作面,但被保护煤层的透气性系数得到数千倍的增大。

    The research shows that long distance relief gas does not swarm into the working face in protective coal seam , but the permeability of protected coal seam increases thousands of times because of mining long distance nether protective coal seam .

  27. 它们长得又大又黑,竟在光天化日之下,在大街上肆无忌惮地窜来窜去。

    They were great black creatures which ran boldly in broad daylight through the streets .

  28. 总结复混肥生产中回转窑上、下窜动的调整经验,提出窑体窜动调整的简便方法和使用维修要点。

    The adjustment of bulk movement for rotary kiln is summarized , with service and operation presented .

  29. 斯波蒂到处跟着特德,汪汪地叫个不停,然后窜到近处空地上,又窜回来,似乎在说:“跟我来!情况紧急!”

    Spotty followed Ted about , barking insistently , then darting toward a nearby empty lot and back , as if to say , " Follow me ! It 's urgent ! "

  30. 我想问下班主任:您曾经跟我家长提到过上学期同学窜连起来上课不跟外教合作,我想知道是谁串联的?

    Echo : I want to ask the supervisor : you told my parent that last year , students were organised to not cooperate with foreign teachers , I want to know who organised it ?