
  • 网络Business license
  1. 个人独资企业营业执照毁损的,应当向登记机关申请更换。

    Where the business license is damaged , the wholly individually-owned enterprise shall apply to the registration authority for a replacement .

  2. 在领取个人独资企业营业执照前,投资人不得以个人独资企业名义从事经营活动。

    Prior to issuance of a business license for sole proprietorship enterprise , the sole proprietor may not engage in any business in the name of the sole proprietorship enterprise .

  3. 施工企业营业执照、资质证书复印件。

    Copy of operation license and qualification certificate of construction enterprise .

  4. 合营期限从合营企业营业执照签发之日起算。

    The term of a joint venture shall be computed from the day its business licence is signed and issued .

  5. 登记管理机关在颁发外商投资企业营业执照时加注外资比例低于25%的字样。

    The administrative organ for registration shall also , when issuing the business license of foreign-funded enterprise , indicate on it the words of investments contributed by the foreign party are less than 25 % .

  6. 企业法人营业执照性质与功能研究

    Research on the Character and Function of Business License

  7. 吊销企业法人营业执照后的债权人利益保护

    The Protection of Creditor Benefits after Revoking Business License of Enterprise Legal Person

  8. 否则,这些企业的营业执照和公众形象都将岌岌可危。

    Otherwise their literal or figurative licences to operate will be in jeopardy .

  9. 报验单位的《药品经营许可证》和《企业法人营业执照》复印件;

    Copy of the applicant 's Drug Business License or Enterprise Legal Person Business License ;

  10. 为企业的营业执照签发之日。

    That 's day on which the business license of a foreign-funded enterprise is issued .

  11. 企业法人营业执照;

    Enterprise legal person business license ;

  12. 《企业法人营业执照》不得被伪造、涂改、出租、出借或出让。

    The business license shall not be forged , altered , leased , lent and transferred .

  13. 申请项目须在企业法人营业执照的经营范围内,并符合国家、本市产业政策导向。

    The Business Project should be involved in the field of scope of business that company operating .

  14. 国家工商行政管理局颁发的《中华人民共和国企业法人营业执照》及副本;

    Business License for Legal Person of the PRC issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce .

  15. 被吊照公司清算制度的构建&吊销公司企业法人营业执照应与清算制度相结合

    Establishment of the Liquidation Process for Revoked Business License Company & Revoking Business License should Combine with the Liquidation Process

  16. 办理注销登记,应当交回《企业法人营业执照》正本和副本。

    When the operation being cancelled , the Business License should be returned ( including the original and the copies ) .

  17. 《企业法人营业执照》正本应当置于住所的醒目位置。

    The original copy of the Expertise Legal Person License should be set up at the eye-catching position of the house .

  18. 合作企业的营业执照签发日期,为该企业的成立日期。

    The date of issuance of the business license of a contractual joint venture shall be the date of its establishment .

  19. 《企业法人营业执照》是企业取得法人资格和合法经营的凭证。

    Corporate Business License is the warrant for an enterprise to be entitled with corporation qualification and to start with lawful business .

  20. 吊销《企业法人营业执照》和《营业执照》的公告由公司登记机关发布。

    The announcement of revoking the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person and the Business License is issued by the company registration authority .

  21. 登记事项发生变化,应当向公司登记机关申请变更登记,换领《企业法人营业执照》。

    The enterprise 's legal person shall apply an alternation registration to the original registration office for any changes of the registered items .

  22. 《企业法人营业执照》被吊销后,不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。

    When the Business License for Enterprise 's Legal Person is revoked , the enterprise is forbid to do anything but relate to liquidation .

  23. 《企业法人营业执照》(副本)或《企业营业执照》(副本)及复印件;

    The Business license of Enterprise Legal Person ( counterpart ) or the Business License of Enterprise ( counterpart ) and the copy thereof ;

  24. 领取《企业法人营业执照》的,设立登记费按注册资本总额的千分之一缴纳;

    When drawing a Business License of Enterprise Legal Person , the fee of establishment registration shall be paid at one thousandth of the registered capital ;

  25. 在我国现阶段,《企业法人营业执照》的颁发除了授予企业经营资格之外同时也是企业取得法人资格的凭证。

    Nowadays in china , Business License of Enterprise Legal Person means qualifications of an enterprise legal person and the official permission to run a business as well .

  26. 公司章程以及由公司的公司登记机关加盖印章的《企业法人营业执照》复印件;

    The company 's articles of association and a duplicate copy of the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person sealed with the seal of the company registration authority of the company ;

  27. 变更登记事项涉及《企业法人营业执照》载明事项的,公司登记机关应当换发营业执照。

    Where the change of registered items relates to the items recorded on the Business License of Enterprise legal person , the company registration authority shall issue a new business license .

  28. 第(二)项资料应当提交其《药品生产许可证》和《企业法人营业执照》复印件。

    It shall submit a copy of both the Pharmaceutical Production License and the Enterprise Legal Person Business License as the materials specified in Item ( 2 ) of the present Article .

  29. 因此,它更注重企业法人营业执照被吊销后的诉讼主体资格问题,能够使债权人的合法权益不因债务人营业执照被吊销而受到损失。

    So it pay attention to lawsuit subject qualification after business license is revoked , make the creditor 's legitimate rights and interests not incur loss because debtor 's business license is revoked .

  30. 取得企业法人营业执照后,申请建筑业企业资质的,按照建筑业企业资质管理规定办理。

    After obtaining the business license for the legal entity , the application by the foreign-invested construction enterprise for qualification approval shall be conducted in accordance with regulations on Administration of construction enterprise qualifications .