
  • 网络economic environment;Enterprise Economic Environment
  1. 企业经济环境分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Enterprise Economic Environment

  2. 再次,根据各构成要素,设置了评价企业经济环境的指标体系;

    Thirdly , it set up the index system of enterprise economic environment based on the essential factors .

  3. 邮政企业经济环境分析

    The Analysis of Postal Enterprises Economic Environment

  4. 浅议我国中小企业经济环境及其改善

    On Improving Economic Environment of Chinese SMEs

  5. 在这个时时刻刻都在发生变化的系统中,企业经济环境占有重要的地位,对企业经营产生着重大影响。

    In this constantly changing system , economic environment of enterprise occupies an important place , exercises a great influence .

  6. 本文就是一篇系统的研究企业经济环境评价方法的论文,具有一定的前瞻性。

    This article is a work for researching enterprise economic environment evaluation method systematically , possesses the nature of pioneer in a certain sense .

  7. 这种诱致性制度变迁内生于中小企业经济环境,揭示了民间借贷制度存在的合理性。

    The induced institutional change has its roots in the economic environment of SMEs , revealing the rationality of the existence of private lending system .

  8. 是实现企业经济与环境效益双赢的最佳模式;

    The best mode to both economic and environmental benefits for enterprise ;

  9. 本文结合企业外部经济环境变化,探讨股票期权对经理人的激励效应及其问题。论文首先从股票期权是对经理人的一种长期激励报酬角度,分析了股票期权对经理人的激励效应;

    This article studied incentive effects of stock option on executives in terms of external economic environment changes of enterprises .

  10. 企业的经济环境因素纷繁复杂,对企业产生直接或间接的影响,而且,企业经济环境瞬息万变,变化的速度也日趋加快,这给企业经营带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。

    The economic environment factors of enterprises are numerous and complicated , affecting enterprises directly or indirectly , and enterprise economic environment is fast-changing , the rate of its changing is also more and more rapid , this brings operation of enterprises great opportunities and risks .

  11. 自我国加入WTO后,企业外部的经济环境产生了很大的变化,竞争更加激烈。

    Since China 's entry into the WTO , the enterprise 's external economic environment has changed a lot , and the competition has become fiercer .

  12. 企业如何应对经济环境的变化,有效提高企业价值成为企业持续发展的关键。

    Improving corporate value becomes the effective means for the changing of economic environment .

  13. 其中宏观环境主要分析了煤炭企业面临的经济环境、煤炭行业政策环境以及市场环境。

    In the macro environment , the paper studies the macro-economic environment industry policy environment and market environment .

  14. 这为建筑企业适应信息经济环境下的新挑战提供了支持。

    It provides support for the construction enterprise to adapt to the new challenges under the information environment .

  15. 企业市场与经济环境的急剧变化,理应要求企业的业绩考核体系的建立要有新的视野。

    The quick change of markets and economic environment request more proper and more accurate performance appraisal of enterprises .

  16. 如何来协调企业经济效益、环境效益以及社会效益的平衡发展,已经成为我们需要重点关注并解决的问题。

    How to balance between the development of the economic interests of enterprises , environmental benefits and social benefits is an urgent problem needed to be solved .

  17. 在遭遇新的寄生物种侵扰时,多样化的生态系统更容易复原;进行过大量看似无用的边缘实验的企业,在经济环境急剧变化时或许能从中获益。

    Diverse ecosystems are more resilient in the face of new parasites , and a business with apparently wasteful experiments around the edges can sometimes benefit if the economic climate suddenly changes .

  18. 希望本文所做的研究对中国大部分中小企业在新经济环境下参与更宽更广范围的竞争提供理论参考。

    The author hopes this study can supply theoretical references to most of Chinese small and medium enterprises to participate provide a wider competition in a wider range in the new economic environment .

  19. 本文在分析中国人力资源的现状基础上,给民营企业在知识经济环境下的人力资源进行战略定位。

    This text in present condition foundation that analyze our country human resource , the human resource that under the knowledge-based economy environment give the run by private capital proceeds the strategy fixed position .

  20. 这将有助于企业在市场经济环境下,加强自我约束机制,增强竞争能力,提高企业管理水平,使企业立于不败之地。

    This will help to establish the self-restraining mechanism in the market economy system , to improve its competing capability and its management , and as a result , to ensure the absolute success of the enterprises .

  21. 随着中国民营企业面临的经济环境已经发生并将继续发生深刻的变化,中国民营企业在整体上开始进入转型时期,这种转型必然体现在企业文化的深刻变革中。

    As the economic environment of our private economy has gone through and will undergo great changes , this means private economy has been in transitional period , which is characterized by deep renovation of enterprise culture .

  22. 这些粗放的生产方式严重损害了企业经济发展的环境基础,造成过度开发消耗资源,生态环境的再生和补偿能力严重滞后,这些都阻碍着企业自身进一步的发展。

    This extensive operation has seriously damaged the environmental foundation of enterprises ' economic development , causing overexploitation and over consumption of resources , regeneration of the ecological environment and compensation ability lag behind seriously , hinder further developments of enterprises .

  23. 进入二十一世纪以来,企业面临的经济环境的不确定性加剧,使资产减值会计成为当前各国会计制度规范的热点问题之一。

    After the entry of 21st century , accounting for impairment of assets has become the central issue concerning the regulation of accounting system around the world , owing to the increasing change in the economic environment that the enterprise are involved in .

  24. 在经济全球化、交通现代化、信息网络化的今天,竞争已经是企业在市场经济环境下生存和成长的方式,而且大多数企业几乎没有可持续的竞争优势。

    Competition has come into being the fashion in which enterprises survive and develop in the market economy environment in present tendency of economy globalization , traffic modernization and information networking . And the bulk of enterprises have been made nearly no continuable competitive advantage .

  25. 为了进一步适应企业在动态经济环境中计量和估算人力资本价值的需要,在还原的要素函数模型中引入技术进步函数,建立了人力资本价值计量的要素函数模型,并进行了初步的模型修订。

    To further meet the need of measuring and estimating human capital value of enterprises in the dynamic economic environment , the technological progress function is introduced into the factor function model . The factor function measurement model of manpower capital value has been set up and revised preliminarily .

  26. 企业实现经济建设与环境保护协调发展之我见&沈飞公司环保工作浅析

    A View on the Coordination Growth between Economic Construction and Environmental Protection

  27. 钢铁企业循环经济项目的环境经济效益分析

    The Environment Economic Efficiency Analysis of the Iron and Steel Enterprise Which Implementation Circulation Economy

  28. 相比国外,我国中小企业在特殊的经济环境和金融体制等因素的影响下,融资难问题更加突出。

    Compared to foreign countries , financing problem is more serious under the special economic environment and monetary system .

  29. 平衡计分卡突破了传统财务评价的局限性,帮助企业建立与新经济环境相适应的绩效管理体系,指导企业克服战略实施的障碍,运用战略地图有效执行战略。

    BSC can help enterprises design the strategy map to overcome the obstacle of strategy implementation and take strategy into action .

  30. 但是,现代企业所处的经济环境越来越复杂,传统的杜邦分析体系暴露出许多先天的缺陷。

    However , economic environment is much more complex than before . The traditional DuPont Analysis System revealed some " innate " defects .