
  1. 温度、pH是影响微生物生长繁殖的重要环境因素。

    Temperature , pH is an important environmental factors that affect microbial growth and reproduction .

  2. 土壤温度和土壤湿度是影响NO和N2O排放的重要环境因素;

    Soil moisture and soil temperature were important environmental factor which influenced N2O and NO emissions ;

  3. 基于改进TOPSIS方法,建立了产品全生命周期环境管理体系的重要环境因素评价模型;

    Based on improved TOPSIS , it also establishes an important environmental aspects evaluation model of product lifecycle oriented environmental management .

  4. 大气运移和土壤TOC含量可能是影响土壤多环芳烃浓度空间结构特征的重要环境因素。

    Transportation via atmosphere and content of soil TOC may be two major environmental factors that influence the spatial structures of PAHs contents in soil .

  5. 结论大气污染是造成健康危害的重要环境因素之一,NOx污染亦应引起重视。

    Conclusion Air pollution is one of the important environmental factors that do harm to people 's health and pollution from nitric oxygenate should also be attached importance to .

  6. 为ISO14001环境管理体系中确定重要环境因素提供新思路。

    A new idea is proposed to confirm the significant aspects in ISO14001 environmental management system .

  7. 结论:1.碘过量可诱发敏感小鼠发生EAT,而非敏感小鼠不发生,说明过量的碘摄入只是诱发HT的一个重要环境因素,遗传易感性是其发病的决定因素。

    Iodine excess can induce EAT in sensitive mice but not in non-sensitive mice , indicating that intake excessive iodine is only an important environmental factor ; the genetic background determines the onset of HT . 2 .

  8. 全面识别组织的环境因素,准确评价重要环境因素是建立与保持ISO14001环境管理体系的基础。

    The comprehensive identification and accurate evaluation of organizations important environmental aspects are the basis of establishing and maintaining ISO14001 environmental management system ( EMS ) .

  9. 以石油化工厂为例,从评价重要环境因素的四个步骤入手,通过对PTA装置环境因素的分析,运用综合方法确定其重要环境因素。

    The chemical factory was taken as an example . Four steps of evaluating important environment factors were taken as starting of evaluation . By analyzing environment factors of PTA plant , they were determined by means of comprehensive method .

  10. 浅谈石油化工厂重要环境因素的评价

    Preliminary Discussion on Evaluation of Important Environment Factor in Petrochemical Factory

  11. 探讨了重要环境因素评价指标的确定方法和基于模糊层次-熵的权重系数确定方法;

    This paper presents the weighted coefficient determination based on fuzzy AHP-Entropy .

  12. 提出了重要环境因素识别的方法。

    Put forward the method of identifying important environmental aspects .

  13. 试述盐厂重要环境因素的控制

    Preliminary Discussion on the Control of Major Environmental Factors in Salt Plants

  14. 重要环境因素致畸危险性的比较

    The comparison between teratogenic risks of some environmental agents

  15. 地温是制约日光温室冬季生产的重要环境因素之一。

    Soil temperature is an important environmental factor to restrict greenhouse winter production .

  16. 缺氧是肿瘤微环境的一个重要环境因素。

    Hypoxia is a hallmark of the tumor microenvironment .

  17. 所有影响产品品质或重要环境因素的岗位。

    Apply to all jobs that affect product quality or significant environment aspects .

  18. 原子氧是低地球轨道飞行器经受的重要环境因素。

    Atomic Oxygen is a kind of important environment factor of Low-earth-orbit spacecraft undergoing .

  19. 空间带电环境是影响空间飞行器在轨安全的重要环境因素。

    Space charging effect is one of the major threats on spacecraft operational safety .

  20. 盐分是影响植物生长发育的重要环境因素之一。

    Salinity is one of the main environmental factors affecting plant growth and development .

  21. 影响碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料腐蚀重要环境因素的研究

    Study of important environmental factors on the corrosion failure of the carbon / epoxy composite

  22. 浅析等标污染负荷法在评价重要环境因素中的应用

    Brief discussion of " equal standard pollution loading method " applied in evaluating important environment factors

  23. 本节阐述可能影响低电平测量准确度的重要环境因素。

    This section addresses important environmental factors that may affect the accuracy of low level measurements .

  24. 水文因素是沼泽湿地和滨海湿地形成和发育的重要环境因素,上游建坝蓄水以后。

    Hydrological condition is a main factor affects the form and development of marsh and coast wetlands .

  25. 组织应考虑对涉及重要环境因素的外部联络的处理,并记录其决定。

    The organization shall consider processes for external communication on its significant environmental aspects and record its decision .

  26. 重要环境因素是指具有或能够产生重大环境影响的环境因素。

    NOTE-A significant environmental aspect is an environmental aspect that has or can have a significant environmental impact .

  27. 温度是支配凋落物分解速率的重要环境因素,它甚至能改变凋落物分解的动力学。

    Temperature is a well-established environmental factor governing litter decomposition rates , and even can alter litter decay dynamics .

  28. 高盐、干旱、低温等非生物胁迫是影响作物产量的重要环境因素。

    High salt , drought , low temperature and other abiotic stresses are important environmental factors to affect crop yield .

  29. 云南横断山区蚤类物种多样性的地理分布趋势与重要环境因素的关系

    The relationship between the geographical distribution trends of flea species diversity and the important environmental factor in the Hengduan Mountains , Yunnan

  30. 研究目的:长期高盐饮食是引起血压升高和相关心血管疾病的重要环境因素之一。

    Objective : Long term high salt intake is an important environmental factor involved in the aggravation of hypertension and related cardiovascular disease .