
  1. 近年来在工程施工中因坍塌事故而造成的重大伤亡事故屡有发生。

    In recent years , serious accidents caused by collapse have repeatedly happened in engineering construction .

  2. 现在有一些地方对安全生产没有给予应有的重视,有些企业为了降低成本,安全设施不到位,造成了重大伤亡事故的频繁发生。

    At present , some places do not pay due attention to safe production , some enterprises in order to decrease production cost don 't set up safe facilities which often result heavy casualties .

  3. 地铁灾害特别是火灾烟气的控制是保障地铁安全运营、防止重大伤亡事故的重要前提。

    Metro disaster , especially , the fire , as well as the research on controlling fire hazards which is related to the prevention of major casualties , plays an increasing important role in the safety of subway operation .

  4. 如遇突发事件(爆炸、火灾、恐怖)需要紧急疏散时,学生极易互相拥挤,互相践踏跌倒,发生重大伤亡事故。

    The accidents and disasters are likely to take place because the students may huddle , tumble , and even tread on each other when they try to evacuate and escape from the accident ( explosion , fire or terror ) .

  5. 由于追尾碰撞容易导致乘员发生包括颈部损伤在内的各种损伤,且在碰撞过程中和碰撞后极易发生燃油泄漏从而造成的火灾,造成重大伤亡事故和财产损失。

    The neck injury is one of the typical injuries occurred frequently in rear-end impact . Moreover , the fires resulting from fuel spillage are likely to happen in this type of accidents , which can lead to additional property losses and casualties .

  6. 我国煤矿目前重大特大伤亡事故发生的机理与控制对策

    Mechanism and Countermeasures for the Major Casualty Accidents of Coal Mines in China

  7. 本文通过分析近年在中国城区中发生的重大火灾伤亡事故,发现人们在顾及防盗需求时忽略消防安全的现象普遍存在。

    Through analyzing the violent fire taken place in China recent years , it 's found that people always neglect the security against fire control while taking the theft-proof requirement into account .

  8. 近年来,地震、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害造成了多起重大人员伤亡事故,并且给社会带来了巨大经济损失,对人们生命财产安全构成了巨大威胁,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。

    In recent years , geologic hazard such as earthquake landslide , mud avalanche and so on has caused lots of casualty accidents and huge pecuniary loss to the society . It has raised concerns because it has pose a great threat to lives and possession of people .

  9. 水性聚氨酯材料在使用过程中易发生火灾,容易造成重大的人员伤亡事故。

    The WPU material is easy to fire , likely to cause major personnel casualties in the use .

  10. 由于其显现的突然性和破坏性,会严重摧毁矿井设施,并可能导致重大人身伤亡事故。

    Because of its sudden and destructiveness of appearing , which will cause the destroys of mine facilities seriously , and may cause the serious personal casualty accidents .

  11. 压缩机是工业领域的关键机械设备,一旦其出现异常或突发状况,往往会造成整套设备或机组的瘫痪,为企业和社会造成巨大的经济损失,甚至会引起重大的人员伤亡事故。

    Compressor is the key mechanical equipment of industrial field . If compressors appear abnormal condition or sudden fault in the process of running , it will bring on complete paralysis of equipment or unit and produce great economic loss , even cause major personnel casualties .

  12. 这是造成重大人员伤亡的严重事故。

    This is one of the most serious broken arrows in terms of loss of life .

  13. “当发生交通事故并有重大伤亡时,所有事故车辆都要被扣留。”

    " When there are road accidents and serious injuries , the vehicles involved are always impounded . "