
zhònɡ diǎn fǎnɡ wèn
  • focused interview
  1. 从访问控制入手,重点讨论访问控制策略,主要讨论基本RBAC模型。

    Beginning from access control , the thesis has considered the strategy of access control and mainly discussed basic RBAC model .

  2. 基础设施架构师的工作重点是访问和过程,如服务应放置在隔离区(DeMilitarizedZone,DMZ)内还是放置在其外。

    Infrastructure architects focus on access and procedures , such as whether the service should be placed inside or outside demilitarized zone ( DMZ ) .

  3. 并重点对访问控制、并发控制、协同版本管理和协同感知机制等关键技术进行了深入的研究。

    Four aspects of DEECES are focused in this paper : access control , concurrency control , cooperative edition management and cooperative awareness mechanism .

  4. 其中重点讨论了访问控制子系统、NAT地址转换子系统等。

    The discussion is focus on these main subsystems : Network Access Control Subsystem , NAT IP Address Convert Subsystem .

  5. 重点讨论了访问、控制硬件接口模块的设计。

    The emphasis is about the design of interface module used to access and control the hardware .

  6. 另一方面,本文构建了一个工作流平台来为督考平台提供工作流执行与管理服务,其中重点介绍了访问控制模型、数据抽取管理与任务管理三大模块的设计方案。

    On the other hand , this dissertation builds a workflow platform for providing workflow executing and managing services for IT supporting system of SEI mechanism , and emphasis on modules of access control , data extracting management and task management .

  7. 重点阐述了ADO访问数据库技术、系统的详细设计与实现过程以及系统开发过程中的关键技术,并给出了主要程序代码。

    And some code of main program is given .

  8. 本文介绍了ASP技术访问数据库的工作原理与方法,重点阐述ASP技术访问SQL数据库,并给出了ASP技术在日程管理系统中的具体应用。

    This paper introduces the work principles and methodes of the ASP technology , put emphasis on the the ASP technology which accessing the SQL database , gives some specific application instances of the ASP technology in the Calendar System .

  9. 文章介绍了支持宽带无线接入系统的空中接口标准IEEE802.16的制订进程、发展现状和趋势,并重点对标准媒体访问控制(MAC)层和物理层的技术特点进行了分析。

    In this paper , the developing process , the state of arts and trend of IEEE standard 802.16 are introduced and emphasis goes to the main technical characteristics of Media Access Control ( MAC ) layer and physical layer .

  10. 本文的研究重点是工作流的访问控制问题。

    The thesis focuses on access control in workflow environment .

  11. 策略重点在于管理、访问和保护虚拟机上的数据。

    The policy focus is on managing , accessing , and protecting data on virtual machines .

  12. 最后,论文重点说明了安全访问控制中身份认证方法和访问控制策略的选择、改进和应用。

    In the end , this dissertation focuses on the selection , optimization and application of strategies of authentication and access control with the idea of OTP ( one time password ) .

  13. 论文主要研究了数据库访问代理的系统结构、关键技术及实现方法,其中重点研究了数据库访问代理设计与实现中数据库服务器流量控制、数据库加密设计和网络传输加密等内容。

    Therefore , this thesis studies on the architecture , key technologies and methods for the implementation of the database access agent . Furthermore , the emphasis of this thesis is focused on the database flux control , database encryption techniques , and encrypted network transmission .