
  • 网络government pricing
  1. 介绍了国外政府定价制度以及对我国的借鉴意义。

    Introduced the foreign government pricing system and for our reference .

  2. 日本政府定价制度下的药品交易惯例

    On Japanese drugs trade practices under the system of government pricing

  3. 他表示,属政府定价的服务均按其CPC编码列在附件4中。

    He stated that the services subject to price controls were listed in Annex 4 by their respective CPC codes .

  4. 小学、中学和高等教育服务属政府定价的范围。

    Primary , secondary and higher education services were subject to government pricing .

  5. 政府定价和政府指导价涵盖审计服务。

    Government pricing and guidance pricing covered auditing services .

  6. 透过价格听证制度看政府定价决策

    Government 's Price-Fixing Policy by Its Hearing System

  7. 政府定价价格的特点和定价原则新股发行的制度缺憾

    On the Characteristics of Price which is Fixed by the Government and Its Principles

  8. 这一机制有利于显著提高政府定价的合理性和透明度。

    This mechanism had helped to significantly improve the rationality and transparency of government pricing .

  9. 公用事业政府定价研究

    Study of Public Utility Regulation Pricing Theories

  10. 但是,政府定价并不完美,也存在一些问题与不足。

    But government pricing mechanism is not perfect , which has some problems and defects .

  11. 公立医院床位成本与政府定价差异及对策

    Deviation between cost and government mandated price in bed utilization in public hospitals and corresponding strategy

  12. 同时,政府定价只针对产品或服务,不考虑相关企业的所有权。

    Meanwhile , government pricing was product-or service-specific , regardless of the ownership of the enterprises concerned .

  13. 政府定价和政府指导价的调整没有固定的期限。

    There was not a fixed time frame for the adjustment of government prices or government guidance prices .

  14. 目前存在三种价格形式:政府定价、政府指导价和市场调节价。

    There were presently three types of prices : government price , government guidance price and market-regulated price .

  15. 他指出,在所有进口产品的政府定价方面实施国民待遇。

    He noted that national treatment was applied in the areas of government pricing for all imported goods .

  16. 也有因政府定价的药品继续价格下降,也造成了医药行业利润空间的缩小。

    Government pricing of drugs continue to price decline , caused the narrowing of profit margins of the pharmaceutical industry .

  17. 从市场竞争定价和政府定价2种上网电价定价模式下,分析不同投资规模下的发电企业利润,以获得企业最佳投资规模;

    From market pricing and government pricing , the economic benefits of different investments are analyzed to get the best investment scale .

  18. 立法方面,介绍了政府定价制度的立法概况,在肯定立法方面取得的成效时,指出不足之处。

    The legislation , introduced the overview of the pricing system , in certain legislative achievements , meanwhile pointed out the shortcomings .

  19. 包括完善政府定价体系,完善商业银行服务业务定价机制,完善银行消费者权益保护相关制度。

    Proposed to improve the government pricing system , Improve the bank pricing mechanism , And improve the financial consumer protection mechanisms .

  20. 司法方面,从政府定价行政诉讼的实践入手,分析我国政府定价制度的现状与不足。

    The judiciary , from the practice of administrative proceeding of government pricing to analyzes the status and insufficiency of our government pricing .

  21. 政府定价范围主要限定在重要公用事业、公益性服务、网络型自然垄断环节。

    Areas in which the government sets prices will be confined to public utilities , public service and areas that are naturally monopolized .

  22. 对于建筑服务,咨询和设计前建筑服务及合同管理活动属政府定价或政府指导价范围。

    For architectural services , advisory and pre-design architectural services and contract administration activities were subject to government pricing or government guidance pricing .

  23. 政府定价是否可以有效解决产品的公共特性定价要求与民营特性定价要求之间的矛盾呢?

    Does the price-control of the government solve effectively the contradiction in the requirement of pricing between the public characteristic and private characteristic ?

  24. 57.一些工作组成员要求提供关于属政府定价或政府指导价的具体活动的额外信息。

    57 . Some members of the Working Party requested additional information on the specific activities subject to government pricing or government guidance pricing .

  25. 所有企业和个人参与政府定价和政府指导价的制定过程享受同等待遇。

    All the enterprises and individuals enjoyed the same treatment in terms of participating in the process of setting government prices and government guidance prices .

  26. 即高等教育供给要求学费收取由政府定价为主逐步走向政府定价与学校自主定价相结合;

    That is , the supply of higher education requires that the criterion of tuition is decided by university and government gradually instead of government alone ;

  27. 我国电价形成机制由过去单一的政府定价逐渐发展成政府监管定价、市场竞价和合同定价的多种定价机制。

    The electricity pricing mechanism has been transformed from single government pricing mechanism into multiplied pricing mechanism including government regulation , market competition and contract pricing mechanisms .

  28. 美国新闻与传播教育的认证指标:设定价值取向和教育目标小学、中学和高等教育服务属政府定价的范围。

    An Introduction of the Accreditation Standards on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in the USA Primary , secondary and higher education services were subject to government pricing .

  29. 目前城市燃气价格的形成机制基本延续着计划经济条件下的政府定价模式,导致燃气的定价机制不科学、不合理。

    Currently , urban gas price formation mechanism of the basic continuation of government pricing model under conditions of planned economy , leading to the gas pricing mechanism unscientific and unreasonable .

  30. 政府定价听证制度的最终完善还有赖于制度环境的优化:应该坚持市场导向,推进行政体制变革。

    The final perfection of the government pricing hearing system also depends on the institutional environment optimization , so we should adhere to market-orientation and promote reform of the administrative system .