
zhènɡ fǔ ɡuān yuán
  • government official
  1. 不要盲目信任任何政府官员的诚意。

    Don 't blindly trust in the good faith of any government official .

  2. 2002年,图巴特从政府官员的职位上退了下来,开始植树。

    Tubbat started to plant trees in 2002 after he finished his job as a government official .

  3. 政府官员不想公开这些评论。

    Government officials do not want these comments in the open .

  4. 政府官员被指控接受了当地商人的贿赂。

    Government officials have been accused of accepting inducements from local businessmen .

  5. 他一直在与英国议员和政府官员会晤。

    He 's been meeting with British parliamentarians and government officials .

  6. 政府官员担心任何公开声明只会加重市场恐慌。

    Officials feared that any public announcements would only increase market jitters .

  7. 星期四上午,政府官员视察地震灾区,以协调救援工作。

    Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate the relief effort .

  8. 法国政府官员声称政府已经制定了应急计划,以防持异议者胜出。

    French officials say the government has made contingency plans in the event that the no 's win .

  9. 州政府官员称法庭判决为宣布该地区楼房为危房的行动扫清了道路。

    State officials said the court 's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area .

  10. 几名政府官员已被反政府的叛乱分子关押。

    Several government officials have been imprisoned by the anti-government rebels .

  11. 一个由政府官员组成的小组正在调查此事件。

    A group of government officials are investigating the incident .

  12. 大厅里挤满政府官员,人人都身着盛装。

    The hall was crowded with government officials , all in full dress .

  13. 政府官员不明白为什么居民要请愿反对修建那条新道路。

    Government officials didn 't understand why residents petitioned against the new road .

  14. 几位政府官员发表电视讲话,试探公众对工资管制的意见。

    Some members of the government flew a kite about wage control on television .

  15. 在那个礼堂里将举行一次由政府官员主持的会议。

    A meeting will be held in the assembly hall by an officer of state .

  16. 这些新的公司领导人常常飞往华盛顿,同政府官员商讨国家的政策。

    The new corporate leaders often fly to Washington to confer with government officials on national policy .

  17. 该州的政务客户至上办公室正在审查外包的可行性,在该办公室的一份电子邮件声明中,发言人米歇尔·R·马丁表示,政府官员仍在努力分析来自高等教育监管会的数据。

    In an email statement from the state 's Office of Customer Focused Government , which is examining the possibility of outsourcing , spokeswoman Michelle R. Martin said officials were still working to analyze the data from the Board of Regents .

  18. 上周,一些市政府官员暗示,该市可能有兴趣将这座老剧院改造成博物馆和公众集会场所。

    Last week some city officials suggested the city might be interested in turning the old theater into a museum and public meeting place .

  19. 因公出差的政府官员享有出差补贴

    Government officials who travel on business are given traveling allowances .

  20. 这家公司必须给腐败的政府官员很大一笔佣金。

    The company had to kickback a lot to the corrupt officer .

  21. 志愿者的工作包括政府官员、导演、内科医生、牙医和律师等有趣的职位。

    Volunteers jobs included interesting roles such as government officers , directors , physicians , dentists and solicitors .

  22. 市政府官员用欧椋鸟讨厌的激光照射树木,促使它们继续飞行。

    City officials shining lasers onto trees , which the birds dislike , prompting them to move on .

  23. 巴西奥运代表团下榻酒店内多人感染一名市政府官员称,东京西南部滨松市的一家酒店内7名员工新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性。

    Seven staff at the hotel in Hamamatsu , located southwest of Tokyo , had tested positive for the coronavirus , a city official said .

  24. 媒体将这种现象称之为“衙内经济”。衙内经济指政府官员子女利用其父母的权势和影响力进行经商活动的一种反常的经济形态。

    Media have called this phenomenon " the economy of high ranking officials ' children " , which refers to the abnormal2 economic pattern in which the sons and daughters of high-ranking officials take advantage of their parents ' power and influence to do business .

  25. 在上周二美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)访问伦敦时,一些英国政府官员也许忍不住强调了这一点。

    Some in the British government might have been tempted to highlight this on Tuesday as Barack Obama visited London .

  26. 根据美国《反海外腐败法》(foreigncorruptpracticesact),制药公司不得以盈利为目的,向外国政府官员提供有价值的物品。

    Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , the US anti-bribery law , companies may not offer items of value to foreign government officials for profit .

  27. 本文选择地方政府官员受到政治晋升合约约束的视角,基于市场关联(marketinterlinkage)理论构建一个模型。

    This thesis constructs a model based on the theory of market interlinkage in a perspective that local government officials are restricted by political promotion contract .

  28. 她的任期很快走到尽头,原因是Google总部发现她私自给政府官员送ipod作为礼物,并把送礼支出记在了谷歌的账上。

    Her tenure came to an end when Google discovered that she had taken it upon herself to give iPods to Chinese officials .

  29. 尤其是从iPad上市以来,苹果产品已成为用于贿赂政府官员或商业合作伙伴的重要礼品。

    Particularly since the iPad came to market , Apple gadgets have become key items used to bribe officials or business partners .

  30. 据了解五角大楼(pentagon)一份核安全防范报告的政府官员称,美国军方目前无法确定数百件敏感的核弹头导弹部件的去向。

    The US military cannot locate hundreds of sensitive nuclear missile components , according to government officials familiar with a Pentagon report on nuclear safeguards .