- 名criminal detention;penal servitude;short detention

[take into custody] 一种剥夺犯人自由的刑罚,时间很短
For a convict sentenced to criminal detention , the detention house shall execute the sentence .
Those who are directly responsible are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention ;
It stipulates that anyone who lures or cheats athletes into using banned substances in either domestic or international competitions faces up to three years ' imprisonment and a fine .
If persons who are sentenced to criminal detention for resident identity cards , they shall not be issued such cards during the period when they are serving their sentences or undergoing rehabilitation through labour , or are held in custody ;
Article 228 Illegal transfer or trade of land use right for personal gains in violation fine amounting to more than 5 % and less than 20 % of the proceeds from the illegal transfer or trading whereas the case is serious enough , and whereas the case is very serious ,
The Detention Penalty 's Inspection and Consummation in the View of Penalty Mitigation
Detention Penalty in View of Light Punishment
Students under police control , held in captivity or subject to jail sentence will be expelled from university .
In china , the principal penalties are public surveillance , detention , fixed-time imprisonment , life imprisonment and death .
Those who abandon weaponry in defiance of orders shall be sentenced to not more than five years in prison or criminal detention .
Whoever teaches crime-committing methods is to be to be sentenced to not more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment , criminal detention , or control
Whoever resorts to persecution and retaliation against a witness is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention
Wanting to prevent any further deaths , the Thai government outlawed the practice , threatening to punish producers with up to six months behind bars .
Article 329 Whoever forcibly seizes or steals archives owned by the State shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention .
Article 241 Whoever buys an abducted woman or child shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years , criminal detention or public surveillance .
Two problems are found obviously in the legal punishment of Malpractice : the sorts of criminal punishment are too simple and only cover specified sentence and detention ;
" The theory of completion of enforcement " as the solution to probationers'deprivation of political right not only has legislative authority but also has basis of punishment .
As a principal penalty in criminal law , criminal detention punishment has its own particularities on executive treatment and enforcement organization , and it belongs to short-term imprisonment .
Those who are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment , who are undergoing criminal detention or who are under public surveillance without the additional penalty of deprivation of political rights ;
Those who obstruct commanders or personnel on duty from performing their duties through violence or intimidation shall be sentenced to not more than five years in prison or criminal detention
Article 257 Whoever uses violence to interfere with another person 's freedom of marriage shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention .
Those who sabotage weapons and equipment , military facilities or military communications are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention or control .
Whoever intentionally obstructs military operations of armed forces , if the consequences are serious , shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention .
The term of the supplementary punishment of deprivation of political rights is counted as commencing on the date that imprisonment or criminal detention ends or on the date that parole begins .
Or in economic activities gives kickbacks or service charges in violation of state provisions , is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or to criminal detention
Whoever profiteers from train and ship tickets , when the circumstances are serious , is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment , criminal detention or control
When circumstances are relatively minor , he is to be sentenced to not more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment , criminal detention , control , or deprivation of political rights .
Any citizen who refuses or escapes military service in wartime , if the circumstances are serious , shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention .
Whoever has a relatively large amount of such savings and does not report them to the state shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention .
Any aviation personnel who violate the rules and regulations thereby causing major air accidents and serious consequences are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or detention ;