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jū jǐn
  • reserved;inhibition;overcautious
拘谨 [jū jǐn]
  • [overcautious;reserved] 拘束谨慎;拘束而不自然

拘谨[jū jǐn]
  1. 布赖恩温文尔雅,含蓄拘谨。

    Brian was courtly and reserved

  2. 他是个拘谨的人,不爱多说话。

    He is very reserved . He does not say much .

  3. 她拘谨地按礼节向他致意。

    She greeted him with stiff formality .

  4. 他天生的内敛性格让他显得有些拘谨。

    His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious .

  5. 他唱得很拘谨,声音听起来像是某个还没完全变声的男孩。

    He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn 't quite broken .

  6. 他们在一起似乎总是觉得有点别扭,有点拘谨,不太随意。

    They always seemed a little awkward with each other , a bit stiff and formal .

  7. 所有的内阁会议都由他主持,有时会上的气氛会很拘谨。

    He presided at all councils of ministers , where the atmosphere could be frigid on occasions

  8. 初次见面时,他有些拘谨,不怎么说话。

    At the first meeting he was rather constrained and said little .

  9. 对于妇女,他表现得高尚拘谨,尊敬三分。

    Toward women he was nobly restrained and chivalrous .

  10. 他没回答,只是拘谨地笑了笑

    He didn 't reply , but just smiled primly .

  11. 一个连一毛钱都舍不得亏的人,因太过拘谨而不能下单

    A nitpicker , obsessing over dimes , is too stiff to place orders .

  12. 他总是对小事很拘谨。

    He 's always straining at a gnat .

  13. 他们的洒脱不羁和亲密气氛的增加很快驱散了会场上的拘谨。

    The stiffness of the meeting soon gave way before their popular manners and more diffused intimacies .

  14. 但贝德福德学校(BedfordSchool)校长菲利普•埃文斯(PhilipEvans)称,他们也想让孩子在相对不是那么拘谨与说教的环境中接受西方教育的熏陶。该校有14%的学生来自海外。

    But they also want to immerse their children in a less deferential and didactic western education , says Philip Evans , headmaster at Bedford School for boys in Britain , whose intake is 14 per cent from overseas .

  15. 在俄亥俄州,严肃拘谨的美国前贸易代表罗伯波特曼(robportman)有望为共和党赢得空缺的参议院席位,而且已经被追捧为未来的总统候选人。

    In Ohio , Rob Portman , a serious and strait-laced former US trade representative , is likely to take the vacant Senate seat for the Republicans and is already being touted as a future presidential candidate .

  16. 30年前,居住在巴黎的日本心理学家太田博昭(HiroakiOta)首次提出了这个说法,当时几名到访巴黎的日本游客因为其礼貌、拘谨的文化与法国人的傲慢发生碰撞而患病。

    The expression was first coined 30 years ago by a Paris-based Japanese psychiatrist , Hiroaki Ota , after several Japanese visitors to Paris fell ill when their culture of politeness and reserve rubbed up against Gallic haughtiness .

  17. 今年,wpp旗下的扬雅广告(y&r)发现,世界其它地区认为英国可信、开放、宽容,但印象仍趋向于刻板:传统、有声望、傲慢、拘谨,甚至可能是乏味。

    This year Y & R , a WPP agency , found that Britain was seen by the rest of the world as trusted , open and tolerant , but perceptions tended towards the stereotypical : traditional , prestigious , arrogant , restrained , perhaps even stuffy .

  18. 鉴于大家的需求,她正打算出售“评判”的印刷品,不过她说还需要做一个小改动,因为“prudish”(拘谨)这个词拼错了。

    Due to demand she is now planning on selling prints of Judgements , however she says one minor tweak must be made first as the word ' prudish ' is spelled incorrectly , ' I didn 't catch that when I first did it .

  19. 他没回答,只是拘谨地笑了笑。

    Primly advhe didn 't reply , but just smiled primly .

  20. 谈钱会让大部分职场人士拘谨。

    Talking money makes most workers squeamish GetWord (" squeamish "); .

  21. 而且,背诵的讲话听起来往往生硬拘谨。

    Also , a memorized speech often sounds stilted and formal .

  22. 要克服他说英语时的拘谨很困难。

    It was difficult to break through his very English reserve .

  23. 会谈拘谨而不自然,令人很不舒服。

    The conversations had been stiff , forced , and uncomfortable .

  24. 处女举止行为都很拘谨,非处女放纵放荡些。

    Virgin behavior is very formal , non-virgin more indulgent debauchery .

  25. 马克在那些时髦的服装设计师中间显得有点拘谨。

    Mark looked a little lost amongst all those trendy designers .

  26. 她们的母亲和老祖母也许是过分拘谨了点儿。

    Their mothers and grandmothers were perhaps a little more deliberate .

  27. 肘部贴合身躯,既不松懈、也不拘谨。

    Elbows should fit close , being neither loose nor tied .

  28. 他以拘谨的声音告诉我们这个坏消息。

    He told us the sad news in a constrained voice .

  29. 他穿着新的西装,显得拘谨而别扭。

    He looked stiff and awkward in his new suit .

  30. 过分拘谨的(行为,观点和品味)极端保守的。

    Rigidly conventional , as in manners , opinions , and tastes .