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huāng zhāng
  • flustered;flurried;confused;helter-skelter;trepidation;tizzy
慌张 [huāng zhāng]
  • [helter-skelter;flurried;flustered] 恐惧、不沉着而急切忙乱

  • 为什么这样慌张

  • 办任何事都不应该慌张

慌张[huāng zhāng]
  1. 玛丽在短暂的慌张之后又镇定下来。

    Mary was briefly flurried but then recollected herself .

  2. 我怕到时候后面还没有复习的东西会比较慌张。

    I 'm afraid the thing not reviewed yet then will be more flurried .

  3. 不要慌张!没有危险。

    Don 't panic ! There is no danger .

  4. 艾姆斯从她慌张的眼神推断出她在撒谎。

    Imes concluded from her fluttered look that she was lying .

  5. 何须这样慌张?

    What 's the need for such flurry ?

  6. 不速之客的到来弄得她很慌张。

    She was put in a fluster by the unexpected guests .

  7. 有一天一个好心的人下班回家时,在他居住的小区里碰到一个神色慌张的小男孩。

    One day a kind man met a panicky little boy in his neighbor-hood when he was going home from his office .

  8. 许仙开始感到慌张,此时,他的妻子白素贞运用腐烂的药草制作出能医好众人的药方。

    Just as he was starting to panic , his wife , Bai Su-Zhen , produced a recipe to use the rotten herbs as medicine .

  9. Oops(也称panic,慌张)消息包含系统错误的细节,如CPU寄存器的内容。

    The Oops ( or panic ) message contains details of a system failure , such as the contents of CPU registers .

  10. 你没必要慌张啊等一下Hova

    There 's no reason to panic . Wait . Now , Hova

  11. 引起或能够引起慌张、震惊或麻木的。

    Causing or capable of causing bewilderment or shock or insensibility .

  12. 调度员:请不要慌张,病人在什么地方?

    Operator : Calm down please , where is the patient ?

  13. 我奔出寝室门,寝室楼里传来女生们慌张的叫声

    I Benchu bedroom door , dormitory building came girls panic sounds

  14. 他们如此慌张的移动,闪烁,颤抖。

    How restlessly they speed , and gleam , and quiver .

  15. 少来别太慌张-我没有慌

    Stop . Stop panicking . - I 'm not panicking .

  16. 我们无须因为大量的空虚而慌张。

    Let 's not be freaked out by our bountiful nothingness .

  17. 不必为这个指令感到慌张。

    There is no need to panic at that command .

  18. 不定是谁由于慌张走出了传送路。

    Somebody must have panicked and stepped off the path .

  19. 在任何时刻,都无需慌张。

    There is no need to panic at any moment .

  20. 他一有压力就会慌张。

    He is apt to get flustered when under pressure .

  21. 当你第一次被问及脑筋急转弯问题时,不要慌张。

    - Don 't panic when you first hear a brain-teaser question .

  22. 啊!你不用慌张,玛丽。

    Oh , nothing to flurry you so , Mary .

  23. 火灾发生前,看见一位男士神色慌张,匆匆离开现场。

    I saw a nervous guy hurrying to leave the fire scene .

  24. 是否在你醒来的时候,你已经感到压力重重和慌张?

    Do you start your day going already feeling pressured and rushed ?

  25. 她立刻回答道:你不必慌张。

    She directly replied , You need not be frightened .

  26. 慌张是没有帮助的苏菲

    Now , there 's no use panicking , Sophie . Oh !

  27. 他们慌张仓皇地冲向出口。

    They ran in a mad , helter-skelter fashion for the exits .

  28. 现在不是慌张起哄的时候了。

    Now is not the time to get all scatterbrained and flaky .

  29. 在紧急的关头,不能慌张。

    We must not lose our heads in an emergency .

  30. 但对于我的意外慌张昨晚来了。

    But to my suprise a flurry came last night .
