  • flurried;confused;be scared;get flustered

  • awfully;unbearably
  • 急忙,不沉着:~张。~忙。~乱。~急。

  • 恐惧,不安:惊~。~恐。心~意乱。

  • 表示难以忍受:累得~。


(慌张; 忙乱) flurried; confused:

  • 心慌意乱

    mentally confused; be alarmed and nervous;

  • 沉住气, 别慌!

    Keep calm! Don't panic!


(恐惧; 不安) be scared; get flustered:

  • 慌了神儿

    be scared out of one's wits;

  • 惊慌失措

    terrified confusion; be frightened out of one's wits


(用在“得”字后, 做补语, 表示难以忍受) awfully; unbearably:

  • 饿得慌

    be awfully hungry;

  • 累得慌

    be tired out; be dog-tired; be played out;

  • 心里闷得慌

    be bored beyond endurance

  1. 我饿慌了,随便吃什么都行。

    I 'm so hungry , I 'll eat anything .

  2. 慌什么?火车还有一个小时才开呢。

    What 's the hurry ? The train doesn 't leave for an hour .

  3. 随着开演时间逼近,大家都紧张起来,慌里慌张地念着台词。

    Everyone is gibbering insanely , nerves frayed as showtime approaches

  4. 我开始有点慌了,但仍旧不动声色,免得我们的两个朋友担心。

    I was beginning to feel alarm , but kept it to myself so as not to worry our two friends .

  5. 他发现无法按期完成任务,慌了起来。

    He got into a panic when he realised that he couldn 't meet the deadline .

  6. 他心里有底,一点不慌。

    He was not at all nervous , for he knew what to expect .

  7. 沉住气,别慌!

    Keep calm ! Don 't panic !

  8. 我们蔑视说慌的人。

    We feel contempt for a liar .

  9. 我发觉他对我说慌,因此决定同他断绝关系。

    I 've found he lied to me , so I 've decided to have done with him .

  10. 临场要沉着,不要慌。

    Keep calm during the exam ( or competition ) . don 't panic .

  11. 他慌着赶火车,连门都忘了锁。

    He hurried away to catch the train and even forgot to lock the door .

  12. 别慌,公共汽车会准时到达。

    Stop fussing about ; the bus will arrive on time .

  13. 但三天后,这一事件不但引起了力霸集团旗下中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)存款客户的恐慌,台湾政府的官员也慌了。

    But three days later , the incident has caused panic among not only depositors at the group 's banking affiliate , The Chinese Bank , but also government officials .

  14. 别慌哦Lily!爹地来救你!

    Don 't worry , lily ! Lily , daddy 's coming for you !

  15. 11月时,又一名孕妇HIV检测呈阳性,一个老人和他的儿媳妇也是如此,这下村民们慌了,纷纷赶到这家医疗中心进行检测。结果数十人呈阳性。

    When another pregnant woman tested positive in November as well as an elderly man and his daughter-in-law , villagers panicked and stormed the health center to be tested .

  16. 他真这样啊Ashton喜欢吓吓大家搞得大家心慌慌

    because he really is Ashton loves to surprise people and put them off scared

  17. 但在上周,美联储(Fed)会好像慌了手脚,出人意料地在其下次预定会议前突然降息75个基点。

    This week , however , the board of the US Federal Reserve seemed to panic by implementing an extraordinary 0.75 percentage point cut in its interest rates prior to its next scheduled meeting .

  18. 手上有粮,心中不慌。就好比你手中有个offer,就能问老板要更好的薪资,如果你让房东知道自己现在有几个选择,砍价起来就更方便啦。

    Just like an offer in hand that can help you to ask for a better pay packet from your current employer , it may be much easier to negotiate with landlords when you have some options in hand .

  19. 我当时慌了,Danielle。

    I was in shock , Danielle .

  20. grissom想让我证明他说慌了。

    Grissom wants me to disprove his account .

  21. 我和davie都饿慌了。

    Me and Davie are half-starved .

  22. 如果你脑子里觉着空了,一定不要慌。

    If your mind goes blank , try not to panic .

  23. 你从来没有对你爱的男人撒过慌吗?

    Have you never lied to a man you 've loved ?

  24. 别慌。你最后一次用它是什么时候?

    Take it easy ! When did you last use it ?

  25. 你不必说慌,我知道了。

    You don 't have to lie . I get it .

  26. 我慌了我把我的车留在了湖边

    I panicked . I left my truck at the lake .

  27. 少来别太慌张-我没有慌

    Stop . Stop panicking . - I 'm not panicking .

  28. 她很镇静,遇事不慌。

    She 's so calm ; nothing seems to faze her .

  29. 说慌的人总是被视为可鄙的。

    People who tell lie is always looked upon as despicable .

  30. 当时,我是绝对地慌了手脚,不知所措。

    I was absolutely overwhelmed that by this for two reasons .
