
  • loser;fletcher;Scrap material;pagan.avatar
  1. 还得跟一票卖毛织物,iPad套,调味料以及调味料瓶的废柴嬉皮士混一起

    stuck between hipsters selling crochet iPad sleeves and salt peppers and salt pepper shakers .

  2. 还记得NBC的搞怪喜剧——《废柴联盟》播出的时候吗?

    Remember when Community , NBC 's wildly inventive comedy , was on the air ?

  3. 既然你们人类这么废柴,我很高兴送你们一程!

    If these humans are just going to waste , I 'll enjoy a few !

  4. 元素盾-以前的巩固废柴盾。

    Elemental Shields-Formerly Improved Lightning Shield .

  5. 我说,“不知道呢。我不会说荷兰语的你个小气废柴”。

    I said , " I don 't know . What 's Dutch for cheap-ass bitch ? "

  6. 雅虎高级管理层的混乱无序加上该公司未能推出革命性产品,使人很容易误认为,它已是废柴一枚。

    The disorder at the top of Yahoo and its failure to launch groundbreaking products make the company easy to dismiss as a basketcase .

  7. 希望他以后能懂点“科学”,懂得怀疑、思考,有点脑子而不是变成个废柴花瓶。(这是位“科学派”印度教徒。)

    Lets hope he will understand some " science " and become a skeptic , a thinker and an intellectual rather than a useless trinket to somebody .

  8. 可以确定的是,《废柴联盟》这一关注社区大学兴趣小组及成员奇遇的剧集将受到大众的密切“检视”,因为粉丝们会对新制作人交上的成绩单有所评断。

    What is certain is that Community-which focuses on a diverse study group at a community college and their strange adventures-will be under intense scrutiny , as fans analyze how well the show is run by its new creators .