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yū huí
  • Detour;wind;circuit;circuitous;roundabout;indirect;outflank;tortuous;circularity
迂回 [yū huí]
  • [outflank] 进攻的军队绕向敌人深远侧后作战

  • [circularity] 指在思想或表达方式上绕圈子的性质或状态

  • [tortuous;circuit;indirect;roundabout] 曲折回旋的;环绕的

  • 迂回曲折

迂回[yū huí]
  1. 运河沿河道迂回。

    The canal followed a circuitous route .

  2. Joda的类能够生成(但是,正如您将看到的一样,有时会采用一种比较迂回的方式)java.util.Date的实例(和Calendar)。

    Joda 's classes are capable of producing ( though at times in a somewhat circuitous manner , as you 'll see ) instances of java . util . Date ( and Calendar ) .

  3. 这些货物运输时走了一条非常迂回的路线。

    The goods went by a rather indirect route .

  4. 各政党现在必须进行挑选各自候选人这一迂回复杂的程序。

    The parties must now go through the tortuous process of picking their candidates .

  5. 他在人群中迂回前行。

    He weaves his way through a crowd .

  6. 他走了一条迂回路线。

    He followed a devious route .

  7. 小径迂回于乱石之间。

    The path twists in and out among the rocks .

  8. 历史的发展是曲折的,迂回的。

    History moves in zigzags and by roundabout ways .

  9. 小溪迂回于田野之中。

    A stream winds ( or twists and turns ) across the fields .

  10. 小汽车在行人和车辆中迂回前进。

    The small car wove through the traffic .

  11. 国会和媒体就政府是否应该走后门的问题已经展开了多次辩论,现在他们采取迂回战术——直接下令开设后门。

    " We 've had plenty of debates in Congress and the media over whether the government should have a backdoor , and this is an end run around that - here they come with an order to create that backdoor . "

  12. 约翰正在对陈腐的诗风做迂回冗长的研究

    John is making a periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion .

  13. 这些形容词都有通过或表明通过间接或迂回手段最终获得。

    These adjectives mean disposed to or marked by indirection or deviousness in the gaining an end .

  14. 他本想试着听从朋友们给他的建议,可他不能同时既往上坡跑,又往下坡跑,而且,他也不能一边蹦起来一边迂回前进,更何况他哭喊得这么厉害,几乎弄不清周围都发生了什么事。

    He tried to follow the instructions his friends were giving him , but he couldn 't run downhill and uphill at the same time , and he couldn 't turn and twist when he was jumping and dancing , and he was crying so hard he could barely see anything that was happening .

  15. 对于移动IPV6中迂回路由机制的改进

    The Improvement on Return Routability Mechanism Used in Mobile IPv6 Protocol

  16. 因此,来自塔拉哈西的佛罗里达州立大学(FloridaStateUniversity)以及伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign)的研究人员想到了一个聪明的迂回办法。

    So researchers at Florida State University in Tallahassee and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign came up with a clever workaround .

  17. 一方面试图弥补以往英语动词迂回表达研究中存在的不足之处,将研究范围扩大到运用take和have以外一般动词的迂回表达上;

    On the one hand , it attempts to make up for the inadequacy in previous studies of English verb periphrasis , extending the scope of our research to periphrastic expressions with verbs other than take and have ;

  18. 电话网动态迂回选路(DAR)策略及其改进方案

    Dynamic Alternate Routing Scheme and Its Improved Methods in Telephone Network

  19. n.绕圈子的话;迂回累赘的陈述“这场比赛在比数对我们不利的情况下结束”是绕圈子的话,应该说“我们输了这场比赛”。

    The circumlocution " the game ended with a score that was not in our favor " should be replaced by " we lost the game . "

  20. 就在我的新书《迂回》(obliquity)出版的那周,诺贝尔化学奖得主詹姆斯布莱克(jamesblack)竟然与世长辞,对此我感到特别的难过。

    It is particularly sad for me that James Black , the Nobel Prize winning chemist , should have died in the same week that my latest book , obliquity , is published .

  21. 文[1]曾用四轴概念进行分析.并得出了平面曲轴八缸V型内燃机二阶往复惯性力的平衡方案:文[2]又迂回地从前案简化出二轴平衡规则。

    By using " four shaft concept " a balance system for the second order reciprocating inertia forces of the plane crankshaft eight-cylinder V-type internal combustion engines was worked out as reported in the paper [ 1 ] .

  22. 采用MonteCarlo仿真的方法来模拟军事通信网的话务流量,并分析、比较组织迂回路由和不组织迂回路由时军事通信网的呼叫损失。

    The call traffic of military communication network is simulated by Monte Carlo simulation method , and the lost call is analyzed and compared between military communication network with alternate route and that without alternate route .

  23. 考虑了一会儿,在此期间又扔了三个小石头,它们滴答地响着,掉进井里,Simon决定直接在龙的眼皮子底下做,这要比跟她搞迂回路线更安全。

    After a moment 's consideration , during which time he sent three more stones tick-tack-ticking down the well , Simon decided it would be safer to go under the Dragon than around her .

  24. 一些中国大型汽车制造商计划在未来数年正面进军欧洲汽车市场,但中国最大的SUV和皮卡生产商长城汽车(GreatWallMotors)则打算迂回潜入。

    While some of China 's larger automakers intend to leap into the European car market in coming years , Great Wall Motors , China 's largest producer of SUVs and pick-up trucks , is looking to sneak in by the back door .

  25. 网络杂志Slate的马特?伊格雷西亚斯认为,取消在家办公政策可能只是一个迂回手段,目的是为了解雇能力不足的员工,削减成本。

    And as Slate 's Matt Yglesias suggested , the end of work from home policies may really just be a back-handed way to lay off unproductive employees and cut costs .

  26. 利用ATM交换系统节约网络资源、接续速度快、迂回路由灵活的优点,与湖北电力系统交换网联网,达到提高网络资源利用率和增强系统交换网安全性的目的。

    Through ATM exchange system to interconnect to Hubei electric power system exchange network , can achieve the aims of increasing the utilization ratio of the network recourses and heightening the safety of the electric power system exchange network .

  27. 实际的性能似乎不会因为这样的迂回和捆绑而降低,但是当把URI地址作为NetKernel内部缓存的主键时确实可以提高性能。

    Performance in practice is paradoxically not degraded by this indirection and binding but rather enhanced as the URI address acts as a key to NetKernel internal cache .

  28. 本论文对远距离通信设计、先进的迂回防冲突算法和低功耗设计进行了深入的研究并提出了设计方案,在此基础上完成了基于ARM的高频远距离RFID读写器的硬件和软件设计。

    The research on Remote Communication Design , Advanced Anti-collision Algorithm of Circumbendibus Style for RFID and Low Power Consumption Design is discussed . Based on the purpose above , this paper completes hardware and software design of RFID reader which is ARM-based high frequency long-distance RFID system .

  29. H20-20数字程控交换机迂回路由的设置及相关问题分析处理

    The continuative route 's setting in the H 20-20 switch and analysis the correlative problems

  30. 安全公司McAfee说,功能强大的新型手机和手提电脑都是黑客们逃避严密安全防卫而迂回袭击的目标。电子邮件、文档、合同都有可能被盗。

    Powerful new mobile phones and portable computers will also be targets as thieves try to bypass tight security to steal emails , documents or contacts , security firm McAfee said .