
yū huí zhàn shù
  • outflanking tactics;flanking tactics
  1. 中长跑的战术研究才志中:创业的迂回战术&广联达公司经营理念扫描

    Medium Military Tactics Research of the Long-distance Run Diao Zhizhong : Outflanking tactics in Pioneering Work

  2. 歼灭战和集中优势兵力、采取包围迂回战术,同一意义。

    War of annihilation entails the concentration of superior forces and the adoption of encircling or outflanking tactics .

  3. 国会和媒体就政府是否应该走后门的问题已经展开了多次辩论,现在他们采取迂回战术——直接下令开设后门。

    " We 've had plenty of debates in Congress and the media over whether the government should have a backdoor , and this is an end run around that - here they come with an order to create that backdoor . "

  4. 我们采用迂回战术,把敌人弄得晕头转向。

    We used outflanking tactics and the enemies were confused and disoriented . We turned the enemy 's flank .

  5. 通过大迂回战术成功甩开追击的罗马人,成功掌握战场主动权。

    By large diversionary tactics his army succeeded in throwing off the pursuit of the Romans and mastering initiative on the battlefield .

  6. 所谓围魏救赵,是指当敌人实力强大时,要避免和强敌正面决战,应该采取迂回战术,迫使敌人分散兵力,然后抓住敌人的薄弱环节发动攻击,致敌于死地。

    The idea here is to avoid a head on battle with a strong enemy , and instead strike at his weakness elsewhere .

  7. 所以,集中兵力,采用包围迂回战术,是实施运动战即外线的速决的进攻战之必要条件。

    Therefore concentration of forces and the use of encircling and outflanking tactics are the prerequisites for mobile warfare , that is , for quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines .

  8. 随着经济的不断发展和各国制度的逐渐完善,在以市价为基础制定国际转让定价的国际总趋势下,跨国公司可以采用在避税港设信箱公司的迂回战术实现国际转让定价的特定财务功能。

    With the developing of the economy and the gradual perfection of the institution , MNC can use the Mailbox Company in the tax haven to realize the certain financial function of the international transfer pricing .