
  • 网络princess anne;Princess Ann;The Princess Royal;Anne Princess
  1. 安妮公主的钱并非多得取之不尽,用之不竭。

    Princess Anne does not have a bottomless purse .

  2. 安妮公主排在宾客名单之首。

    Princess Anne topped the guest list .

  3. 安妮公主有私人教师。

    Princess Anne has private tutors .

  4. 一位不会支持取消赛马项目的人物是英国安妮公主(princessanne),她是国际奥委会(ioc)成员,曾拿过赛马奖牌。

    An unlikely advocate for dropping the latter is Princess Anne , a British member of the International Olympic Committee and a former equestrian medallist .

  5. 安妮公主和她的丈夫在盖坎公园养马。

    Princess Anne and her husband breed horses at gatcombe park .

  6. 1952年与安妮公主和查尔斯王子的合影;

    with Princess Anne and Prince Charles in 1952 ;

  7. 在路边他巧遇了昏昏欲睡的安妮公主。

    He stumbles across Princess Anne as she is nearly sleeping by the side of a road .

  8. 安妮公主:我不知道如何说再见,我想不出任何词儿。

    I don 't know how to say goodbye . I can 't think of any words .

  9. 据调查,安妮公主在王室成员美女榜上排名垫底。

    The Princess Royal was the lowest ranking Royal in the beauty stakes , according to the poll .

  10. 评价自己不婚的女儿安妮公主:如果对方不放屁、不吃草,她是不会感兴趣的。

    If it doesnt fart or eat hay , she isnt interested . On his daughter , Princess Anne .

  11. 柔和舒展的笑颜,安妮公主与其母亲都颇具吸引力。

    Here the smiles are soft and open and the eyes of both Princess Anne and her mother are appealing .

  12. 安妮公主的儿子彼得菲利普斯负责组织庆祝活动,他昨日坚持声明必须缴费。

    Princess Anne 's son Peter Phillips , who is organizing the event , insisted yesterday that the charge was necessary .

  13. 菲利普斯头戴曳地头纱,冠冕是母亲安妮公主借给她的。

    Phillips chose a cathedral-length bouffant veil held in place by a Greek Key tiara lent by her mother , Princess Anne .

  14. 安妮公主、戴安娜王妃与女王的合影。

    Princess Anne , Princess Diana and the Queen Mother attend the premiere of A Passage to India in voluminous ball gowns in1985 .

  15. 这也意味着,我们将有机会看到安妮公主努力模仿极具特色的伦敦口音。

    Which means that , yes , we would get to see her try and wrap her tongue around the hugely distinctive Cockney accent .

  16. 圣玛丽医院是之前戴安娜王妃产下威廉和哈里王子的医院,安妮公主的孩子也是在这里出生。

    St Mary 's Hospital is where Princess Diana gave birth to Princes William and Harry and where Princess Anne gave birth to her children .

  17. 安妮公主对中英关系现状也表示同感,并对2008年北京奥运会的成功举办充满信心。

    Princess Anne agreed with this view on the state of UK-China relations and expressed confidence in the success of the Beijing Olympic Games in2008 .

  18. 他们曾声称,白金汉宫的某部分外墙年久失修,以至于一大块墙面掉落下来,险些砸到安妮公主。

    Theyonce claimed that part of the facade of Buckingham Palace was in suchbad repair that a chunk fell off , narrowly missing Princess Anne .

  19. 这是女王在1960年3月和安妮公主的合照,没有皇室礼节束缚,两人格外亲近。

    The Queen with her daughter Princess Anne in March 1960 - away from the formalities of royal life , the two women are exceptionally close .

  20. 从《罗马假日》中的安妮公主,到《窈窕淑女》里的伊莉莎·杜利特尔,奥黛丽·赫本几乎成了内心平和与坚毅的化身。

    From Princess Anne in " Roman Holiday " to Eliza Doolittle in " My Fair Lady ," Audrey Hepburn seemed the epitome of inner calm and self-reliance .

  21. 自打一开始就有传戴安娜与女王的女儿安妮公主不和,这也一直持续到1996年她与王子离婚之后。

    From the beginning , Diana reportedly had a frosty relationship with the Queen Mother 's daughter Queen Elizabeth II , which continued after her divorce from Charles in1996 .

  22. 1973年5月,伊丽莎白女王唯一一个女儿安妮公主和时任龙骑兵中尉的第一任丈夫马克·菲利普斯结婚时发布的订婚照片。

    Queen Elizabeth 's only daughter , Princess Anne , became betrothed to first husband Mark Phillips , a lieutenant in the Queen 's Dragoon Guards , in May1973 .

  23. 据说他的妻子曾对安妮公主说:“叫我查理就行。”公主冷淡地说:“我想就不必了。”

    His wife is also said to have told Princess anne : " do call me cherie . " her frosty reply : " I think not , actually . "

  24. 他们通常用他们的皇室头衔或者自己的名字来指代自己,比如说伊丽莎白女王,查尔斯王子,安妮公主或者是威廉王子跟亨利王子。

    They generally refer to themselves by their royal title and their first name-Queen Elizabeth , Prince Charles , Princess Anne , or Prince William and Prince Henry , for example .

  25. 彼得是伊丽莎白的长女安妮公主和她第一任丈夫马克·菲利普斯的独子,他是女王的孙子女中结婚最早的。

    Queen Elizabeth , 84 , became a great-grandmother for the first time when the wife of her grandson Peter Phillips gave birth to a baby girl , Buckingham Palace said on Thursday .

  26. 怀特不得不从曼彻斯特飞到阿联酋,然后在30小时内再飞回来——他每晚只能在飞机上睡觉,只有这样才能既不耽误参加贸易展,又能以饱满的精神迎接安妮公主。

    Wright had to fly from Manchester to the United Arab Emirates and back again within 30 hours - sleeping on planes each night to ensure he greeted Princess Anne , but also could manage the trade exhibition .

  27. 伊丽莎白女王掌权60年来,大部分的房间都未经装修。而宫殿大部分地方都失修已久,前几年安妮公主还差点被掉下来的砖瓦砸伤。

    Most of the state rooms have not been decorated since the Queen came to the throne 60 years ago , while large parts of the building are in such a state of disrepair that Princess Anne was almost hit by falling masonry a few years ago .