
  • 网络safety science;Secure Science;Security Science
  1. 人的可靠性分析(HRA)是人机工程、安全科学极为关注的问题。

    Human Reliability Analysis ( HRA ) is a key issue in ergonomics and safety science .

  2. 安全科学的R-M基本理论模型研究

    Research on Model of " R-M " Theory in Safety Science

  3. 分析了中国LNG的需求前景及发展现状,根据国内外的经验教训,利用安全科学理论,从组建船队、培养船员、建设码头、控制作业条件等四方面进行论述,提出安全管理的措施。

    Analyze the demand and development of LNG in China . Put forth suggestions for the safety management , on establishing LNG tank fleet , training crew , building ports and controlling operations based on the experience and safety management theory .

  4. “东日本地震是一个范围超广的复合灾害,”日本关西大学安全科学系主任YoshiakiKawata在会议上说。

    " The East Japan earthquake was a super-extensive compound disaster ," Yoshiaki Kawata , dean of the faculty of safety science at Kansai University , Japan , told the conference .

  5. 火灾安全科学&一个新兴交叉的工程科学领域

    Fire Safety Science & A Promising and Interdisciplinary Engineering Scientific Field

  6. 运用安全科学服务石化等高危行业成为一项重要课题。

    Applying safety science to petrochemical enterprise becomes an important theme .

  7. 安全科学体系建构中若干问题的探讨

    Probe into Some Problems in the Establishment of Safety Discipline System

  8. 关于中国安全科学技术一级学科建设的研究

    Research on the Prima Subject of Chinese Safety Science and Technology

  9. 红外热像技术应用于安全科学的研究进展

    Research progress of applications for infrared thermography technology in security field

  10. 2004安全科学与技术国际会议综述

    Overview of 2004 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology

  11. 浅谈我国矿山安全科学的发展前景和研究任务

    On the prospect and research tasks of Mine Safety Science in China

  12. 安全科学技术研究中心网页

    National Center for Safety Science and Technology , SAWS

  13. 安全科学技术也是第一生产力(第一部份)

    Safety science and technology be also the first production force ( part ⅰ)

  14. 基于安全科学理论的城市设计策略研究

    Urban Design Strategy Study Based on Safety Science Theory

  15. 药品、人力足量投入:防治方法安全科学。

    Drugs , human input : prevention method is safe and adequate science .

  16. 2000&2004年《中国安全科学学报》引文分析与研究

    Citation Analysis and Study on China Safety Science Journal from 2000 to 2004

  17. 增强科学意识提高安全科学技术水平

    Strengthen the Science Consciousness to Raise the Level of Safety Science and Technology

  18. 从安全科学看煤矿事故频发原因及防治

    Study on the causes of frequent accidents and countermeasures in coalmine using safety science

  19. 安全科学基本理论规律研究

    Study on General Theoretical Law of Safety Science

  20. 海事预控的安全科学新理论探讨

    Probe into the New Theory of Safety Science on Preventive Control of Marine Accident

  21. 安全科学若干基础问题研究

    Study on Some Basic Problems of Safety Science

  22. 试论安全科学研究的特殊矛盾

    Discussion on the Particular Contradiction of Safety Science

  23. 为此,笔者在分析了安全科学技术对安全生产的保障作用基础上,就如何增强科学意识,坚持科学态度,树立科学发展观,推动安全科学技术发展进行了分析和讨论。

    The promotion effect of safety science and technology on production safety is analyzed .

  24. 安全科学:一个新兴的交叉学科门类

    Safety science : a rising interdisciplinarity subcategory

  25. 试论安全科学中的个体防护工程

    On personal protective engineering within safety science

  26. 《中国安全科学学报》发表论文的统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Published Papers in

  27. 浅谈企业现代安全科学管理

    On modern scientific safety control in enterprises

  28. 安全科学学科的确立与安全系统学派的形成

    The Establishment of Safety Science Subject and the Formation of the School of Safety System

  29. 物元理论在安全科学中的应用初探

    Application of Matter-element Theory in Safety Science

  30. 试论我国矿山安全科学

    Scientific analysis of safety in mining operations