
  • 网络Amgen
  1. 安进昨天表示,将正式请求政府医疗保险和公共医疗补助服务中心(CMS)彻底修改相关政策。

    Amgen said yesterday that it would formally ask the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , or C.M.S. , to overturn that policy .

  2. 他在安进公司担任了六年CFO,然而最终在一片争议中告终,因为他未能及时向公众披露令人失望的药物研究结果。

    His tenure as CFO of Amgen lasted six years but ended with controversy over late public disclosure of disappointing drug-study results .

  3. 目的为了研证美国安进公司研制生产的重组复合干扰素,比较15μg和9μg干复津与11.1μg(3MU)罗扰素治疗慢性丙型肝炎的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of consensus interferon ( CIFN ) in treatment of chronic hepatitis C.

  4. 周三,这个委员会将开始评估美国安进公司(Amgen)的药物evolocumab。

    On Wednesday , the committee will turn to Amgen 's drug , evolocumab .

  5. 后来,理查德•纳努拉又担任过医药巨头安进公司(Amgen)的CFO,而且还是波音公司(Boeing)的董事会成员。

    Richard Nanula later became CFO of drug giant Amgen ( AMGN ) and served on the board of Boeing ( BA ) .

  6. 主要依赖生物药的安进(amgen)等公司,将面临前所未有的价格压力。

    Companies such as Amgen , largely built on biological drugs , will face unprecedented price pressures .

  7. 今年1月,馨祥博士宣布启动癌症登月计划2020(CancerMoonshot2020),新基(Celgene)和安进(Amgen)等公司将参与某些临床试验。

    In January , Dr. Soon-Shiong announced a Cancer Moonshot 2020 program , in which companies like Celgene and Amgen would cooperate on certain clinical trials .

  8. 这两种新药分别是安进公司(Amgen)研发的evolocumab,以及赛诺菲和瑞泽恩(SanofiandRegeneron)制药公司的alirocumab,它们的作用机理都是抑制PCSK9——体内的一种协助调节胆固醇的蛋白质。

    The drugs , evolocumab from Amgen and alirocumab from Sanofi and Regeneron , inhibit a protein in the body called PCSK9 that helps regulate cholesterol .

  9. 高盛公司的分析师May-KinHo估计,如果FDA的仅删除某些癌症方面的适应症,2008年安进贫血药的销售额可能会减少1.5亿美元至2.5亿美元。

    If FDA removes only some cancer indications , Amgen 's anemia drug sales could lose between $ 150 million to $ 250 million for2008 , according to estimates by Goldman Sachs'analyst May-Kin Ho .

  10. 虽然这家公司的重点在于美容,但它的总部却与安进(Amgen)和Biogen生物科技巨头一样,坐落在马萨诸塞州的剑桥市。

    Despite its focus on aesthetics , Living Proof 's headquarters is tucked amid biotech giants like Amgen ( AMGN ) and Biogen ( BIIB ) in Cambridge , Mass .

  11. 杜莹与其他像她一样的创业者的目标是,复制像基因泰克(Genentech)和安进(Amgen)等美国公司那样的成功,这两家公司在上世纪80年代横空出世,迅速在全球制药行业崭露头角。

    Ms Du and others like her are aiming to replicate the success of US companies such as Genentech and Amgen , which suddenly appeared in the 1980s to become forces in global pharma .

  12. 一次联邦审判认定Mircera,一个罗氏生产的用于同安进的Epogen和Aranesp竞争的药物,触犯了安进的专利权。

    A federal judge has ruled that Mircera , a Roche anemia drug that would compete with Amgen 's Epogen and Aranesp , violates an Amgen patent .

  13. 安进认为药物上新的标签将有助于实现申请目标。

    Amgen said the new labels on the drugs support its cause .

  14. 安进公司认为这个数字是800万。

    Amgen puts the number at eight million .

  15. 该法庭同时通过了一个安进乐于接受的对于罗氏特定反诉的简要判决。

    The court also granted a summary judgment in favor of Amgen on certain Roche defenses .

  16. 安进公司没有花这笔钱,该公司表示,预计将在8月27日之前得到答案。

    Amgen , which did not pay , expects an answer by Aug. 27 , the company says .

  17. 在这个对安进来说非常困难的一年里,终于还是有些事情按照安进所期望的样子发展了。

    It 's been a tough year for Amgen , but something finally went the company 's way .

  18. 但安进一向都极力保护它的明星药物,即使兴讼的话也不令人意外。

    But Amgen has always been fiercely protective of its blockbuster , and a court battle would surprise no one .

  19. 安进表示将提供一些新的证据,包括如今需要输血的癌症患者正在增多等信息。

    Amgen said it would present some new evidence , including information showing that more cancer patients are now needing blood transfusions .

  20. 辉瑞一直在致力于成为生物科技和肿瘤学领域的重要一员,安进将会助其实现既定目标。

    Pfizer has been working to become the bio-technology and oncology an important one , Amgen will enable them to achieve the set target .

  21. 方法:以头孢替安国产品为试验药,头孢替安进口品为对照药治疗下呼吸道、尿路和腹腔感染,对其疗效和安全性进行非盲法随机对照试验。

    Methods : Patients with lower respiratory tract infections , urinary tract infections , intraabdominal infections were treated with domestic or imported cefotiam in a randomized controlled study .

  22. 上面的图片只是安进公司制作的探索各种血管新生和如何控制这一进程的15个逼真视频中的部分截图。

    The video above is just the first of15 produced by Amgen that explore various aspects of angiogenesis and potential ways to control it in beautiful , lifelike videos .

  23. 虽然这个声明仍然需要进一步澄清,该符合安进需要的简要判决仍然是至关重要的,因为它增加了罗氏的风险。

    Even with the outstanding allegations yet to be quibbled over , the summary judgment in Amgen 's favor is significant , because it increases the stakes for Roche .

  24. 美国安进公司拿出7.8亿美元解决其面临的指控。指控称安进使用不当手段营销贫血药品阿法达贝泊汀及其他药物。

    Amgen put aside $ 780m to settle allegations that it boosted sales of Aranesp , a drug to treat anaemia , and other medicines through improper sales techniques .

  25. 在一个声明中,罗氏表示反对法官的意见,但是“裁决并未证明任何安进专利的最终有效性。”

    In a statement , Roche said it disagreed with the judge 's decision , but " the ruling does not determine the ultimate validity of any Amgen patents . "

  26. 安进公司的evolocumab研究纳入了4465名风险程度不一的患者,从中随机选择了三分之二在已服用药物的基础上使用新药。

    The study of Amgen 's evolocumab involved 4465 patients with various degrees of risk , two-thirds of whom were randomly chosen to get the drug in addition to the medication they were already taking .

  27. 如果裁员继续,惠氏将有很多同伴。安进公司、强生公司、施贵宝、阿斯利康和诺华公司都已宣布在最近几个月内将进行裁员。

    If it does go ahead with layoffs , Wyeth will have plenty of company . Amgen , J & J , Bristol-Myers , AstraZeneca and Novartis have all announced job cuts in recent months .

  28. 2011年最后一季度,雅培表示,他们已为公司的营销行为准备了15亿美元的罚款。安进表示为同样的目的他们也保留了7.8亿美元,葛兰素史克宣布他们们与司法部之间达成了一个金额高达30亿美元的协议。

    In the last quarter of 2011 Abbott said it had reserved $ 1.5 billion to pay penalties for its marketing practices , Amgen said it had reserved $ 780m for a similar purpose , and GlaxoSmithKline announced a staggering $ 3 billion agreement with the department .